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Everything posted by soulsociety

  1. ok I managed to update list item. here is the code <td><select name = "tablelist" value =""> <option name="first "></option> <?php $resultt = $myDBClass->get_results("SELECT * from Assignment "); $sayi = 0; while (($resultt[$sayi]->Name)!= null) { echo " <option value='val'>"; echo $resultt[$sayi]->ID; echo '--'; echo $resultt[$sayi]->Name; echo '--'; echo $resultt[$sayi]->Surname; echo '--'; echo $resultt[$sayi]->assignmentNumber; echo "</option> "; $sayi++; } ?> </td> </select> now the thing I want is that when I select a list item I want all the form is filled with the data from the table immediately. if I want to edit some of the data and clicked the update button it will be updated. I did the update section but I have to enter the data by myself. I want all the data should be in the form when I select a list. Please someone help me!!!
  2. To be more Specific <?php class SomeClass { public $insert_id=0; private $host="localhost"; private $User="ciftlikt_lab"; private $Pass="test@lab"; private $DB="ciftlikt_deneme"; private $connection; private function SC_connect_db(){ $this->connection=mysql_connect($this->host ,$this->User,$this->Pass ); if (!$this->connection) die('No Connection'); $res=mysql_select_db ($this->DB , $this->connection); if(!$res) die("No Database"); return $res; } public function query($sql){ $this->SC_connect_db(); return mysql_query ($sql ,$this->connection ); } public function get_results($sql){ $result= $this->query($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $results[]=(object)$row; } return $results; } public function add_user($user) { $result= $this->query($sql); $sql ="INSERT INTO deneme (NULL, '$user->id', '$user->name')"; } public function insert($table, $var){ $sql="INSERT INTO $table VALUES ("; foreach ($var as $va){ $sql.="'$va',"; } $sql.= ")"; $sql=str_replace( ",)" , ")" , $sql ); $result= $this->query($sql); $this->insert_id= mysql_insert_id ($this->connection); return $result; } } $myDBClass = new SomeClass; $sql1 = "CREATE TABLE Assignment ( Name varchar(15), Surname varchar(15), ID int, AssignmentNumber int )"; $myDBClass ->query($sql1); // add fields if (isset($_POST['submit1'])) { $formarray = array(($_POST['ad']), ($_POST['soyad']), ($_POST['id']), ($_POST['assignment']) ); $myDBClass->insert("Assignment" , $formarray); } if (isset($_POST['Update'])) { $name = $_POST['ad2']; $surname = $_POST['soyad2']; $assignment = $_POST['assignment2']; $id = $_POST['id2']; $sql2 = "UPDATE Assignment SET Name = '$name', assignmentNumber = '$assignment', Surname='$surname' WHERE ID = '$id'"; $myDBClass ->query($sql2); } $sql3 = "DELETE FROM Assignment WHERE ID=0 "; $myDBClass ->query($sql3); new dbug($myDBClass ->get_results("SELECT * from Assignment")); ?> <form method="POST"> <table> <tr> <td>İsim<span style="color:#FF7A1D;">*</span></td> <td><input type="text" name="ad" value="" size="15" maxlength="15" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Soyisim<span style="color:#FF7A1D;">*</span></td> <td><input type="text" name="soyad" value="" size="15" maxlength="15" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>ID<span style="color:#FF7A1D;">*</span></td> <td><input type="text" name="id" value="" size="15" maxlength="7" /></td> </tr> <td>Assignment Number<span style="color:#FF7A1D;">*</span></td> <td><input type="text" name="assignment" value="" size="15" maxlength="5" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><input type="submit" name = "submit1" value="Gönder" /></td> </tr> </form> <form method="POST"> <table> <tr> <td>Data<span style="color:#FF7A1D;">*</span></td> <td><select name = "tablelist" value =""> <option name="first "></option> <option name = "firstdata" value="<?php $resultt = $myDBClass->get_results("SELECT * from Assignment "); echo $resultt[0]->ID; echo "--"; echo $resultt[0]->Name; echo "--"; echo $resultt[0]->Surname; echo "--"; echo $resultt[0]->assignmentNumber; ?>"><?php $resultt = $myDBClass->get_results("SELECT * from Assignment "); echo $resultt[0]->ID; echo "--"; echo $resultt[0]->Name; echo "--"; echo $resultt[0]->Surname; echo "--"; echo $resultt[0]->assignmentNumber; ?> </option> <option value="saab"><?php $resultt = $myDBClass->get_results("SELECT * from Assignment "); echo $resultt[1]->ID; echo "--"; echo $resultt[1]->Name; echo "--"; echo $resultt[1]->Surname; echo "--"; echo $resultt[1]->assignmentNumber; ?> </option> <option value="mercedes"><?php $resultt = $myDBClass->get_results("SELECT * from Assignment "); echo $resultt[2]->ID; echo "--"; echo $resultt[2]->Name; echo "--"; echo $resultt[2]->Surname; echo "--"; echo $resultt[2]->assignmentNumber; ?> </option> <option value="audi"><?php $resultt = $myDBClass->get_results("SELECT * from Assignment "); echo $resultt[3]->ID; echo "--"; echo $resultt[3]->Name; echo "--"; echo $resultt[3]->Surname; echo "--"; echo $resultt[3]->assignmentNumber; ?> </option> </td> </select> </tr> <tr> <td>İsim<span style="color:#FF7A1D;">*</span></td> <td><input type="text" name="ad2" value="" size="15" maxlength="15" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Soyisim<span style="color:#FF7A1D;">*</span></td> <td><input type="text" name="soyad2" value="" size="15" maxlength="15" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>ID<span style="color:#FF7A1D;">*</span></td> <td><input type="text" name="id2" value="" size="15" maxlength="7" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Assignment Number<span style="color:#FF7A1D;">*</span></td> <td><input type="text" name="assignment2" value="" size="15" maxlength="5" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="1"><input type="submit" name="Update" value="Update" /></td> </tr> </form> I have this code.
  3. thank you for your reply. Yes I know how to query database and I created a from. I also can show the rows of table in a select item. What I cant do is I want my list box dynamically show all the items in it. I only achieved to call a query and show the rows manually. I mean when a new data is inserted I have to cal another query. The other think Can I make such a form that when I select a row from the list and it shows me the data in the form and I can edit it? Please if you can help I would appreciate it
  4. hey everyone! I Need an update data code from a form. First of all I need a list which shows all the rows from my database. then when user select the row which he/she want to edit, he/she can be able to fill the form and when enters the update button that row should be updated. Can anyone help me how to do such thing. I would really appreciate it.
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