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Everything posted by GRooVeZ

  1. cool man thx allot, that works again im gonna try to make the form validate myself, thx for the directions there is one small bug in the vote system, but im not sure whats causing this when u first select two the same options. the thirth will be not selectable, but if u change ur fist two choises, its still not selectable, but this is totally no big deal im really happy with how its working now u can check it here http://www.acidleague.com/League/ffachoosemaps.php?match=3 thx !
  2. hey man that works really nice got two things that i cant figure out how to make it so that u can choose an option two times? but not 3? also i added a line to my code to get as first option '- Choose Map -' how to make it check that u selected a map? now u can press submit when u didnt select 3 maps. appreciate ur help THX
  3. hi im looking into matches with a match id and a player id, and i want as result in wich place the player ended $playerresult=mysql_query("SELECT id,points FROM ffa_points where matchid=$matchid order by points desc"); can i directly select the nr of the row? or do i have to make a while loop, and count every time wich place he ended?
  4. thx !
  5. if u use this for one condition if ($nr > 5) how would u check if the nr is between 5 and 50 thx !
  6. thx. im gonna look if i can get that to work !
  7. i found this javascript if (select_box.value == ’0′){ alert(“You must select an option”); return false; } how to make it check for 3 the same options? or two? if (select_box.value == select_box2.value){ alert(“You cant choose the same options”); return false; } is this correct for two? and how do i do 3? thanks !
  8. hi people can vote 3 times with 3 select menus but i want them not to be able to choose 3x the same select option the options in the select menus come out of the database this is how i let them vote <?php include("./includes/egl_inc.php"); $secure = new secure(); $secure->secureGlobals(); session_start(); if (isset ($_GET['match'])) { $matchid = (int)$_GET['match']; $_SESSION['matchid'] = $matchid; $matchmaps = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT maps,game FROM ffa_matches WHERE id=$matchid")); $matchmapschecker = $matchmaps[maps]; $matchgamechecker = $matchmaps[game]; $maps=mysql_query("SELECT id,map FROM ffa_maplists where gameid = $matchgamechecker"); while(list($id,$map)=mysql_fetch_row($maps)) { $maplist.="<option value='$id'>$map</option>\n"; } $out[body].="<table width='98%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' style='border:1px solid black'> <tr style='color:#cccccc; background-color:black;'> <td valign='middle' background='$config[bg2]' align='center' colspan='10'> <br/>Choose Maps<br/> </td> </tr></table><table width='98%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' style='border:1px solid black'> <tr style='background-color:black;'> <td> <form action='ffainsertmapvote.php' method='post'> <select name='map1'>$maplist</select> <select name='map2'>$maplist</select> <select name='map3'>$maplist</select> <input type='hidden' name='match' value='$matchid' /> <input type='submit' value='Vote' /> </form> </td> </tr></table>"; } include("$config[html]"); ?> do i need jquery to fix this? i dont want the user to be able to go to a next screen without having max 2 the same options selected thx in advance !
  9. hi on my page i have a widget (the globe where every visitor leaves a dot on. revolvermaps) i also use a facebook like chat, thats displayes as a bar that sticks at the bottom of the window when u open the friendlist or chatwindows, the globe is covering the chatwindows ... and this only happens in IE u can test urself, scroll down at the homepage www.acidleague.com is there any way to get around this? any help would be greatly appreciated this is the code for the globe echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='http://jj.revolvermaps.com/r.js'></script><script type='text/javascript'>rm_f1st('5','298','true','false','523310','9g55o96hy6l','true','ff8a00');</script><noscript><applet codebase='http://rj.revolvermaps.com/j' code='core.RE' width='298' height='298' archive='g.jar'><param name='cabbase' value='g.cab' /><param name='r' value='true' /><param name='n' value='false' /><param name='i' value='9g55o96hy6l' /><param name='m' value='5' /><param name='s' value='298' /><param name='c' value='ff8a00' /><param name='v' value='true' /><param name='b' value='523310' /><param name='rfc' value='true' /></applet></noscript>";
  10. hi i want to add some content to my site using xml rss i have a feed i want to show, and the only thing i can find to show it on my page or widgets but they dont look like i want it to look, so i want to make a php script that reads the xml file and then parses it into my website dont know if this is even possible ... but if its possible, is it also possible to filter the feed on certain keywords?
  11. sorry cant edit my first anymore, i quoted by accident this is my most recent code <?php header("Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8"); include("./includes/egl_inc.php"); $secure = new secure(); $secure->secureGlobals(); $rssurl = 'http://www.acidleague.com/League/index_rss.php'; $rssname = 'AcID FFA RSS'; $rssdes = 'Free For All Matches Agenda'; $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><rss version="2.0"><channel>'; $xml.='<title>'. $rssname .'</title><description>'. $rssdes .'</description><link>'. $rssurl .'</link>'; $query_items = "SELECT id,date FROM ffa_matches where status=0"; $result_items = mysql_query ($query_items) or die("Query failed with error: ".mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result_items)) { $result = $row[id]; $resultdate = $row[date]; $matchurl = $row[date]; $xml .= '<item><title>'. $result .'</title><link>'. $matchurl .'</link><description>'. $resultdate.'</description></item>'; } $xml .= '</channel>'; $xml .= '</rss></xml>'; echo $xml; ?>
  12. hi ive been writing my own RSS feed, and after a few hours i finally got the xml string to show correctly after that i went to a rss validator, and fixed some other stuff, but now im stuck on the last 3 actually ive been to two and they both say different things http://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.acidleague.com%2FLeague%2Findex_rss.php http://www.ivalidation.net/html.php?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.acidleague.com%2FLeague%2Findex_rss.php this is my file <?php header("Content-Type: application/xml; charset=ISO-8859-1"); $secure = new secure(); $secure->secureGlobals(); $rssurl = 'http://www.acidleague.com/League/index_rss.php'; $rssname = 'AcID FFA RSS'; $rssdes = 'Free For All Matches Agenda'; $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><rss version="2.0"><channel>'; $xml.='<title>'. $rssname .'</title><description>'. $rssdes .'</description><link>'. $rssurl .'</link>'; $query_items = "SELECT id FROM ffa_matches where status=0"; $result_items = mysql_query ($query_items) or die("Query failed with error: ".mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result_items)) { $result = $row[id]; $resultdate = $row[date] $matchurl = 'http://www.acidleague.com/League/ffamatch.php?match=' . $result; $xml .= '<item><title>'. $result .'</title><link>'. $matchurl .'</link><description>'. $resultdate.'</description></item>'; } $xml .= '</channel>'; $xml .= '</rss></xml>'; echo $xml; ?>[code=php:0]
  13. hi guys i am building a voting system for my gaming website people sign up for matches, and those will be played at 3-5 different maps people can vote for wich maps they want to play each player can choose 3 maps, also 3 x the same map now the results of that voting system are shown on the page like this There is 1 vote for Map 1 There are 5 votes for Map 2 There is 1 vote for Map 3 There are 2 votes for Map 7 There is 1 vote for Map 4 There is 1 vote for Map 5 There are 8 votes for Map 8 now i want to make a script that picks the maps that will be played, so only show the 3-5 best results in the example above it woud be 2 x map 8 and 1x map 2 but im not sure how to start on this the db table of the votes is built like this id matchid playerid mapid mapname 1 113 195 1 NukeTown 2 113 195 2 Grid 3 113 195 1 NukeTown 4 114 195 1 NukeTown 5 114 195 1 NukeTown any advice or thoughts on this? thanks
  14. i replaced the line, and it worked ! thx man !
  15. the problem is it giving me a 0 as value instead of the id wich has been inserted ... but thx for that
  16. hi i insert some values in a table, that goes well but right after the insert, i call the value of $matchidcheck, wich has just been inserted to the db correctly and it gives me the value of 0 ... in the $mes so it isnt forwarding correctly either how is this possible? $insertSite_sql3 = "INSERT INTO ffa_mapvotes (matchid,playerid,mapid,mapname) VALUES ($matchidcheck,$playerid,$vote3,'$vote3checker')"; $insertSite3= mysql_query($insertSite_sql3); $mes="$matchidcheck Vote Succesfull ... Please Wait ..."; return success($mes,'./ffacheckin.php?match=$matchidcheck'); if i replace the last line with return success($mes,'./ffacheckin.php?match=112'); it works ...
  17. replace this line $result= mysql_query('SELECT * FROM test') or die('Error, query failed'); with the lines posted above
  18. because i was helped here before, is there a specific forum for stuff like this inhere? and im sorry but im really new at this also. dont really understand what u mean by not what u posted, but on your website not line 40 of the script i posted? but what line are you talking about then? and what does the orbit loader do?
  19. hi, my website is premade website wich i am editing it has these different blocks, and i want to change them in one of those blocks i want a timer that counts down, ive done this with refreshing a div with jquery on other pages, and thats working now i want a downcounting timer in a block, but when i do that another block stops working a block that has a slider of images that slide over ... now i think it has something todo with the document ready function? that stops the other block from working ? u can see it failing here http://www.acidleague.com and this is the code im using inside the block <script src='http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js'></script> <script> $(document).ready(function() { $('#responsecontainer').load('response.php'); var refreshId = setInterval(function() { $('#responsecontainer').load('response.php'); }, 5000); $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false }); }); </script> <div id="cols-left"> <div class="top_left_block"> <div class="llbg"></div> <div class="top_left_rbg"></div> <div class="rmlbg"></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> <div style="min-height: 223px;background:#373737;"> <div align="right" style="padding-right:10px;font-size:11px;min-width: 336px;min-height: 44px; background:url(./theme/neo-blue/images/bg/news.png) no-repeat top center transparent;"> <b><span style="color:#055ed5;"><?echo"MINI"?> </span> <?php echo"AGENDA"?></b> </div> <div align="center" style="margin-left:5px; margin-top:-19px;"> <span style="color:#000000;"><b><?php echo"UPCOMING MATCH"?></b></span> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <div id="responsecontainer"></div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="bot_left_block"> <div class="lbotlbg"></div> <div class="top_bot_lbg"></div> <div class="rbotlbg"></div> <div class="clr"></div> </div> </div>
  20. hi guys i made a ranking for my league, u can choose different rankings in multiple games and gamemodes http://www.acidleague.com/League/ffarankings.php now u have a select menu for the game, and then the gamemode the select of the mode, contains all the modes for all games what i want is, u fist select the game, and then u instantly get a dropdown with the modes correspondeding to that game how do i even start with this? my select menus are built like this $types=mysql_query("SELECT id,name FROM ffa_types"); while(list($id,$name)=mysql_fetch_row($types)){if ($id == $typeholder) { $typelist.="<option selected value='$id'>$name</option>\n"; } else { $typelist.="<option value='$id'>$name</option>\n"; }} $games=mysql_query("SELECT id,name FROM ffa_games"); while(list($id,$name)=mysql_fetch_row($games)){if ($id == $gameholder) { $gamelist.="<option selected value='$id'>$name</option>\n"; } else { $gamelist.="<option value='$id'>$name</option>\n"; } } <form action='ffagamerankings.php' method='post'> <select name='game'><option>Choose Game ...</option>$gamelist</select> <select name='type'><option>Choose GameType ...</option>$typelist</select> <input type='submit' value='Ranks' />[code=php:0]
  21. really appreciate it guys ! thanks ! and will do ...
  22. hi i have this code, wich deletes u from a list if succeeded it gives u a succes message, and forwards u to a page like this $mes="<b>succes<br />"; return success($mes,'./ffamatches.php'); this is working, now what i want is to put a var inthere $mes="<b>succes<br />"; return success($mes,'./ffamatches.php?id=$matchid'); but thats not working, how do i do this? this is the complete page <?php include("./includes/egl_inc.php"); $secure = new secure(); $secure->secureGlobals(); page_protect(); if($_SESSION['user']) { if (isset ($_GET['match'])) { $matchid = (int)$_GET['match']; }elseif($match) { $matchid = (int)$match; } $playersidcheck = $_COOKIE['tid']; $deleteQuery = "DELETE FROM ffa_signups WHERE matchid='$matchid' and playerid='$playersidcheck'"; $deleteResult = mysql_query($deleteQuery) or die(mysql_error()); $mes="<b>succes<br />"; return success($mes,'./ffamatches.php'); }else{ header('Location: ./login.php'); } include("$config"); ?> Thanks in advance!
  23. thx guys !
  24. hey on my page a list of people get listed by a category u choose if u choose a category and click ok, u are sent to the same page, and i get the category with POST if(isset ($_POST['type'])) { $gameholder = $_POST['game']; $typeholder = $_POST['type']; } this works ... the list of people is 30 members / page when u click on page 2, the post doesnt work anymore, and i get errors, logic ... now i want to get around this with making a session emediatly when the vars get out of POST if(isset ($_POST['type'])) { $gameholder = $_POST['game']; $typeholder = $_POST['type']; $_session['gameholder'] = $gameholder; $_session['typeholder'] = $typeholder; print $_session['gameholder']; } this also works now i want when people click on page 2, the needed vars will come out of the Sessions, and not out of POST so i did this if(!isset ($_POST['type'])) { $gameholder = $_session['gameholder']; $typeholder = $_session['typeholder']; } but this is not working theres nothing in $gameholder also when i move the print session out of the if, it should show when someone clicks page 2 but its not ... any suggestions on this? thx!
  25. $sniperchecker = mysql_query ("SELECT id FROM `ffa_games`"); while($snipergames = mysql_fetch_array($sniperchecker)) { $snipergameid = $snipergames[id]; $x = 1; $sniperchecker2 = mysql_query ("SELECT playerid FROM ffa_rankings where gameid=$snipergameid and typeid=2 order by points desc"); while($sniperleaders = mysql_fetch_array($sniperchecker2)) { $array[$snipergameid][$x] = $sniperleaders[playerid]; $x++; } } $snipergameschecker2 = mysql_query ("SELECT id FROM `ffa_games`"); while($snipergames2 = mysql_fetch_array($snipergameschecker2)) { $snipergameid2 = $snipergames2[id]; if ($mem[id] == $array[$snipergameid2][1]) { $out[body].=" <img src='./images/icons/sniper1.png' title='Leader in a Sniper Ranking'>"; } if ($mem[id] == $array[$snipergameid2][2]) { $out[body].=" <img src='./images/icons/sniper2.png' title='2nd in a Sniper Ranking'>"; } if ($mem[id] == $array[$snipergameid2][3]) { $out[body].=" <img src='./images/icons/sniper3.png' title='3th in a Sniper Ranking'>"; } } this is the array i made, wich is working now i want another one, and i did this $sniperchecker = mysql_query ("SELECT id FROM `ffa_games`"); while($snipergames = mysql_fetch_array($sniperchecker)) { $snipergameid = $snipergames[id]; $x = 1; $sniperchecker2 = mysql_query ("SELECT playerid FROM ffa_rankings where gameid=$snipergameid and typeid=2 order by points desc"); while($sniperleaders = mysql_fetch_array($sniperchecker2)) { $array[$snipergameid][$x] = $sniperleaders[playerid]; $x++; } $allgunschecker2 = mysql_query ("SELECT playerid FROM ffa_rankings where gameid=$snipergameid and typeid=1 order by points desc"); while($allgunsleaders = mysql_fetch_array($allgunschecker2)) { $array2[$snipergameid][$x] = $allgunsleaders[playerid]; $x++; } } $snipergameschecker2 = mysql_query ("SELECT id FROM `ffa_games`"); while($snipergames2 = mysql_fetch_array($snipergameschecker2)) { $snipergameid2 = $snipergames2[id]; if ($mem[id] == $array[$snipergameid2][1]) { $out[body].=" <img src='./images/icons/sniper1.png' title='Leader in a Sniper Ranking'>"; } if ($mem[id] == $array[$snipergameid2][2]) { $out[body].=" <img src='./images/icons/sniper2.png' title='2nd in a Sniper Ranking'>"; } if ($mem[id] == $array[$snipergameid2][3]) { $out[body].=" <img src='./images/icons/sniper3.png' title='3th in a Sniper Ranking'>"; } if ($mem[id] == $array2[$snipergameid2][1]) { $out[body].=" <img src='./images/icons/ak1.png' title='Leader in a Sniper Ranking'>"; } if ($mem[id] == $array2[$snipergameid2][2]) { $out[body].=" <img src='./images/icons/ak2.png' title='2nd in a Sniper Ranking'>"; } if ($mem[id] == $array2[$snipergameid2][3]) { $out[body].=" <img src='./images/icons/ak.png' title='3th in a Sniper Ranking'>"; } }
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