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About aiwebs

  • Birthday 05/21/1986

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    New Zealand

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  1. Looked where? If you ment in phpfreaks.com then yes Iv had a poke around but I havnt found much.
  2. Okay so I found a good tutorail on how to replace tages {LIKE_THIS} to do what it needs to do, but what I need help with is how to add in the tags in the .tpl file that read where to start using as a templete for a loop. This feature can be found in phpBB. <!-- BEGIN forum --> <tr> <td>{F_ID} Exaple</td> </tr> <!-- END forum --> If you need me to explain a little more please do ask but this is for a project I have to do for Tech so if anyone can help me please take the time and your reply will be very appretiated!  ;D
  3. Thanks guys I'll give your sugestions a go!!
  4. Okay I'll try to explain this, What I want to do is to have a script/function that will get the name of the input button that is push. Here is what i want to do... if there is an easier way then PLEASE let me know... if (!isset($_POST[[!--coloro:#FF0000--][span style=\"color:#FF0000\"][!--/coloro--]button_name[!--colorc--][/span][!--/colorc--]])){ $mode = "empty"; } switch($_POST[[!--coloro:#FF0000--][span style=\"color:#FF0000\"][!--/coloro--]button_name[!--colorc--][/span][!--/colorc--]]) { case 'index': echo "Sorry, you didnt select a item to process"; break; case 'register': // This would process the signup part... break; } Now a little more, The parts in red I would like it to get automaticly, so what it will do is just jump straight to where it is ment to start processing information. Saving me from typing; if($_POST['blah']) { blah } elseif ($_POST['blahblah']) { blah blah } Please ask me to explain better if you cannot understand it, I am pretty tired hacking away at this for a while and havnt got very far.
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