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  1. Please I'm still waiting anyone that wants to help out
  2. Plz im begging how do i do connect the script, what do i do with it please help.
  3. Thanx for d help chriscloyd plz i hav no php background, as what i want to ask maybe stupid, plz lets assume my message is Hi there, a friend of yours has invited you to join www.naijatechzone.com, do visit us soon. please how will put that in the code. And most importantly how will i link this script with the html form??? will i create a "sendsms.php" and paste it in my file manager then paste this script and dats all??. Thanx for your time.
  4. I hav my own sms gateway that i hav paid to. Thats their m format above, if i type those samples above in browsers, with real details it will send sms just fine. Bt i need to script it so that my member on my site can b able to use it by just typing in the phon numbers in the form "chriscloyd" just gave me the code. Thanks gurus.
  5. SMS Examples Sending single text message http://DomainName/bulksms/bulksms.php?username=xxxx&password=xxxxx&messa ge=xxxxxx&mobile=9999999999&sender=xxxxxxx For example the completed URL is: http://www.bbnsms.com/bulksms/[email protected]&passwo rd=mypasswd&message=TestMessage&mobile=238088888888&sender=Fumi Sending Multiple text message http://DomainName/bulksms/bulksms.php?username=xxxx&password=xxxxx&messa ge=xxxxxx&mobile=238088888888, 238088888888, 238088888888, 238088888888, 238088888888&sender=xxxxxxx The above Url is the basic HTTP BULK link structure where the details about each parameter is given below: For example the completed URL is: http://www.bbnsms.com/bulksms/[email protected]&passwo rd=mypasswd&message=TestMessage&mobile=238088888888, 238088888888, 238088888888, 238088888888, 238088888888&sender=Kemi Thats d format of how my sms gateway works with example.
  6. Thanks for the quick response, I have sms gateway, but what I need is a script that will b sending the message as people put the phone number in the sms form
  7. You mean the code that I a got from my gateway server?
  8. Good day programmers, please I'm a novice in coding and I need help with a script where people can send invitation message to their friend on my site as sms. I want users on my site to just drop the phone number of their friends only in the html form and it automatically sends the message I have configured to the number the member placed in the form. I'm hosted with hostgator, though I'm in nigeria, I run SMF 2.0.1 forum on my site, my targeted members are nigerians too. I have sms gateway with bbnsms.com, please guyz I need the script and html form for only phone number field(No message Field) as I want to send the same message that I already compose to all the phone numbers. Thanks guyz.
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