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Posts posted by danh30

  1. I've pretty much completed a website for a friend that is opening up a business where people can signup and come in and paint with a real artist. I have a short video I created to help explain what I need to create for her website so people can sign up for a art class on a given date. On the first page when you select number of seats, like that's say 3 on the next page towards the bottom it will populate 3 fields for who's coming. I basically need to recreate the whole signup and payment method. Here's the website I'm trying to recreate.


    This is the site I'm trying to recreate.  http://www.paintingwithatwist.com/events/viewEvent.aspx?eventID=62400


    Here's the video I created trying to show what I want to accomplish.  http://www.screencast.com/users/danh31/folders/Jing/media/32a11d23-cd67-40b7-9242-792689845250


    I really don't know if this is created with php or something else.


    Appreciate any help I can get.

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