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  1. ah ok thank you.
  2. lol Ok, when I get home we can do that. Do you have any thoughts on CMS? like drupal or any other?
  3. you have fun with that. I am not having too much fun lol. The things we do for our wives.
  4. I wouldnt be against you looking at it. That will have to wait until i get home, I dont have my login info saved on my tablet. I have also been debating on switching to Drupal or some other CMS.
  5. It must have but I did respond too it. I believe you told me to modify the hometext or bodytext to medium or something like that. But I couldn't figure out how to change that. Sorry but I am out of town for a few weeks. I will update when I get back. This is hard to do from a cellphone lol.
  6. I would really like to thank you guys for all of your help. I was unable to find a nuke_articles section. I decided I would take a screenshot of the database and show it to you guys (hopefully this will save you guys the time). http://i1238.photobucket.com/albums/ff490/Gypht/Computer/Nuke1.png http://i1238.photobucket.com/albums/ff490/Gypht/Computer/Nuke2.png http://i1238.photobucket.com/albums/ff490/Gypht/Computer/Nuke3.png I really hope this helps, and btw you guys are quick at responding..i really thought I would wait days for someone to tell me to buzz off lol.
  7. Ok so I looked in the mysql. This is what I found (not too familiar with looking around in a database so I tried to walk on eggshells). I found the stories were stored: nuke_topics, nuke_stories in these 2 places. However I didn't see anyway to increase the character limit. I also looked in nuke_bbconfig and I saw this: (column) config_name (type) varchar(255) (value) session_length (column) config_value (type) varchar(255) (value) 3600 Not sure if increasing the 3600 will fix it or if this is for something totally different.
  8. react like what? On to your response. I do not know how to do what you have said I need to do. I "attempted" to get into mySQL and poke around, but I do not know what I am looking at or what I need to change. I understand you don't know 8.0 but could you maybe tell me what I would look for in another version of php (maybe they are the same). I will do my best to provide you with what information you need, please just tell me what information you need. Thank you for the swift response. -Dan
  9. First forgive me, I do not know if this is the correct forum for this question. I did not write the code but I have a feeling if its possible to correct it, then its probably coding. My question is, is there anyway to post larger News articles to the homepage. I am trying to post an article that a friend sent from another site onto mine (giving the other site proper credit). But the article is apparently too big. I do not know how many characters the article is, or what the character limit is set by Nuke 8.0. Is there anything that I can do? Thanks..oh and congrats on apparently being the only active PHP forums :-S I have tried a few others and they haven't made posts since 2011. Anyways thanks in advance for any and all help.
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