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  1. thanks for the help you did give guys ive managed to sort it just needed to specify px at the end of the change to "top" code lol
  2. well thats that then its been moved to third party scripts and i think the people who could have helped cant see it now lol oh well then again reading the description of this forum maybe ill get more help (fingers crossed)
  3. just tried both of those changes and it changed nothing tried them seperately and together and nothing changed
  4. thanks sanchez and that is one step closer i've been there before i think but i don't know how lol i've just tried it and it displays the banner in the right place HOWEVER the thumbnails for the gallery directorys then display over the top of it as per the image attached, maybe need some padding for the main section to stop it encroaching on the banner i dunno
  5. the styling is contained within the php file so should i go and ask this same question in there?? :-\
  6. Theres my favourite word 'SIMPLE' and this is not for me lol tried the include thing didnt have a clue where to put the string to call it and it didn't work
  7. wow... i think i might have come to the wrong site for help lol, i read the include info and i have tried it as one of the many methods i read about whilst searching both here and google (who's supposed to be my friend lol) but it changes nothing and doesn't display the banner anywhere this is melting my mind and although i do see that it says you aren't here to write code for me in your signature if anyone has got what i'm sure will be 2 minutes to alter the file i attached to simply display a banner 1192x140 at the top regardless of what's happening within the script i would be eternally greatful if thats not the case and its simply not that easy then tell me as I just don't understand
  8. I'm afraid I am a total newbie at php coding and i don't understand how to do this or how it would work or where it should go within the index.php file, just let me clarify that the single file i attached is the ONLY file in the directory for the gallery other than pictures for display it works alone and does not use any other files it works perfectly but i just need to put a banner at the top (the reason im asking is because it appears the guy who made this is no longer available for support)
  9. Hi, I have managed to work many things out for myself, I was reluctant to ask for help as any man would be lol HOWEVER i have got a script which is a single file gallery i want to use on my site I have tried at least 20 combinations to SIMPLY display a banner at the top in the center of every page of the gallery, below is the php file for the single page gallery could someone PLEASE PLEASE tell me how i can get it to display my site banner at the top, this is driving me nuts and I apologise if this has been discussed else where but the searchs i have done have not turned up a simple answer of any kind for me 18284_.php
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