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  1. Hi, thanks for the respond. I've look around for a way to edit the setting but the only information (from the provided link) I can change are email address and password. Is there anyway to change the other information such as birthday?
  2. Hi. Seeing that this site doesn't let users to terminate their account, may I request a magic button to hide our information? I never contribute in any post so I am pretty much useless. I need to change / hide private information.
  3. woops I am off topic. byeeee
  4. try using <pre> </pre> it preserves spaces and line breaks
  5. Did you mean the form <form id="to-watch"> ? And is it calling below's javascript function? $(function() { $('#to-watch').submit(function(event) { event.preventDefault() $(this).hide('fast'); var movie_id_watch = $('#to-watch [name="MOVIE_ID_TO_WATCH"]').val(); var user_id_watch = $('#to-watch [name="USER_ID_TO_WATCH"]').val(); $.ajax({type: 'POST', url: 'to_play_add.php', cache: false, timeout: 10000, data: {to_watch_user_id: user_id_watch, to_watch_movie_id: movie_id_watch}, success: function() { $('#div_show_play').text('Added to your to play list'). append(html).show('fast'); }, error: function() { $('#div_show_play').text('There is a problem').show('fast'); } }); }); }); as far as I know we cannot call function using that way. Sorry if I misunderstood, though. Guess I'm not helping
  6. I don't know if this is going to help or not, but instead of escaping from php a few times for html, why don't you just use echo instead, so the coding will look neat. Just a suggestion if you don't mind. Is the error said "unexpected $end" ? because you didn't tell the second problem. I tried to correct it and the error is because of the first 'if' isn't close (the bracket is still open). <div id="to_play"> <?php if($rank>=1) { include"scripts/connect.php" ; mysql_connect('localhost',$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); $userquery_to_play = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM to_watch WHERE (to_watch_movie_id='$title') AND (to_watch_user_id='$loggedinusername')"); if (mysql_num_rows($userquery_to_play) > 0) { $user_to_play = mysql_result($userquery_to_play,$i,"to_watch_user_id"); echo "<div><span class='rulesub'>This is in your to play list</span><br></div>"; } else if($rank>=1) { include"scripts/connect.php" ; mysql_connect('localhost',$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); $userquery_in_rating = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM rateing WHERE (title='$title') AND (user_id='$loggedinusername')"); } else { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>"; // your javascript echo "</script>"; echo "<form id='to-watch'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='MOVIE_ID_TO_WATCH' value='<?php echo $title; ?>'>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='USER_ID_TO_WATCH' value='<?php echo $loggedinusername; ?>'>"; echo "<input type='submit' value='Add to my to play list'>"; echo "</form>"; echo "<div id='div_show_play' class='rulesub' align='left'>"; echo "</div>"; } } ?> sorry if it doesn't help.
  7. how is the latest result? Does it giving you all the query from your database? Maybe it should be this: $topic = $_Get['id']; $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM students WHERE topic LIKE'%$topic%'"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr><p>"; echo "<th><p>" . $row['month']." " .$row['datetime']."</p></th>"; echo"<th><p>". $row['topic'] ."</p></th>"; echo "<th><p>" . $row['gender'] . "</p></th>"; echo "<th><p>" . $row['fname'] . " " . $row['lname'] . "</p></th>"; echo "<th ><p>" . $row['id'] . "</p></th>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "</table>"; Because if the $result is $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM students) then the looping will fetch all the array because your $result doesn't have condition.
  8. hello, maybe you should add $term=$_POST['term']; because when you hit 'search', the keyword you are searching is saved in $_POST['term'] so the $term in your sql instruction is equal to blank, which make it gives you all the result. Hope it helps : )
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