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Sorry for a very late reply, I've been really busy with my project so I didn't have a chance to reply to your message I have changed my code entirely and managed to get pagination to work, but I have a small problem with it displaying images in a table. I am trying to display the images that I get from the database in a dynamically generated table that will display 3 columns of images in a row like so "Image1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6 etc" <?php require_once ('includes/connect.inc.php'); $items_on_page = 12; if(isset($_GET['page'])) { $page = $_GET['page']; $start_from = ($_GET['page']-1)*$items_on_page; }else { $page = 1; $start_from = 0; } $sql = "SELECT p.productID, p.catalogueID, p.colour1, p.colour2, p.colour3, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY p.productID ASC) AS rownumber FROM products p JOIN product_catalogue c ON p.catalogueID = c.catalogueID WHERE p.category1=2 OR p.category2=2"; $params = array($_GET['category1']&&($_GET['category2'])); $stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $sql, $params); if( $stmt === false ) { die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true)); } $sql2 = "SELECT COUNT(productID) AS 'rowcount' FROM products WHERE category1=2 OR category2=2"; $stmt2 = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $sql2,$params); if( $stmt2 === false ) { die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true)); } while( $row2 = sqlsrv_fetch_array( $stmt2)){$total_records = $row2['rowcount'];} $total_pages = ceil($total_records / $items_on_page); ?> <?php $dynamicList = ""; while( $row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($stmt)) { $rownumber = $row['rownumber']; $end_at = $items_on_page + $start_from; if (($rownumber>$start_from)&&($rownumber<=$end_at)) { $prod_id = $row['productID']; $cat_id = $row['catalogueID']; $col_id1 = $row['colour1']; $col_id2 = $row['colour2']; $col_id3 = $row['colour3']; $sql3 = "SELECT * FROM product_colours WHERE colourID =? OR colourID =? OR colourID =?"; $params3 = array($col_id1,$col_id2,$col_id3); $stmt3 = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $sql3, $params3); $count = 1; while( $row3 = sqlsrv_fetch_array( $stmt3)) { switch ($count) { case 1:$colour1 = $row3['colour_description'];break; case 2:$colour2 = $row3['colour_description'];break; case 3:$colour3 = $row3['colour_description'];break; } $count++; } $sql3 = "SELECT catalogueID, product_name, product_price, description FROM product_catalogue WHERE catalogueID = ?"; $params3 = array($cat_id); $stmt3 = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $sql3, $params3); $columncount = 0; $dynamicList = '<table width="744" border="0" cellpadding="6"><tr>'; while( $row3 = sqlsrv_fetch_array( $stmt3)) { $prod_name = $row3['product_name']; $prod_price = $row3['product_price']; $prod_desc = $row3['description']; $dynamicList .= '<td width="135"><a href="product_details_women.php?productID=' . $prod_id . '"> <img src="images/products/Small/Women/' . $prod_id . '.jpg" alt="' . $prod_name . '" width="129" height="169" border="0"> </a> </td> <td width="593" valign="top">' . $prod_name . '<br> £' . $prod_price . '<br> <a href="product_details_women.php?productID=' . $prod_id . '">View Product Details</a></td>'; if($columncount == 2) { $dynamicList .= '</tr><tr>'; $columncount = 0; } else { $columncount++; } } $dynamicList .= '</tr></table>'; echo $dynamicList; } } ?> <?php function Pagination($x) { $pageURL = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; //$pageURL = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; $pageURL = preg_replace("/\b&page=([0-9]{1,4})/","",$pageURL); return $pageURL."&page=".$x; } if ($page != 1) { echo "<a href='".Pagination($page-1)."'>Previous</a>"; } else { echo "Previous"; } echo " | "; for ($i=1; $i<=$total_pages; $i++) { if ($i != $page) { echo "<a href='".Pagination($i)."'> ".$i." </a>"; } else { echo " ".$i." "; } } echo " | "; if ($page != $total_pages) { echo "<a href='".Pagination($page+1)."'>Next</a>"; } else { echo "Next"; } ?> I know it has something to do with me using tables to display images in rows but I just can't find the problem anywhere
Thank you for your reply, kicken I'm sorry but I'm not exactly sure how to echo out my query and run it in management studio? while($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($stmt2)){ $id = $row["productID"]; $product_name = $row["product_name"]; $product_price = $row["product_price"]; $outputList .= '<h1>' . $product_name . '</h1><h2>' . $product_price . ' </h2><hr />'; } <?php echo $outputList; ?> Is that what you mean by echoing out a query? I tried running this query in management studio SELECT * FROM ( SELECT TOP $itemsPerPage * FROM ( SELECT TOP $maxRecords productID, product_name, product_price FROM products INNER JOIN product_catalogue ON products.catalogueID = product_catalogue.catalogueID WHERE category1 = '1' ORDER BY productID ASC ) tbl ORDER BY productID DESC ) tbl ORDER BY productID ASC But I obviously got an error message saying "Incorrect syntax near '$itemsPerPage'" I tried "var_dump($row);" that you suggested but I still get no results at all
Thank you very much for your reply, kicken Here is my updated code: $tsql = "SELECT * FROM products INNER JOIN product_catalogue ON products.catalogueID = product_catalogue.catalogueID WHERE category1 = '1' ORDER BY productID ASC"; $stmt = sqlsrv_query($conn,$tsql); $nr = sqlsrv_num_rows($stmt); // Get total of Num rows from the database query if (isset($_GET['pn'])) { // Get pn from URL vars if it is present $pn = preg_replace('#[^0-9]#i', '', $_GET['pn']); // filter everything but numbers for security(new) } else { // If the pn URL variable is not present force it to be value of page number 1 $pn = 1; } //This is where we set how many database items to show on each page $itemsPerPage = 10; // Get the value of the last page in the pagination result set $lastPage = ceil($nr / $itemsPerPage); // Be sure URL variable $pn(page number) is no lower than page 1 and no higher than $lastpage if ($pn < 1) { // If it is less than 1 $pn = 1; // force it to be 1 } else if ($pn > $lastPage) { // if it is greater than $lastpage $pn = $lastPage; // force it to be $lastpage's value } // This creates the numbers to click in between the next and back buttons // This section is explained well in the video that accompanies this script $centerPages = ""; $sub1 = $pn - 1; $sub2 = $pn - 2; $add1 = $pn + 1; $add2 = $pn + 2; if ($pn == 1) { $centerPages .= ' <span class="pagNumActive">' . $pn . '</span> '; $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $add1 . '">' . $add1 . '</a> '; } else if ($pn == $lastPage) { $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $sub1 . '">' . $sub1 . '</a> '; $centerPages .= ' <span class="pagNumActive">' . $pn . '</span> '; } else if ($pn > 2 && $pn < ($lastPage - 1)) { $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $sub2 . '">' . $sub2 . '</a> '; $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $sub1 . '">' . $sub1 . '</a> '; $centerPages .= ' <span class="pagNumActive">' . $pn . '</span> '; $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $add1 . '">' . $add1 . '</a> '; $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $add2 . '">' . $add2 . '</a> '; } else if ($pn > 1 && $pn < $lastPage) { $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $sub1 . '">' . $sub1 . '</a> '; $centerPages .= ' <span class="pagNumActive">' . $pn . '</span> '; $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $add1 . '">' . $add1 . '</a> '; } $maxRecords = $pn*$itemsPerPage; $tsql2 = "SELECT * FROM ( SELECT TOP $itemsPerPage * FROM ( SELECT TOP $maxRecords productID, product_name, product_price FROM products INNER JOIN product_catalogue ON products.catalogueID = product_catalogue.catalogueID WHERE category1 = '1' ORDER BY productID ASC ) tbl ORDER BY productID DESC ) tbl ORDER BY productID ASC"; $stmt2 = sqlsrv_query($conn,$tsql2); $paginationDisplay = ""; // Initialize the pagination output variable // This code runs only if the last page variable is not equal to 1, if it is only 1 page we require no paginated links to display if ($lastPage != "1"){ // This shows the user what page they are on, and the total number of pages $paginationDisplay .= 'Page <strong>' . $pn . '</strong> of ' . $lastPage. ' '; // If we are not on page 1 we can place the Back button if ($pn != 1) { $previous = $pn - 1; $paginationDisplay .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $previous . '"> Back</a> '; } // Lay in the clickable numbers display here between the Back and Next links $paginationDisplay .= '<span class="paginationNumbers">' . $centerPages . '</span>'; // If we are not on the very last page we can place the Next button if ($pn != $lastPage) { $nextPage = $pn + 1; $paginationDisplay .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $nextPage . '"> Next</a> '; } } // Build the Output Section Here $outputList = ''; while($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($stmt2)){ $id = $row["productID"]; $product_name = $row["product_name"]; $product_price = $row["product_price"]; $outputList .= '<h1>' . $product_name . '</h1><h2>' . $product_price . ' </h2><hr />'; } ?> And this is where I output everything <body> <div style="margin-left:64px; margin-right:64px;"> <h2>Total Items: <?php echo $nr; ?></h2> </div> <div style="margin-left:58px; margin-right:58px; padding:6px; background-color:#FFF; border:#999 1px solid;"><?php echo $paginationDisplay; ?></div> <div style="margin-left:64px; margin-right:64px;"><?php print $outputList; ?></div> <div style="margin-left:58px; margin-right:58px; padding:6px; background-color:#FFF; border:#999 1px solid;"><?php echo $paginationDisplay; ?></div> </body> Unfortunately I still get no results displayed on my page. I've been trying to get this pagination to work for the past week and no luck so far Do you have any ideas why I get no records displayed on my page? Thank you
Display images from different sub-folders located in one folder
manhunt234 replied to manhunt234's topic in PHP Coding Help
Thank you, QuickOldCar. It all works perfectly well now! -
I am trying to display all images located in two sub-folders. Both sub-folders are located in one folder. Here is the code I have right now $columncount = 0; $dynamicList = '<table width="744" border="0" cellpadding="6"><tr>'; while($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($stmt)){ $id = $row["productID"]; $product_name = $row["product_name"]; $product_price = $row["product_price"]; $dynamicList .= '<td width="135"><a href="product_details.php?productID=' . $id . '"><img src="images/products/Men/' . $id . '.jpg" alt="' . $product_name . '" width="129" height="169" border="0"></a></td> <td width="593" valign="top">' . $product_name . '<br> £' . $product_price . '<br> <a href="product_details.php?productID=' . $id . '">View Product Details</a></td>'; if($columncount == 2){ $dynamicList .= '</tr><tr>'; $columncount = 0; }else $columncount++; } $dynamicList .= '</tr></table>'; echo $dynamicList; As you can see I get all images from "products/Men/". But my products folder also contains a sub-folder named Women. How can I display all images from both Men and Women sub-folders located in products folder I tried displaying products like this: <img src="images/products/ But that doesn't work at all. How can I get to display all images from both sub-folders in PHP?
Hello I am trying to paginate my products by using php and sql server 2008. I followed this video tutorial to help me understand how pagination works: The only problem is that this tutorial is about MySQL and not SQL Server 2008 Here is my code that I have written so far: $tsql = "SELECT * FROM products INNER JOIN product_catalogue ON products.catalogueID = product_catalogue.catalogueID WHERE category1 = '1' ORDER BY productID ASC"; $stmt = sqlsrv_query($conn,$tsql); $nr = sqlsrv_num_rows($stmt); // Get total of Num rows from the database query if (isset($_GET['pn'])) { // Get pn from URL vars if it is present $pn = preg_replace('#[^0-9]#i', '', $_GET['pn']); // filter everything but numbers for security(new) } else { // If the pn URL variable is not present force it to be value of page number 1 $pn = 1; } //This is where we set how many database items to show on each page $itemsPerPage = 10; // Get the value of the last page in the pagination result set $lastPage = ceil($nr / $itemsPerPage); // Be sure URL variable $pn(page number) is no lower than page 1 and no higher than $lastpage if ($pn < 1) { // If it is less than 1 $pn = 1; // force it to be 1 } else if ($pn > $lastPage) { // if it is greater than $lastpage $pn = $lastPage; // force it to be $lastpage's value } // This creates the numbers to click in between the next and back buttons // This section is explained well in the video that accompanies this script $centerPages = ""; $sub1 = $pn - 1; $sub2 = $pn - 2; $add1 = $pn + 1; $add2 = $pn + 2; if ($pn == 1) { $centerPages .= ' <span class="pagNumActive">' . $pn . '</span> '; $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $add1 . '">' . $add1 . '</a> '; } else if ($pn == $lastPage) { $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $sub1 . '">' . $sub1 . '</a> '; $centerPages .= ' <span class="pagNumActive">' . $pn . '</span> '; } else if ($pn > 2 && $pn < ($lastPage - 1)) { $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $sub2 . '">' . $sub2 . '</a> '; $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $sub1 . '">' . $sub1 . '</a> '; $centerPages .= ' <span class="pagNumActive">' . $pn . '</span> '; $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $add1 . '">' . $add1 . '</a> '; $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $add2 . '">' . $add2 . '</a> '; } else if ($pn > 1 && $pn < $lastPage) { $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $sub1 . '">' . $sub1 . '</a> '; $centerPages .= ' <span class="pagNumActive">' . $pn . '</span> '; $centerPages .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $add1 . '">' . $add1 . '</a> '; } // This line sets the "LIMIT" range... the 2 values we place to choose a range of rows from database in our query $limit = 'LIMIT ' .($pn - 1) * $itemsPerPage .',' .$itemsPerPage; // Now we are going to run the same query as above but this time add $limit onto the end of the SQL syntax // $sql2 is what we will use to fuel our while loop statement below $tsql2 = "SELECT * FROM products INNER JOIN product_catalogue ON products.catalogueID = product_catalogue.catalogueID WHERE category1 = '1' ORDER BY productID ASC $limit"; $stmt2 = sqlsrv_query($conn,$tsql2); $paginationDisplay = ""; // Initialize the pagination output variable // This code runs only if the last page variable is not equal to 1, if it is only 1 page we require no paginated links to display if ($lastPage != "1"){ // This shows the user what page they are on, and the total number of pages $paginationDisplay .= 'Page <strong>' . $pn . '</strong> of ' . $lastPage. ' '; // If we are not on page 1 we can place the Back button if ($pn != 1) { $previous = $pn - 1; $paginationDisplay .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $previous . '"> Back</a> '; } // Lay in the clickable numbers display here between the Back and Next links $paginationDisplay .= '<span class="paginationNumbers">' . $centerPages . '</span>'; // If we are not on the very last page we can place the Next button if ($pn != $lastPage) { $nextPage = $pn + 1; $paginationDisplay .= ' <a href="' . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?pn=' . $nextPage . '"> Next</a> '; } } // Build the Output Section Here $outputList = ''; while($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($stmt2)){ $id = $row["productID"]; $product_name = $row["product_name"]; $product_price = $row["product_price"]; $outputList .= '<h1>' . $product_name . '</h1><h2>' . $product_price . ' </h2><hr />'; } ?> As you can see right above my second query I set the LIMIT range and try to insert the $limit variable into the SELECT query. Unfortunately that doesn't work with SQL Server. So this is the code that I don't know how to convert to SQL Server properly: $limit = 'LIMIT ' .($pn - 1) * $itemsPerPage .',' .$itemsPerPage; $tsql2 = "SELECT * FROM products INNER JOIN product_catalogue ON products.catalogueID = product_catalogue.catalogueID WHERE category1 = '1' ORDER BY productID ASC $limit"; $stmt2 = sqlsrv_query($conn,$tsql2); I tried converting it into the format SQL Server should understand but as I'm very new to PHP and to programming in general, I was not able to get it to work $limit = ($pn - 1) * $itemsPerPage; $next_page = $itemsPerPage; $tsql2 = "SELECT TOP $next_page productID, product_name, product_price FROM products INNER JOIN product_catalogue ON products.catalogueID = product_catalogue.catalogueID WHERE category1 = '1' AND productID NOT IN(SELECT TOP $limit productID FROM products INNER JOIN product_catalogue ON products.catalogueID = product_catalogue.catalogueID WHERE category1 = '1' ORDER BY productID ASC)"; $stmt2 = sqlsrv_query($conn,$tsql2); Looking forward to your reply Thank you