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  1. Hello, everyone. I recently made a HTML page and I'd like you guys just to point out if I'm using the wrong tecnique for what I want to obtain since I'm a beginner and hence inexperienced. I think there's no need to share a code because I don't need anything specific so I'll explain it in words. My page is visually split in two parts, left and right. Left side contains thumbnails of 4 images, and once clicked on a thumbnail, in the right part of the page appears a detailed real-size image and a bit of text different for each thumbnail. I made this in my own way so I'm not sure if this is a good way to go or, for example, if it generates too much unnecessary code. So, here's how I did it: The left side is a simple relative div which contains 4 thumbnails. On the right side, though, there are 4 absolute divs placed one over another in which I put some text and real-size images. To each thumbnail I ascribed a behaviour show-hide element, so basically, when you click the first thumbnail, one absolute div (containing elements relative to the first thumbnail) appears while the other 3 get hidden. I repeated this action for every thumbnail. So, is this okay or there's another more desired way to do it?
  2. Finally, I did it! For a noob like me, this is a huge success, haha, so don't laugh me off. Anyways, what I did: I made a mysql database of 15 comments and when I added a recordset, I just specified SELECT * FROM 'table' ORDER BY RAND(). And that did it. So everytime I refresh my page, the comment changes. Don't know if that's the wise way to go, but hey, it works. Thanks once again for your time and advice!
  3. I've spent the entire day browsing around and learning and I manage to find some useful stuff which I can manipulate myself. So, thanks again. Anyways, can I take advantage and ask you one more thing? I uploaded a pic of a certain website in the attachment. Basically, everytime you click on a hyperlink, the quote which is circled in red randomly changes, that is, you see a different phrase. So, is that done with PHP? Can you give me any hints? Thanks once again and sorry for being a nuisance.
  4. Thank you very much, both of you. I want to do it myself. I have money but I don't want to have someone else do it. I want to try myself. My exam is in 16 days and I don't have to do it now, so if I really see that I can't, I'll simply skip it, because I don't want to make a fool out of myself and pretend that I can do something in which I never put some real effort. However, I am interested in this and will surely dedicate myself to learning it more profoundly in the near future. As for the current site, I already made a layout, added images and all that static stuff, now I just want to add some PHP codes to render everything more dynamic. Thank you very much for the advices. I'll make sure to study well the link you sent me.
  5. Hello, everyone. I hope what I'm asking for isn't that stupid so I'll give it a shot. In short, I'm an art student who will soon have a minor exam which includes making a simple dynamic website about myself using Dreamweaver - in other words, it's not my field of interest and I'm quite new to this. So, I learned how to use basic HTML and CSS and I've already followed a few tutorials on PHP and databases on Adobe's site but everything is still quite vague and perplexing to me. So what I'm asking for is: would you guys recommend me some simple PHP scripts to include on my website, for which I can find instructions on other websites. Just for the site to be a a bit dynamic. I'm already following a tutorial on how to make a registration/login form, and it's a bit confusing for a newbie like me, but I still try. So, basically, anything that isn't too complex to make. Sorry if that sounded stupid but I don't have anyone else to turn to. I'm constantly reading PHP/database tutorials these days and I am advancing , though really slowly, so I'd really appreciate if someone could give me some advice.
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