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so after everything this is the closest thing that works <a class="selectCategory" value="{$searchCategory.categoryId}" {if $searchCategory.categoryId==$categoryId}selected="selected"{/if}>{$searchCategory.name}</a> only problem is currently HA HA HA its not clickable but it does hover. The alternate is <a href="#" class="selectCategory" value="{$searchCategory.categoryId}" {if $searchCategory.categoryId==$categoryId}selected="selected"{/if}>{$searchCategory.name}</a> these seem to be the only things that seem to be close enough to work... I am still attemting to figure this out, PS Checked out the website. great information and learned a few things i did not know, I dont think this would apply to me but i could be mistaken, if so inform me as to how i could implement this to work for my self. I will keep updated on my progress. If any further ideas or if a solution might just be found please let me know
I dont see how it is so very hard for you guys to understand that all i am lookng to do is take the options list and make it into a link there is simply one option. not sure how im confusing you.
it is entirely one page, code is as follows. {if empty($edit)} <div class="search_cat_place"> <span class="text_search">{'extraFieldSearch_category'|lang}</span> <select name="categoryId" id="searchEngineCategoryId"> <option value="0">{'extraFieldSearch_all_categories'|lang}</option> {foreach from=$searchCategories value=searchCategory} <option class="selectCategory" value="{$searchCategory.categoryId}" {if $searchCategory.categoryId==$categoryId}selected="selected"{/if}>{$searchCategory.name}</option> {foreach from=$searchCategory.subcategories value=subcategory} <option class="selectSubcategory" value="{$subcategory.categoryId}" {if $subcategory.categoryId == $categoryId}selected="selected"{/if}> {$subcategory.name}</option> {/foreach} <option class="space" value=""></option> {/foreach} </select> <a href=class="selectCategory" value="{$searchCategory.categoryId}" {if $searchCategory.categoryId==$categoryId}selected="selected"{/if}> Advanced search</a> </div> <div class="din_search_engine"> {/if} {if !empty($extraFields)} <style> {literal} .searchModule { padding: 0px 5px; width: 200px; line-height: 1.8; position: absolute; } {/literal} </style> {if empty($edit)}<div style="position:relative">{/if} {foreach from=$extraFields value=extraField} {if !empty($searchEngineSettings.fields[$extraField.fieldId])} {assign var="fieldSetting" value=$searchEngineSettings.fields[$extraField.fieldId]} {else} {assign var="fieldSetting" value=""} {/if} {if !empty($edit) || !empty($fieldSetting.display)} <div class="searchModule" fieldId="{$extraField.fieldId}" style="{if $fieldSetting}left: {$fieldSetting.left}px; top: {$fieldSetting.top}px; width: {$fieldSetting.width}px; height: {$fieldSetting.height}px;{/if}{if empty($fieldSetting) || empty($fieldSetting.display)}display:none;{/if}"> <span class="text_search">{$extraField.name}</span> <div> {assign var="fieldName" value="extraField[$extraField.fieldId]"} {if $extraField.type == "checkbox"} {assign var="fieldName" value=$fieldName|cat:'[]'} {/if} {switch from=$extraField.type} {case value="textarea"} <input type="text" name="{$fieldName}"/> {case value="text"} <input type="text" name="{$fieldName}"/> {case value="select"} <select name="{$fieldName}"> <option value="">{'extraFieldSearch_select_option'|lang}</option> {foreach from=$extraField.options value=option} <option value="{$option.value}">{$option.label}</option> {/foreach} </select> {case value="radio"} {foreach from=$extraField.options value=option} <input type="radio" name="{$fieldName}" value="{$option.value}"/> {$option.label} {/foreach} {case value="checkbox"} {foreach from=$extraField.options value=option name=loop} <span style="width:180px;display:block;float:left"><input type="checkbox" name="{$fieldName}" value="{$option.value}"/> {$option.label}</span> {/foreach} {case value="range"} {'extraFieldSearch_from'|lang} <input type="text" name="{$fieldName}[from]" size="5"/> {'extraFieldSearch_to'|lang} <input type="text" name="{$fieldName}[to]" size="5"/> {case} {/switch} </div> <div style="clear:both"></div> </div> {/if} {/foreach} {/if} {if empty($edit)}</div>{/if} as you can see the linking is simply all on the same file and or page. this is where everything that would pertain to linking happens, for this option selection.
its not a bunch of links its one single link. I only have one option, but this is the only way i know how to get it to work so was really hoping i could just do a single link for the advanced search options
all i want it to do is to show the advanced search options without the drop down menu. nothing more nothing less. same fuctionallity as the drop down just no options to scroll through just a plain ol link
the link looks like a link just like this >>>> Advanced search that's it.
HA HA HA sorry, yeah no luck defined is i get a pretty little link but get an error page. the drop down menu allows to show or hide advanced search options not be directed to a new page. if that makes sence
i have tried something like this <a href=searchCategory.categoryId==1=selected&term=category.name> Advanced search</a> no luck, generally the same idea of what im looking for though. i may be missing something or overlooking.
a TPL file, its main frame is php.
I am unsure how to make this into a link, without the dropdown. i want to get rid of the select options and just have a plain link. but still need if statement to show or hide here is the whole code <select name="categoryId" id="searchEngineCategoryId"> <option value="0">{'extraFieldSearch_all_categories'|lang}</option> {foreach from=$searchCategories value=searchCategory} <option class="selectCategory" value="{$searchCategory.categoryId}" {if $searchCategory.categoryId==$categoryId}selected="selected"{/if}>{$searchCategory.name}</option> {foreach from=$searchCategory.subcategories value=subcategory} <option class="selectSubcategory" value="{$subcategory.categoryId}" {if $subcategory.categoryId == $categoryId}selected="selected"{/if}> {$subcategory.name}</option> {/foreach} <option class="space" value=""></option> {/foreach} </select>
okay i may be completely in the wrong area, need some help if anyone could. My code <option class="selectCategory" value="{$searchCategory.categoryId}" {if $searchCategory.categoryId==$categoryId}selected="selected"{/if}>{$searchCategory.name}</option> I want to make this into a regular old Link... such as click here type thing. thanks in advance.
I have attempted to implement this into my code in various ways, i have had no success so far but i would guess this would be close to it. i did change file name and paths as well and have yet to figure out exactly how i will implement this into my code. as you can see from my code it may be difficult to apply such terms to get desired results. code i dont want to show upon results CODE: } require_once("$template_dir/$template/search_form.html"); function getmicrotime(){ and what i believe to be the results call: switch ($search) { case 1: if (!isset($results)) { $results = ""; } $search_results = get_search_results($query, $start, $category, $type, $results, $domain); require("$template_dir/$template/search_results.html"); break; default: if ($show_categories) { if ($_REQUEST['catid'] && is_numeric($catid)) { $cat_info = get_category_info($catid); } else { $cat_info = get_categories_view(); } require("$template_dir/$template/categories.html"); } break; }
hello all again, i yet again find my self in a rut and unsure how to go about this. i have done some search and unsure what i might be looking for. My code: <?php //error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_WARNING); error_reporting(E_ALL); $include_dir = "./include"; include ("$include_dir/commonfuncs.php"); //extract(getHttpVars()); if (isset($_GET['query'])) $query = $_GET['query']; if (isset($_GET['search'])) $search = $_GET['search']; if (isset($_GET['domain'])) $domain = $_GET['domain']; if (isset($_GET['type'])) $type = $_GET['type']; if (isset($_GET['catid'])) $catid = $_GET['catid']; if (isset($_GET['category'])) $category = $_GET['category']; if (isset($_GET['results'])) $results = $_GET['results']; if (isset($_GET['start'])) $start = $_GET['start']; if (isset($_GET['adv'])) $adv = $_GET['adv']; $include_dir = "./include"; $template_dir = "./templates"; $settings_dir = "./settings"; $language_dir = "./languages"; require_once("$settings_dir/database.php"); require_once("$language_dir/en-language.php"); require_once("$include_dir/searchfuncs.php"); require_once("$include_dir/categoryfuncs.php"); include "$settings_dir/conf.php"; include "$template_dir/$template/header.html"; include "$language_dir/$language-language.php"; if ($type != "or" && $type != "and" && $type != "phrase") { $type = "and"; } if (preg_match("/[^a-z0-9-.]+/", $domain)) { $domain=""; } if ($results != "") { $results_per_page = $results; } if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()==1) { $query = stripslashes($query); } if (!is_numeric($catid)) { $catid = ""; } if (!is_numeric($category)) { $category = ""; } if ($catid && is_numeric($catid)) { $tpl_['category'] = sql_fetch_all('SELECT category FROM '.$mysql_table_prefix.'categories WHERE category_id='.(int)$_REQUEST['catid']); } $count_level0 = sql_fetch_all('SELECT count(*) FROM '.$mysql_table_prefix.'categories WHERE parent_num=0'); $has_categories = 0; if ($count_level0) { $has_categories = $count_level0[0][0]; } require_once("$template_dir/$template/search_form.html"); function getmicrotime(){ list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } function poweredby () { global $sph_messages; print $sph_messages['Powered by'];?> <?php } function saveToLog ($query, $elapsed, $results) { global $mysql_table_prefix; if ($results =="") { $results = 0; } $query = "insert into ".$mysql_table_prefix."query_log (query, time, elapsed, results) values ('$query', now(), '$elapsed', '$results')"; mysql_query($query); echo mysql_error(); } switch ($search) { case 1: if (!isset($results)) { $results = ""; } $search_results = get_search_results($query, $start, $category, $type, $results, $domain); require("$template_dir/$template/search_results.html"); break; default: if ($show_categories) { if ($_REQUEST['catid'] && is_numeric($catid)) { $cat_info = get_category_info($catid); } else { $cat_info = get_categories_view(); } require("$template_dir/$template/categories.html"); } break; } include "$template_dir/$template/footer.html"; ?> What i want to do is : IF search_results.html HIDE search_form.html that's the simplicity to exactly what i want to do, explained: I want to have the search results show without the search form.
well if i can get it to order by url then i kn w im in the right place.. yes? the "url" is placed as the title of the web pages. even so i have changed it to title and nothing happens, url seems to be the only thing that makes it change as of now. i am learning more to figure out how to customize this to work for me. $query1 = "SELECT distinct link_id, url, domain from ".$mysql_table_prefix."link_keyword$wordmd5, ".$mysql_table_prefix."keywords where ".$mysql_table_prefix."link_keyword$wordmd5.keyword_id= ".$mysql_table_prefix."keywords.keyword_id and keyword='$searchword' $domain_qry order by url desc"; when placing this i get A system error occurred. We apologize for the inconvenience. not alot of help.... any way here is the file i am working with and attempting to configure <?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); function swap_max (&$arr, $start, $domain) { $pos = $start; $maxweight = $arr[$pos]['weight']; for ($i = $start; $i< count($arr); $i++) { if ($arr[$i]['domain'] == $domain) { $pos = $i; $maxweight = $arr[$i]['weight']; break; } if ($arr[$i]['weight'] > $maxweight) { $pos = $i; $maxweight = $arr[$i]['weight']; } } $temp = $arr[$start]; $arr[$start] = $arr[$pos]; $arr[$pos] = $temp; } function sort_with_domains (&$arr) { $domain = -1; for ($i = 0; $i< count($arr)-1; $i++) { swap_max($arr, $i, $domain); $domain = $arr[$i]['domain']; } } function cmp($a, $b) { if ($a['weight'] == $b['weight']) return 0; return ($a['weight'] > $b['weight']) ? -1 : 1; } function addmarks($a) { $a = preg_replace("/[ ]+/", " ", $a); $a = str_replace(" +", "+", $a); $a = str_replace(" ", "+", $a); return $a; } function makeboollist($a) { global $entities, $stem_words; while ($char = each($entities)) { $a = preg_replace("/".$char[0]."/i", $char[1], $a); } $a = trim($a); $a = preg_replace("/"/i", "\"", $a); $returnWords = array(); //get all phrases $regs = Array(); while (preg_match("/([-]?)\"([^\"]+)\"/", $a, $regs)) { if ($regs[1] == '') { $returnWords['+s'][] = $regs[2]; $returnWords['hilight'][] = $regs[2]; } else { $returnWords['-s'][] = $regs[2]; } $a = str_replace($regs[0], "", $a); } $a = strtolower(preg_replace("/[ ]+/", " ", $a)); // $a = remove_accents($a); $a = trim($a); $words = explode(' ', $a); if ($a=="") { $limit = 0; } else { $limit = count($words); } $k = 0; //get all words (both include and exlude) $includeWords = array(); while ($k < $limit) { if (substr($words[$k], 0, 1) == '+') { $includeWords[] = substr($words[$k], 1); if (!ignoreWord(substr($words[$k], 1))) { $returnWords['hilight'][] = substr($words[$k], 1); if ($stem_words == 1) { $returnWords['hilight'][] = stem(substr($words[$k], 1)); } } } else if (substr($words[$k], 0, 1) == '-') { $returnWords['-'][] = substr($words[$k], 1); } else { $includeWords[] = $words[$k]; if (!ignoreWord($words[$k])) { $returnWords['hilight'][] = $words[$k]; if ($stem_words == 1) { $returnWords['hilight'][] = stem($words[$k]); } } } $k++; } //add words from phrases to includes if (isset($returnWords['+s'])) { foreach ($returnWords['+s'] as $phrase) { $phrase = strtolower(preg_replace("/[ ]+/", " ", $phrase)); $phrase = trim($phrase); $temparr = explode(' ', $phrase); foreach ($temparr as $w) $includeWords[] = $w; } } foreach ($includeWords as $word) { if (!($word =='')) { if (ignoreWord($word)) { $returnWords['ignore'][] = $word; } else { $returnWords['+'][] = $word; } } } return $returnWords; } function ignoreword($word) { global $common; global $min_word_length; global $index_numbers; if ($index_numbers == 1) { $pattern = "[a-z0-9]+"; } else { $pattern = "[a-z]+"; } if (strlen($word) < $min_word_length || (!preg_match("/".$pattern."/i", remove_accents($word))) || ($common[$word] == 1)) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } function search($searchstr, $category, $start, $per_page, $type, $domain) { global $length_of_link_desc,$mysql_table_prefix, $show_meta_description, $merge_site_results, $stem_words, $did_you_mean_enabled ; $possible_to_find = 1; $result = mysql_query("select domain_id from ".$mysql_table_prefix."domains where domain = '$domain'"); if (mysql_num_rows($result)> 0) { $thisrow = mysql_fetch_array($result); $domain_qry = "and domain = ".$thisrow[0]; } else { $domain_qry = ""; } //find all sites that should not be included in the result if (count($searchstr['+']) == 0) { return null; } $wordarray = $searchstr['-']; $notlist = array(); $not_words = 0; while ($not_words < count($wordarray)) { if ($stem_words == 1) { $searchword = addslashes(stem($wordarray[$not_words])); } else { $searchword = addslashes($wordarray[$not_words]); } $wordmd5 = substr(md5($searchword), 0, 1); $query1 = "SELECT link_id from ".$mysql_table_prefix."link_keyword$wordmd5, ".$mysql_table_prefix."keywords where ".$mysql_table_prefix."link_keyword$wordmd5.keyword_id= ".$mysql_table_prefix."keywords.keyword_id and keyword='$searchword'"; $result = mysql_query($query1); while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $notlist[$not_words]['id'][$row[0]] = 1; } $not_words++; } //find all sites containing the search phrase $wordarray = $searchstr['+s']; $phrase_words = 0; while ($phrase_words < count($wordarray)) { $searchword = addslashes($wordarray[$phrase_words]); $query1 = "SELECT link_id from ".$mysql_table_prefix."links where fulltxt like '% $searchword%'"; echo mysql_error(); $result = mysql_query($query1); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num_rows == 0) { $possible_to_find = 0; break; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $phraselist[$phrase_words]['id'][$row[0]] = 1; } $phrase_words++; } if (($category> 0) && $possible_to_find==1) { $allcats = get_cats($category); $catlist = implode(",", $allcats); $query1 = "select link_id from ".$mysql_table_prefix."links, ".$mysql_table_prefix."sites, ".$mysql_table_prefix."categories, ".$mysql_table_prefix."site_category where ".$mysql_table_prefix."links.site_id = ".$mysql_table_prefix."sites.site_id and ".$mysql_table_prefix."sites.site_id = ".$mysql_table_prefix."site_category.site_id and ".$mysql_table_prefix."site_category.category_id in ($catlist)"; $result = mysql_query($query1); echo mysql_error(); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num_rows == 0) { $possible_to_find = 0; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $category_list[$row[0]] = 1; } } //find all sites that include the search word $wordarray = $searchstr['+']; $words = 0; $starttime = getmicrotime(); while (($words < count($wordarray)) && $possible_to_find == 1) { if ($stem_words == 1) { $searchword = addslashes(stem($wordarray[$words])); } else { $searchword = addslashes($wordarray[$words]); } $wordmd5 = substr(md5($searchword), 0, 1); $query1 = "SELECT distinct link_id, weight, domain from ".$mysql_table_prefix."link_keyword$wordmd5, ".$mysql_table_prefix."keywords where ".$mysql_table_prefix."link_keyword$wordmd5.keyword_id= ".$mysql_table_prefix."keywords.keyword_id and keyword='$searchword' $domain_qry order by weight desc"; echo mysql_error(); $result = mysql_query($query1); $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result); if ($num_rows == 0) { if ($type != "or") { $possible_to_find = 0; break; } } if ($type == "or") { $indx = 0; } else { $indx = $words; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $linklist[$indx]['id'][] = $row[0]; $domains[$row[0]] = $row[2]; $linklist[$indx]['weight'][$row[0]] = $row[1]; } $words++; } if ($type == "or") { $words = 1; } $result_array_full = Array(); if ($possible_to_find !=0) { if ($words == 1 && $not_words == 0 && $category < 1) { //if there is only one search word, we already have the result $result_array_full = $linklist[0]['weight']; } else { //otherwise build an intersection of all the results $j= 1; $min = 0; while ($j < $words) { if (count($linklist[$min]['id']) > count($linklist[$j]['id'])) { $min = $j; } $j++; } $j = 0; $temp_array = $linklist[$min]['id']; $count = 0; while ($j < count($temp_array)) { $k = 0; //and word counter $n = 0; //not word counter $o = 0; //phrase word counter $weight = 1; $break = 0; while ($k < $words && $break== 0) { if ($linklist[$k]['weight'][$temp_array[$j]] > 0) { $weight = $weight + $linklist[$k]['weight'][$temp_array[$j]]; } else { $break = 1; } $k++; } while ($n < $not_words && $break== 0) { if ($notlist[$n]['id'][$temp_array[$j]] > 0) { $break = 1; } $n++; } while ($o < $phrase_words && $break== 0) { if ($phraselist[$n]['id'][$temp_array[$j]] != 1) { $break = 1; } $o++; } if ($break== 0 && $category > 0 && $category_list[$temp_array[$j]] != 1) { $break = 1; } if ($break == 0) { $result_array_full[$temp_array[$j]] = $weight; $count ++; } $j++; } } } $end = getmicrotime()- $starttime; if ((count($result_array_full) == 0 || $possible_to_find == 0) && $did_you_mean_enabled == 1) { reset ($searchstr['+']); foreach ($searchstr['+'] as $word) { $word = addslashes($word); $result = mysql_query("select keyword from ".$mysql_table_prefix."keywords where soundex(keyword) = soundex('$word')"); $max_distance = 100; $near_word =""; while ($row=mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $distance = levenshtein($row[0], $word); if ($distance < $max_distance && $distance <4) { $max_distance = $distance; $near_word = $row[0]; } } if ($near_word != "" && $word != $near_word) { $near_words[$word] = $near_word; } } $res['did_you_mean'] = $near_words; return $res; } if (count($result_array_full) == 0) { return null; } arsort ($result_array_full); if ($merge_site_results == 1 && $domain_qry == "") { while (list($key, $value) = each($result_array_full)) { if (!isset($domains_to_show[$domains[$key]])) { $result_array_temp[$key] = $value; $domains_to_show[$domains[$key]] = 1; } else if ($domains_to_show[$domains[$key]] == 1) { $domains_to_show[$domains[$key]] = Array ($key => $value); } } } else { $result_array_temp = $result_array_full; } while (list($key, $value) = each ($result_array_temp)) { $result_array[$key] = $value; if (isset ($domains_to_show[$domains[$key]]) && $domains_to_show[$domains[$key]] != 1) { list ($k, $v) = each($domains_to_show[$domains[$key]]); $result_array[$k] = $v; } } $results = count($result_array); $keys = array_keys($result_array); $maxweight = $result_array[$keys[0]]; for ($i = ($start -1)*$per_page; $i <min($results, ($start -1)*$per_page + $per_page) ; $i++) { $in[] = $keys[$i]; } if (!is_array($in)) { $res['results'] = $results; return $res; } $inlist = implode(",", $in); if ($length_of_link_desc == 0) { $fulltxt = "fulltxt"; } else { $fulltxt = "substring(fulltxt, 1, $length_of_link_desc)"; } $query1 = "SELECT distinct link_id, url, title, description, $fulltxt, size FROM ".$mysql_table_prefix."links WHERE link_id in ($inlist)"; $result = mysql_query($query1); echo mysql_error(); $i = 0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) { $res[$i]['title'] = $row[2]; $res[$i]['url'] = $row[1]; if ($row[3] != null && $show_meta_description == 1) $res[$i]['fulltxt'] = $row[3]; else $res[$i]['fulltxt'] = $row[4]; $res[$i]['size'] = $row[5]; $res[$i]['weight'] = $result_array[$row[0]]; $dom_result = mysql_query("select domain from ".$mysql_table_prefix."domains where domain_id='".$domains[$row[0]]."'"); $dom_row = mysql_fetch_row($dom_result); $res[$i]['domain'] = $dom_row[0]; $i++; } if ($merge_site_results && $domain_qry == "") { sort_with_domains($res); } else { usort($res, "cmp"); } echo mysql_error(); $res['maxweight'] = $maxweight; $res['results'] = $results; return $res; /**/ } function get_search_results($query, $start, $category, $searchtype, $results, $domain) { global $sph_messages, $results_per_page, $links_to_next, $show_query_scores, $mysql_table_prefix, $desc_length; if ($results != "") { $results_per_page = $results; } if ($searchtype == "phrase") { $query=str_replace('"','',$query); $query = "\"".$query."\""; } $starttime = getmicrotime(); // catch " if only one time entered if (substr_count($query,'"')==1){ $query=str_replace('"','',$query); } $words = makeboollist($query); $ignorewords = $words['ignore']; $full_result['ignore_words'] = $words['ignore']; if ($start==0) $start=1; $result = search($words, $category, $start, $results_per_page, $searchtype, $domain); $query= stripslashes($query); $entitiesQuery = htmlspecialchars($query); $full_result['ent_query'] = $entitiesQuery; $endtime = getmicrotime() - $starttime; $rows = $result['results']; $time = round($endtime*100)/100; $full_result['time'] = $time; $did_you_mean = ""; if (isset($result['did_you_mean'])) { $did_you_mean_b=$entitiesQuery; $did_you_mean=$entitiesQuery; while (list($key, $val) = each($result['did_you_mean'])) { if ($key != $val) { $did_you_mean_b = str_replace($key, "<b>$val</b>", $did_you_mean_b); $did_you_mean = str_replace($key, "$val", $did_you_mean); } } } $full_result['did_you_mean'] = $did_you_mean; $full_result['did_you_mean_b'] = $did_you_mean_b; $matchword = $sph_messages["matches"]; if ($rows == 1) { $matchword= $sph_messages["match"]; } $num_of_results = count($result) - 2; $full_result['num_of_results'] = $num_of_results; if ($start < 2) saveToLog(addslashes($query), $time, $rows); $from = ($start-1) * $results_per_page+1; $to = min(($start)*$results_per_page, $rows); $full_result['from'] = $from; $full_result['to'] = $to; $full_result['total_results'] = $rows; if ($rows>0) { $maxweight = $result['maxweight']; $i = 0; while ($i < $num_of_results && $i < $results_per_page) { $title = $result[$i]['title']; $url = $result[$i]['url']; $fulltxt = $result[$i]['fulltxt']; $page_size = $result[$i]['size']; $domain = $result[$i]['domain']; if ($page_size!="") $page_size = number_format($page_size, 1)."kb"; $txtlen = strlen($fulltxt); if ($txtlen > $desc_length) { $places = array(); foreach($words['hilight'] as $word) { $tmp = strtolower($fulltxt); $found_in = strpos($tmp, $word); $sum = -strlen($word); while (!($found_in =='')) { $pos = $found_in+strlen($word); $sum += $pos; //FIX!! $tmp = substr($tmp, $pos); $places[] = $sum; $found_in = strpos($tmp, $word); } } sort($places); $x = 0; $begin = 0; $end = 0; while(list($id, $place) = each($places)) { while ($places[$id + $x] - $place < $desc_length && $x+$id < count($places) && $place < strlen($fulltxt) -$desc_length) { $x++; $begin = $id; $end = $id + $x; } } $begin_pos = max(0, $places[$begin] - 30); $fulltxt = substr($fulltxt, $begin_pos, $desc_length); if ($places[$begin] > 0) { $begin_pos = strpos($fulltxt, " "); } $fulltxt = substr($fulltxt, $begin_pos, $desc_length); $fulltxt = substr($fulltxt, 0, strrpos($fulltxt, " ")); $fulltxt = $fulltxt; } $weight = number_format($result[$i]['weight']/$maxweight*100, 2); if ($title=='') $title = $sph_messages["Untitled"]; $regs = Array(); if (strlen($title) > 80) { $title = substr($title, 0,76)."..."; } foreach($words['hilight'] as $change) { while (preg_match("/[^\>](".$change.")[^\<]/i", " ".$title." ", $regs)) { $title = preg_replace("/".$regs[1]."/i", "<b>".$regs[1]."</b>", $title); } while (preg_match("/[^\>](".$change.")[^\<]/i", " ".$fulltxt." ", $regs)) { $fulltxt = preg_replace("/".$regs[1]."/i", "<b>".$regs[1]."</b>", $fulltxt); } $url2 = $url; while (preg_match("/[^\>](".$change.")[^\<]/i", $url2, $regs)) { $url2 = preg_replace("/".$regs[1]."/i", "<b>".$regs[1]."</b>", $url2); } } $num = $from + $i; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['num'] = $num; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['weight'] = $weight; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['url'] = $url; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['title'] = $title; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['fulltxt'] = $fulltxt; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['url2'] = $url2; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['page_size'] = $page_size; $full_result['qry_results'][$i]['domain_name'] = $domain; $i++; } } $pages = ceil($rows / $results_per_page); $full_result['pages'] = $pages; $prev = $start - 1; $full_result['prev'] = $prev; $next = $start + 1; $full_result['next'] = $next; $full_result['start'] = $start; $full_result['query'] = $entitiesQuery; if ($from <= $to) { $firstpage = $start - $links_to_next; if ($firstpage < 1) $firstpage = 1; $lastpage = $start + $links_to_next; if ($lastpage > $pages) $lastpage = $pages; for ($x=$firstpage; $x<=$lastpage; $x++) $full_result['other_pages'][] = $x; } return $full_result; } ?>
okay wow this has taken some time any how i have found something that is working... $query1 = "SELECT distinct link_id, url, title, description, $fulltxt, size FROM ".$mysql_table_prefix."links WHERE link_id in ($inlist) order by url desc"; the code above is working sort of..... i am able to get the results order to change but still not exactly what i want it to do just yet, still working on it... any help would be great now that i am getting a slight hang of this.