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Posts posted by Nasir

  1. The function's value it returns must be stored in a variable if you want to utilize it through the rest of your code. Otherwise you'll end up just calling the function and it won't serve any purpose since your not really storing the function's returned value anywhere.


    What you probably want is:


    function replace_value($obj)
    return $obj;
    $number = 1;
    $number = replace_value($number);
    echo $number;

  2. The only two fields I would display for my users would be city/country, the other address parameters are not very important. You would only need specific details if your shipping out something to them or when providing such and such services.


    Except nobody says "Phoenix, USA"...


    (Maybe it's just an American thing?!)


    Also, remember that "I" might want to do things on the back end like determine that I have 100 users in the state of Arizona based on Zip Code.




    Well those fields would have to be available to your script in the Database, so I would give the option to your users for postal code, country, city, region, state...etc You can check through certain countries and enable/disable some fields based on the location, but this would definately take too long.


    I know alot of shopping sites that ship world-wide just display ALL options for the addresses, even though some places only have provinces and not states, and vice versa.


  3. The only two fields I would display for my users would be city/country, the other address parameters are not very important. You would only need specific details if your shipping out something to them or when providing such and such services.

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