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  1. I am still in need of help for this problem. If anyone out there wants to help me beat this thing shoot me an email to [email protected] Thanks
  2. That\'s why I am confused. There is no directive there. I am using Apache 1.3.26 and I searched the httpd.conf file to no avail for a Directory Directive. I wrote in the one you posted but I get an error when I try to restart the server with appachectl command. Where in the httpd.conf file shoud this directive be placed? I am trying to set up a phpNuke site and everything works including phpMyAdmin from the /var/www/html directory. I tried setting up the phpnuke in a directory like this /var/www/phpnuke I created the DNS entries and the Virtual Host in the vhost.conf file I just get the 403 Frobidden access denied page when I try to access it. It says I don\'t have permission to access / on this server. Thanks for the help!
  3. Where would I find the Directory directive? I read through the Apache documentation but I just didn\'t get it. Can you give me an example of what it should look like? Thanks for helping a noob, Maddog
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