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Posts posted by razorsese

  1. How I can replace the white line whit something else




    simple sentence

    simple sentence

    simple sentence


    simple sentence

    simple sentence

    simple sentence


    to something like this



    simple sentence

    simple sentence

    simple sentence




    simple sentence

    simple sentence

    simple sentence


  2. I have the following code:



    My question is how i can return both the y and the z in magic function.( works with y alone)


    class X{
      private y;
      private z;
       public function __construct($y,$z) {
        $this->y = $y;
        $this->z = $z;
      public function magic()
        return $this->{ $this->y }(); //need to return both  Y & Z

  3. So i got the following url format




    now i have 1 link named LI if i click on it it becomes:




    and in it i have a list of links if i click on one of them it becomes:




    but now if I want to go back to that list if i click on LI it dosen't go back to http://localhost:8080/TST/il but instead it go to





    the html code for the link is the following <a href="il">LI</a>


    and my .htaccess is the following :


    RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z]*)/?([a-zA-Z]*)?/?([a-zA-Z0-9]*)?/?$ index.php?controller=$1&action=$2&id=$3 [NC]

  4. Hello to everyone!!

    I just messed around with javascript and I build this :

    Just search for a video and click it and then it will go into playlist.Playlist stay saved even if you quit browser!!




    Any critics will be appreciate!!


    P.S : I know it dosen't work with IE( sucks) and is heavly depedent on javascript!

  5. How I can achieve a full screen width div?

    Currently i'm using this code but when i scroll whit mouse wheel button on the right of the screen the div is not hidden;


    margin: 0px -2000px;
    padding: 0px 2000px;

  6. I have the following code which works perfectly


    "<a  href=".$t[$key]->title." />";


    but if i  change it to


    "<a  href="$t[$key]->title" />";

    it's appearing Catchable fatal error: Object of class product could not be converted to string in


    My question is can someone explain why that error pop-up?!



  7. I'm having a problem whit the pdo - sql statement:

    It dosen't return anything

    but when i try $sql = " SELECT en FROM word WHERE MATCH (sp) AGAINST (:word IN BOOLEAN MODE ) "; without the pdo it's working perfectly

    $sql = " SELECT en FROM word WHERE MATCH (:sp) AGAINST (:word IN BOOLEAN MODE ) ";
    	$st = $con->prepare($sql);

  8. I'm having trouble of getting the code right

    When i try to dump the $x value it's appearing null;


    class Dictionary{
    var $id=null;
    var $en=null;
    var $sp=null;
    var $type=null;
    public function __construct($data=array())
       if( isset($data['id']) ) $this->id= (int)$data['id'];	
       if( isset($data['en']) ) $this->en= $data['en'];
       if( isset($data['sp']) ) $this->sp= $data['sp'];
       if( isset($data['type']) ) $this->type= $data['type'];
    public function store ( $params ) {
        // Store all the parameters
        $this->__construct( $params );
    public function WordGet($word)//add the english and spanish word
    	$con = new PDO(DBN,DB_USER,DB_PASS);
    	$sql = "SELECT *FROM word WHERE MATCH(en) AGAINST ('ctx')";
    	$st = $con->prepare($sql);
    	$r = $st->fetch();
    	$con = null;
    	return new Dictionary($r);
    $test = new Dictionary;
    $x = $test->WordGet('ctx');

  9. I need to return a specific key from the object converted to array but it seems that it dosent work


    $toarray = (array)$tmp;
    $name = array_keys($toarray,'name');

    print:Array ( [id] => 9 [name] => dfd [text] => fdsf [rating] => 0 [totalv] => 0 )


    and when i try to return the key




    Array ( [0] => rating [1] => totalv )


    But I only need the key whit the 'name' value


    I got 30 files to convert to png each in a dir containing 5 files

    I get the maximum execution time when i run the following code:

    $dir = glob("images/*/*.png");
    foreach($dir as $file)
    $filename  = $file;
    $files = getimagesize($filename);
    $img = imagecreatefrompng($filename);

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