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  1. Thanks a lot bro! I'll try and do it now, thanks again.
  2. I'm getting a few more errors now, and sorry for the slow reply there That's the erros, Line 14: Also really not sure what all those random charter's at the bottom are but i seem to see them a lot while i'm trying to get this working? Anyone know a fix for these?
  3. Hello everyone. Before I start, I'm relivily new to PHP but have been doing it for a few weeks or so, my latest problem that i've been trying to crack for a few days now is using the "imagecopy" command in php, I'm working on an avatar script that lets users design there own avatar, selecting clothes, hair, eyes, etc. I've only just started and i've ran into a rather large problem so don't seem to be able to move any further, This is the code i have However for some reason, probably a simple fault, it's just giving me a broken image link? I'm not sure why it's doing this if you want to see exactly what it's doing please look at http://chat.blastgames.org/index.php Like i say i'm clueless so any help would be much appreciated, Also if anyone knows of any downloadable php avatar scripts that lets you customize things like hair, clothes etc. please tell me, I've been searching for one for a while, Thanks for reading , Any help will be much appreciated.
  4. Thanks a lot for the help Working fine now, Thanks again. Much appreciated.
  5. Hello guys, before I start I'm a relativity new user of PHP so this really could be something extremely simple, I just can't seem to find it, Basically on my website i have php login script, when you're logged on every page you visit checks a file called auth.php, This will tell create a session called, "$SESSION" Inventive i know... That will tell the browser if the user is logged in or not, so it can decide whether or not to create a Login button, or a Log out button, Here's the code i have so far. if ( $SESSION == '' ) { echo "<a href='logout.php" ."Log out"; } else { echo "<a href='login-form.php" ."Log in"; } Now, I believe i'm on the right lines? But i'm not fully sure how to basically in English say, If that session is working or exists, Then do this, if not, do this. I mention again, I'm very new to PHP so any help would be very appreciated!
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