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Posts posted by ScorchPipe

  1. A) Form processing code should be in your logic before the code that displays the form so that the updates will be shown when the form is redisplayed.


    B) Form processing code should also test if a form as been submitted so that it only runs when there is data from the form.


    C) Since checkboxes that are not checked aren't set in the submitted form data, you will need a way of determining which id's in your database table should be cleared and which should be set. I would first retrieve all the id's from your table, just the id's, and place them into an array. Then use array_diff between the array of all the id's and the $_POST['places'] array of checked id's. This will give you an array of the id's that are not checked and the $_POST['places'] array is an array of the id's that are checked. Next you would implode, using a comma as a separator, those two arrays, so that you can use them in an IN() comparison in a WHERE clause in UPDATE queries. Run one UPDATE query using the imploded array of unchecked id's in the WHERE clause to SET the enabled field to a zero and run a second UPDATE query using the imploded array of checked id's in the WHERE clause to SET the enabled field to a one. Rows where the UPDATE value is the same as the existing value actually aren't updated.


    A) Yeah I had a problem with that. But I were planning of solving it later =)


    A/B/C) Can you give me some sample code to work with. I have no idea how to write this. I'm not a coder at all normally.

  2. Hi!


    I'm working on a projekt that I need help with. I'm completely stuck.


    The code will

    1. Get rows from a mysql-table.

    2. Print a checkbox for each row.

    3. In the table there's a column named "enabled" which is either 0 or 1. If enabled=1 the checkbox for that row will be checked and vice versa.

    4. You should be able to check AND uncheck boxes however you want, hit submit and all rows will get updated with either enabled=0 or enabled=1.


    The first 3 works, but I'm still missing number 4. No idea on how to do this.


    Can anyone explain how I can write the missing code?



    # db-information to variables
           $host = "localhost";
           $username = "root";
           $userpass = "mypassword";
           $dbname = "drift";
    # Connect to db
           $dbconnect = mysql_connect($host,$username,$userpass);
           if (!$dbconnect) {
           die("Could not connect to database. " . mysql_error());
    # Choose db
           $dbselect = mysql_select_db($dbname,$dbconnect);
           if (!$dbselect) {
           die("Could not select database. " . mysql_error());
    ########### Get the rows and print them like checkboxes
    echo "Välj platser:<br />";
    echo "<form action=\"test.php\" method=\"post\">";
    $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM drifttable");
    while($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
           if ($result[enabled] == 1) {
                   echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"places[]\" value=\"$result[id]\" checked=\"checked\">$result[descr]<br />";
           } elseif ($result[enabled] == 0) {
                   echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"places[]\" value=\"$result[id]\">$result[descr]<br />";
           } else {
                   exit ("Couldn't get 0 or 1 from 'enabled' in db");
    echo "<input type=\"submit\" />";
    echo "</form><br />";
    ########### Update the db with new values
    ########### Closes the MySQL connection

  3. Hello


    I'm making a guestbook in PHP and I'm having trouble displaying the posts. The user fills a form and sends it, it goes into the database (mysql) and I can then fetch the data. So far so good.


    I'm then going to use HTML to display the posts to the user. It's code looking like this:


    <br /> ID: ---replaceid--- <br /><br />
    Time: ---replacetime--- <br />
    From: <a href="---replacehomepage---">---replacefrom---</a> <br />
    Email: ---replacemail--- <br /> <br />
    Comment: ---replacecomment--- <br /><hr>


    I want to use str_replace in PHP to replace the values in HTML... like this:

    $numquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM guestbook", $dbconnect);
    $num = mysql_num_rows($numquery);
    while ($i < $num) {
    header('Content-type: text/html');
    $html = file_get_contents("test.html");
    $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM guestbook WHERE id='$i'", $dbconnect);
    $rows = mysql_fetch_row($query);
    echo str_replace('---replaceid---', nl2br($rows[0]), $html);
    echo str_replace('---replacetime---', nl2br($rows[1]), $html);
    echo str_replace('---replacefrom---', nl2br($rows[2]), $html);
    echo str_replace('---replacemail---', nl2br($rows[3]), $html);
    echo str_replace('---replacehomepage---', nl2br($rows[4]), $html);
    echo str_replace('---replacecomment---', nl2br($rows[5]), $html);


    But this only replaces ---replaceid---, leaves the rest and outputs it. Then, only ---replacetime--- is replaced and so on.

    I hope you understand. It means that 1 guestbook entry is displayed like 6, with only 1 string replaced at each one.


    What do you think I should do?


    Worth saying is that I'm not allowed to mix PHP-code with HTML-code

  4. If you're taking a course where the professor recommended eval, drop the course.  I'm not even kidding.  Your original piece of code accepted data into the $_SERVER value and ran it through eval().  If a malicious user ever discovers this, they can put PHP code into the $_SERVER variable and literally delete your entire website.  eval is for testing and for very very high-level coding, it cannot ever be used for functionality, even as an example.  There is always a way to do it without running user-generated strings back through as PHP function calls.


    That bad, huh....

    Well coding is not really my field expertise (more into servers and stuff). I had empty space to fill and I figured a course about serverside php could be useful sometime =)

  5. Ok I'm glad you did this when you're first learning, because:

    never ever use eval() ever.


    Now that that's out of the way:



    # Set text/plain instead of text/html
    header('Content-type: text/html');
    $html = file_get_contents("page.html");
    # Function that gets and prints all enviroment variables
    function loop(){
            $string = '';
            foreach ($_SERVER as $name=>$value )
                    $string .= "$name: $value\n";
            return $string;
    # Prints the contents of page.html and replaces ---insert--- with number of hits
    echo str_replace('---insert---', nl2br(loop()), $html);

    I've altered your loop() function to return a string, rather than echoing directly.  I've also used the nl2br function to change the newlines in loop()'s output to HTML line breaks.  Since your assignment specifies not using HTML in PHP, I didn't want to stick a "<br>" in that output.  I think removed your seriously dangerous eval() line and replaced it with a safer and saner str_replace.




    It worked! Really thanks!

    Haha funny thing about the eval-line. I'm taking this PHP course online from a university and the teacher acctually recommended using that line for another assignment which is pretty much the same as this one, but with only 1 line.


    Thats also why the comments are a bit off. They dont belong to this code

  6. Hi!


    I'm new to PHP so bear with me =)


    I have an assignment where I have to use PHP to get all enviromental variables and output them as HTML in the web browser. But I have to do this without mixing HTML and PHP in the same file.


    Getting the enviromental variables is not a problem and I can also output them as HTML. But I can't get them to be on one line per variable.


    Now I get:

    name: valuename: valuename: valuename: valuename: value

    and so on but I want it to be like:

    name: value

    name: value

    name: value



    Here is my HTML code:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


    And here is my PHP code:

    # Set text/plain instead of text/html
    header('Content-type: text/html');
    $html = file_get_contents("page.html");
    # Function that gets and prints all enviroment variables
    function loop(){
            foreach ($_SERVER as $name=>$value )
                    echo "$name: $value\n";
    # Prints the contents of page.html and replaces ---insert--- with number of hits
    eval("print \"" . addcslashes(preg_replace("/(---(.+?)---)/" . loop() . $html), '"') . "\";");



    Because of

    header('Content-type: text/html');

    \n in the foreach loop doesn't work. It works perfect if I replace it with <br /> but thats not allowed. It also works if I set text/plain instead of text/html but to output it as HTML is a requirement.


    Any idea how I can solve this? Anything is appreciated as long as it doesn't break any rules.

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