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Everything posted by solanki_mahendra131

  1. Hello, When you make ajax call, response from server has been sent as soon as you echo or print statement executes. So following code in PickingFormTest.php, is sending output to your browser and return. while($row_bin = mysql_fetch_assoc($res_bin)){ $bin_loc = $row_bin['bin_loc']; echo "<input type='text' value='$bin_loc' id='bin_loc'>"; So you can do something like concate your output like $output = "<input value='1'>#<input value='2'>"; echo $output; and in your javascript code just split this response with '#' and iterate the array to display your input box. Thanks
  2. Hello, It is possible what you want to do, Just check code i have modified for you as follows: $html .= '<input name="s" id="s" onfocus="if (this.value == \'Search...\') {this.value = \'\';}" onblur="if (this.value == \'\') {this.value = \'Search...\';}" value="Email..." type="text" size="18" value="esc_html(<?php echo $var['default']; ?>)" name="esc_attr(<?php echo $opt; ?>)" id="esc_attr(<?php echo $opt; ?>)" class="mc_input"/>'; I have escape single quote in your string assignment as you have put whole string in '' code. Hope you can understand what i mean
  3. Hello Kev, can give me description or screenshot of the error you get. so i can better understand. And one more thing, about path, you can do this in two way. 1.. You can set Smarty class path by modifying php.ini file as done on webpage you have given. include_path = ".;c:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.0\pear;c:\wamp\bin\php\php5.3.0\Smarty\libs" by doing this you just need to insert line of code like "require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'Smarty.class.php');" Here SMARTY_DIR is constant, which automatically set by Smarty. 2.. second way is what i have done in my previous reply In all cases you have to make path to smarty class file that's it..
  4. You can directly display category from $this->selected_categories array OR just comment count checking line in your code as i have done in your code as follows $selected_categories = array (); foreach($this->selected_categories as $category) { //if ($category->totalItemCount()) { $selected_categories[] = $category; //} }
  5. Hello, If you have start and end date, in your database fields then just change your query as following $sqlcount = "select b_date from booked_appointment where ('".$dateToCompare."' BETWEEN b_date_start AND b_date_end)";
  6. Hello sir, Check following statement in your code, You will get solution your self. // Check for a pasha center: $ph = ($_FILES['upload']['name']); . . . // Make the query: $ph = (isset($_FILES['upload'])); Here you have overwrite $ph variable, So it will insert 0 or 1 to your database table. Hope, You will understand what i mean
  7. - Download and extract Smarty Folder to your project folder - Create templates, templates_c folder - So you have directories as follows project Folder - Smarty - templates - index.tpl [Create this file and write something in it for testing] - templates_c <?php // put full path to Smarty.class.php require('Smarty/Smarty.class.php'); // Create Object $smarty = new Smarty(); $smarty->setTemplateDir('templates'); $smarty->setCompileDir('templates_c'); $smarty->display('index.tpl'); ?>
  8. Hello, You can try following code. replace $obj variable with your one. $obj = $test; foreach($obj->results as $key => $val) { echo "Latitude: ".$key->geometry->location->lat; echo "Longitude: ".$key->geometry->location->lng; }
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