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Posts posted by DonaldFaulknor

  1. it's cool, I mean, if the different css' are working (for whatever reason), I can just keep them this way.  It's just irritating not to know why they require to be different.  Like I said, I think it's an inheritance problem.  One page is inheriting different properties than another page.

  2. Thanks for verifying my confusion.


    Yes, I DO have a padding and margin reset and NO, they are being viewed in the same browser.


    It's not a padding/margin variation between browsers or whatever, the difference from one code to the other is EXACTLY what the padding is set at.  Therefore, I have concluded that for one code, padding adds to the overall width and for the other code, it doesn't.  I have to wonder if it's do to an inheritance, sometimes inheritant properties can be hard to find.

  3. oh, I should mention, the codes (that are currently different - look at the width and the height) are doing the same thing (like I want).  But why do they have to be different to do the same thing?

  4. /* Profile */
    .updateStatus {
      background: url("http://inyoursocialnetwork.netne.net/members/Whiteboard.jpg") no-repeat center top #008d35;
      border: 0 none;
      font-family:Kaushan Script;
      width: 230px;
      height: 157px;
    /* Homepage */
    .updateStatus1 {
      background: url("http://inyoursocialnetwork.netne.net/members/Whiteboard.jpg") no-repeat center top #008d35;
      border: 0 none;
      font-family:Kaushan Script;
      width: 246px;
      height: 169px;
    <!-- Profile -->
    <div style=\"float:right; padding:24px; margin-top:96px\">
        <form action=\"update-status.php?id=$_SESSION[user_id]\" method=\"POST\">
            <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"users_id\" value=\"$_SESSION[user_id]\" />
            <textarea class=\"updateStatus\" name=\"statuses\"></textarea><br />
            <center><span title=\"Update Your Status\"><input class=\"dryErasePen\" type=\"submit\" value=\"\" /></span></center>
    <div style=\"float:right; padding:24px; margin-top:96px\">
        <form action=\"update-status.php?id=$_SESSION[user_id]\" method=\"POST\">
            <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"users_id\" value=\"$_SESSION[user_id]\" />
            <textarea class=\"updateStatus1\" name=\"statuses\"></textarea><br />
            <center><span title=\"Update Your Status\"><input class=\"dryErasePen\" type=\"submit\" value=\"\" /></span></center>


    I had both html codes set to the same css, and it worked fine for a week.  And without changing anything, all of a sudden, the Box model applied to one page but not the other page.  The first css, padding adds to the overall width, the second css, it doesn't.  Why did it change by itself.  I never even touched the code.

  5. I know they're not /that/ difficult, I just need to learn them.  I was simply saying, someone, probably has the ability to make them /even/ easier.  The main thing I'm not fully understanding about relationships is the ON clause.

  6. Well, when people in these forums "explain" things to me, they tend to complicate them MUCH more then they need to be.  When given an answer, I can usually find out why it works that way.  I learn better by knowing the answer and disecting it (teaching myself).  But I appreciate everyone that tries to help me out.  I'm just a lil frustrated since I've filled out 600 job apps in 6 months and no call, so, my only hope is self employment, since its not landscape season, I'm trying to get an internet thing going.  I've been developing in html/css for 3 years, programming php for 1.5 years, and database relationships for a little over a week.  So, I'm definitely lacking skills working with relationships.  If only they had a way to work with relationships like Microsoft Access, then it would be easy lol

  7. is it users table or friends table?  The friends are listed in a friends table, wasn't aware I should use the users table at all.

    select s.statuses,
    from Statuses s
    join Users u on (s.users_id = u.id)
    join Friends f on (u.id = f.friend.id)
    where f.users_id = 123
    order by s.whens;


    There's some things I don't understand about this.  s and u, is that suppose to be the name of the table?  Statuses.statuses and Users.id

    also... FROM?  Statuses s - is the lowercase s the name of the column statuses inside the table Statuses?

    Are the (parenthesis) part of the statement or just a note?

  8. ok, I'm close...


    $query4 = "SELECT Statuses.users_id, Statuses.statuses, Statuses.whens, Friends.friend_name FROM Friends JOIN Statuses on Statuses.users_id = Friends.friend_id WHERE Friends.users_id=$friend && Statuses.users_id=$uid OR Friends.users_id=$uid AND Statuses.users_id=$friend ORDER BY whens DESC";


    This displays my statuses on my homepage once - an improvement from the duplicate entries.  Now, if I replace the variables $friends I have above there, with a user id I know exists and has statuses (such as my mother's account), then all her statuses will show on my homepage as well.  What kind of replacement would I make to get all my friends into that variable or where those variables exist?

  9. OHHHH... it's pulling up every situation where I'm a friend of someone.  I deleted the connection between me and my mother, only leaving the one connection of me and my friend, and it deleted the duplicate entries.  That's the problem, I think to fix that, I need to include my session id in place of users_id, it doesn't make sense not to have my specific session id (me logged in) into the query.

  10. ok, so it wasn't working the way I thought it was...


    $query4 = "SELECT Statuses.users_id, Statuses.statuses, Statuses.whens, Friends.friend_name FROM Friends JOIN Statuses on Statuses.users_id = Friends.friend_id WHERE friend_id=Friends.friend_id ORDER BY whens DESC";
    $result4 = mysql_query($query4);
    while($row4 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result4)) {
    echo '<p style="padding:12px 12px 12px 6px; font-family:bookman old style; margin-left:198px"><strong><span style="color:#cc0000;">Posted By  </span>';
    echo $row4['friend_name'];
    echo '</strong><br />';
    echo $row4['statuses'];
    echo '<br />';
    echo $row4['whens'];
    echo '</p>';


    I don't believe I have any problems within my while loop.  The problem exists in the query.


    on the page this appears on (homepage when logged in) it is 'meant' to show status messages of all your friends and your own status messages.


    The friends statuses is working just right... but, your own status messages is repeated twice.  Before the question comes up... no I am not on my own friends list, I double checked that and also made that not possible.


    Thanks for the help.

  11. I'm pretty sure I can probably handle the php myself, I just need to know how is the best way to set up a database for a message other users option.


    I was thinking


    Messages Table...

    ID - Auto Inc, Primary






    And should there be any relationships?


    I currently have...


    users table - Register/Login system working

    Friends table - Friend feature working

    comments table - to comment on statuses - feature not set up yet

    statuses table - Statuses working, to include friend's statuses posting on your homepage

    Images table - Images upload and posting to your image page working

    Likes table - to like statuses - feature not set up yet


    The main thing I need to know is how is the best way to set up the messages table and any relationships needed.


    If someone wanted to write the create table query for me, I won't complain, honestly, I won't.  Create table queries are easy for me, but I'm still kind of new to writing queries for relationships, I tend to have to debug errors 5 or 6 tries before I get it right - usually, stupid common syntax errors.  And if a constraint is needed, please let me know how to work with that, everytime I try to add constraints, I just get errors I often can't figure out.  Like I said, I know about writing queries, but relationships is new to me, have about 5 days experience with relationships.


    Thanks for the help

  12. well, whatever I call it, I want a dot com to be available.  Unfortunately whiteboard.com is taken, so is many other similar options.  The only similar halfway descent ones available are whiteboardme (meaning, write on my whiteboard) and whiteboardsocial.  Other than that, I have nothing.  And when I say nothing, I mean, I've tried probably 30 to 50 possibilities, all of which dot coms are taken.


    Did I seriously not check the telephone format?  That's funny, I'll fix that.  And I'll be changing telephone to an optional field.  And as for requiring a particular number of characters for username, I really don't know any website that doesn't have a similar restriction.  I registered on a website not too long ago that BOTH my password AND username required at least 2 alpha, at least 2 numeric, AND at least 1 special character.  My username was set to DonaldF1982@ - believe it or not, Donald1982@ was already taken.


    But I am definitely open to your suggestions.  What do you think the minimum username should be set to?  For aesthetic reasons, I want to avoid usernames such as "A" or "CDA1" - too short, probably doesn't mean anything, probably used by spammers, possibly used by stalkers.  Although, limiting the username doesn't stop those people, at least it could help to filter them out.  I'm hoping to work on a smart system that automatically detects weird, short, or unusual usernames and send those people emails to verify their account via text message/phone call - a feature I hope to be available in the future.


    Another thing, I need to figure out how to limit each person to one personal account and one business account - yes, a limitation, against my slogan.  But this isn't a limitation posed on using the site under your account, it's just, in terms, a limitation of registering.  No need really to have more than one personal and one business account.  Whereas Facebook, I have quite a few, back when I use to play games, the more accounts, the better gameplay, but I don't have the games options that would benefit from multiple accounts.  I'm thinking of checking for matches in first name, last name, birth year, and ip address.  Unless you're a twin with the same name living in the same house, you would have to lie in order to create another account.  One thing that's impossible to check for is honesty.

  13. Well, how should I introduce the site?  Here's the thing...


    why should you join my site versus Facebook, MySpace, etc.


    Facebook for starters, poses too many limits.  For example, if you request 7 friends in the same day they block friend requests for two days, a 2nd offense is 7 day block, and a 3rd offense is a permanent deletion of your account.  Same rules also apply if you have too many friend requests TOTAL that have gone unanswered.  I've allowed users to add an "Anyone can add" or "Limited" options available.  As long as you're adding people with "anyone can add" option, you can request as many as you want.  The limited option, is currently set to take away the friend request option, plan on changing that so the person requesting has to know the last name or email of the person. - like MySpace use to do.


    Another thing I don't like, is all the games and the fact that there are SO MANY posts to friends pages.  This dilutes real status messages.


    What I hate about MySpace is that it's entirely way too cluttered and because of this, causes slow page loads.


    I "kind of" branded these with the slogan, "Reducing Limitations, Increasing Fun".


    And the uniqueness I've implemented with how you write on your "Whiteboard" using the marker and deleting messages with the eraser.  I think adds fun to the simple task of posting updates.


    P.S. Still need a name.


    Thanks Very Much.

  14. In desperate need of some help naming my site.


    It's a social networking site.  I would appreciate it (but not necessary) if you registered, verified your email, then log in, and browse around for the best suggestion.  If you don't feel like doing that...


    Like I said, it's Social Networking... themed around Whiteboards... the status update option is a whiteboard background, with handwriting type of green font, the update status submit button is a green dry erase pen, the delete status button is a dry eraser, etc.  But... everything I could think of is already registered.  I would much prefer a dot com over anything else.  I would appreciate (but not necessary) if you can check the availability of the suggestion using godaddy or some other registrar service.


    here's my site... http://inyoursocialnetwork.netne.net


    If you do happen to register and login, please feel free to critique the website and tell me what you think.  DO REMEMBER: it's still under construction, some expected features (messaging other users,etc.) aren't available, but plan to be soon - very soon.


    I thank anyone for the help, it's much appreciated.  I'll repost what suggestion won.

  15. Well, what I have set now currently works.  It returns all statuses of that particular friend UNTIL it reaches the last status, I also added the ORDER BY whens Desc as well so they're ordered by date (most recent up top), now, I'm not exactly going to want 4,000 messages on one page, so... I plan on having the LIMIT option.  What do you think is a good number? limit to 30 results?

  16. Thanks very much guys.  I actually got the JOIN to work.  I tend to understand things very fast, I took the SELECT statement shared from above and had to modify it...


    "SELECT Statuses.users_id, Statuses.statuses, Statuses.whens FROM Friends JOIN Statuses on Statuses.users_id = Friends.friend_id WHERE friend_id=Friends.friend_id";


    it worked.


    the WHERE clause wasn't meant to be the session id (person logged in), it was meant to be the friend, which is represented by friend_id in the Friends table.  Also, there was suppose to be commas between the tables, an easy to notice syntax error.  I got it working and tested.  I posted to my profile and my mother's homepage received the update.  I'm on my way to a halfway descent social networking site.  :)  Wish me luck.  I'll probably be back soon for something or other.


    I'll come and participate in answering questions when the main part of my site is up and running (a few more days).  And when I get my first $500 million I'll come and share some with ya'll.  lol

  17. yes, I have several more tables, including a user's table.  But how would I add friends to the user's table?  If I add a column "friends" I'm only going to have 1 field for each user, meaning only one friend.  Unless I misunderstood.  And the users_id is auto incremented on registration, that's the number I use for any relationships, that number can't be changed, so will always remain the same.  How would I change to InnoDB?  I just need the basic query, no long explanation, I'll understand the concept of the query just by looking at it and know how to do it in the future.


    Help is greatly appreciated, Thank You.

  18. ahh, that's right.  I heard something about needing the JOIN, I'll try to work with that.  Thanks very much!


    Just to verify, how should my tables be setup for that to work?  This is from how I think I remember setting them up...


    CREATE TABLE `Friends` (

      `friend_id` int(11) NOT NULL,

      `users_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',

      `friend_name` varchar(80) COLLATE latin1_general_ci DEFAULT NULL,

      PRIMARY KEY (`friend_id`,`users_id`),

      KEY `users_id` (`users_id`)

    ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;



    CREATE TABLE `Statuses` (

      `users_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',

      `statuses` text COLLATE latin1_general_ci,

      `whens` datetime DEFAULT NULL

    ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci;


    It doesn't look like I set up a relationship with these two tables, if I remember correctly, I was having problems with syntaxing and stuff.  I'm relatively new to setting up tables through sql query containing constraints and relationships.

  19. No I haven't, I've thought about it in my head, thinking, how's this going to work.


    $query = "SELECT * FROM Friends WHERE users_id='$_SESSION[user_id]";

    $result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); <-- not quite sure if assoc is appropriate.


    Then what?  use $result from this query in the WHERE clause of the Statuses table?


    Not even sure if I'm on the right track.


    Thanks for any help

  20. Ok, something I haven't done yet, I've programmed the majority of my site so far and have yet needed to utilize my relationships.  Hopefully I set the tables up correct with foreign keys, primary keys, constraints, and references.


    This is what I need to do, should be relatively easy for most people here.


    I have one table...


    Friends with columns...

    friend_id - id of the friend

    users_id - id of the user who added the friend


    I have another table Statuses with columns...

    users_id - id of the user who posted the status

    statuses - the status posted

    whens - the time the status posted


    ------ I have statuses properly posting to a person's profile.php page but, I want the homepage of the site (same concept as Facebook) to post the status of your friends.  I mean, what's the purpose of a status if your friends can't see them. ------


    So, I need to somehow extract all of a users friends from the friends table, and use those friends to insert the statuses of friends on someone's homepage.


    Much help is greatly appreciated.


    If you wish to see how my tables are set up and if they are correct, that would be appreciated, just ask, and I'll go get my sql query of those tables for you to look at.




    By the way, my site is at...


    http://inyoursocialnetwork.netne.net - the domain name and the site name are just temporary fill ins.  If you have any ideas or suggestions for a good name, please, please, please let me know.  It's driving me nuts I can't come up with a good name.  I would prefer a short one.  Shorter is easier to type and generally easier to remember.

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