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Everything posted by wezze
how do i get this <?php echo $lang['']; ?> into this code where the text is? <? /** * Just a little page footer, tells how many registered members * there are, how many users currently logged in and viewing site, * and how many guests viewing site. Active users are displayed, * with link to their user information. */ echo "<center><b>Totaal geregistreerde leden:</b> ".$database->getNumMembers()."<br>"; echo "Er zijn $database->num_active_users registreerde leden en "; echo "$database->num_active_guests bezoekers online.<br><br></center>"; include("../../www/log/view_active.php"); ?> thx
lol idd there was alrdy a table with home in it next time ill drop it 1. thx allot
Hi i need the following db for mutli language script but i get the following error #1062 - Duplicate entry 'home' for key 'id' this is the .sql CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `modlang` ( `id` varchar(15) NOT NULL, `en` text NOT NULL, `fr` text NOT NULL, `nl` text NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; -- -- Dumping data for table `modlang` -- INSERT INTO `modlang` (`id`, `en`, `fr`, `nl`) VALUES ('home', 'Home', 'Accueill', 'Home'), ('members', 'Members', 'Membre', 'Leden'), ('album', 'Album', 'Album', 'Album'), ('calender', 'Calender', 'Calendrier', 'Kalender'), ('contact', 'Contact', 'Contact', 'Contact'), ('register', 'Register', 'S inscrire', 'Inschrijven'), ('guestbook', 'Guestbook', 'Livre d or', 'Gastenboek'), ('movies', 'Movies', 'Film', 'Filmen'), ('link', 'Link', 'Lien', 'Links'), ('welcome', 'Welcome', 'Bienvenue', 'Welkom'), ('info', 'Info', 'Info', 'Info'), ('member', 'Member', 'Membre', 'Lid'), ('fillout', 'Fill out the form below and we will contact you as soon possible.', 'Remplissez le formulaire ci-dessous et nous vous contacterons d?s possible', 'Vul dan snel onderstaand formulier in en wij contacteren u zo snel mogenlijk.'), ('name:', 'Name:', 'Nom:', 'Naam:'), ('birth date:', 'Birth date:', 'Date de naissance:', 'Geboorte datum:'), ('sex:', 'Sex:', 'Sexe:', 'Geslacht:'), ('city:', 'City:', 'Ville:', 'Stad:'), ('country:', 'Country:', 'Pays:', 'Land:'), ('postal:', 'Postal code:', 'Code postal:', 'Postcode:'), ('street:', 'Street:', 'Rue:', 'Straat:'), ('back', 'Back', 'Retour', 'Terug'), ('next', 'Next', 'Suivenant', 'Volgende'), ('login', 'Login', 'login', 'Inloggen'), ('password', 'Password', 'Mot de passe', 'Wachtwoord'), ('fw', 'Forgot password?', 'Mot de passe oubli??', 'Wachtwoord vergeten?'); i dont get why i cant use an entry multi times. thx
i found a solution of a multi language script with ajax,mysql,php im trying to understand it but the menu problem is solved. thx
what about 2 languages would this causse any problems? /name /www /nl index.php /fr index.php /js /includes /nl /fr /images /css /lightbox thanks
ok im working on my new folder structure now. but stuff like lightbox where do i put that do i strip that folder too, so js, css ,images do i put them within my js, css, images folder or do i leave it like that? made this up till now /name /www index.php /js /includes /images /css The reason my folder structure was like this is because of...lazzynes?
so the only file that needs to be in my root is index.php? and stuff like admin center? what do you mean with autoload files?? thx
Hi im using includes for my menu's now the problem i have is when files are in the same folder its easy i just use <a href=\"test1.php\">test1</a> when sub folder <a href=\"../test1.php\">test1</a> but what to do with this?? lets say your this is my menu if($session->isAdmin()) { echo "<li><a href=\"../test.php\">test</a></li>"; echo "<li><a href=\"test1.php\">test1</a></li>"; echo "<li><a href=\"../test2.php\">test2</a></li>"; echo "<li><a href=\"../testfolder/test3.php\">test3</a></li><br>"; } now lets say im on page test1 and click the test3 page ill go to test3 page, now heres my problem when on page test3 and clicking page test i get an error causse i use the same menu as include for everything is there a way to fix this?? hope my example makes any sense thx
cant find it :s i geusse ill look for something else or try to find some tutorials thx anyway
<? if($session->logged_in){ echo "<h3>Menu</h3>"; echo "<li><a href=\"userinfo.php?user=$session->username\">Mijn Account</a></li>" ."<li><a href=\"useredit.php\">Instellingen</a></li>"; echo "<p> </p>"; if($session->isAdmin()){ echo "<li><a href=\"filmen_leden.php\">Filmen</a></li>" ."<li><a href=\"links.php\">links</a></li>" ."<li><a href=\"upload_kalender/upload.form.php\">upload kalender</a></li>" ."<li><a href=\"../livre d'or/admin/index.php\">livre d'or</a></li>" ."<li><a href=\"../gastenboek/admin/index.php\">Gastenboek</a></li>" ."<li><a href=\"admin/index.php?id=1\">Admin Center</a></li>"; } echo "<p> </p>" ."<li><a href=\"process.php\">Logout</a></li>"; } ?> you mean this? atm its still set for users and admin only.
<?php if( $session->=(3)(5)(7)){ // but then it doesnt matter what lvl they are thell all see the same here? if( $session->isAdmin()){ // do something } } thx
ok but if i do it otherwise and the user isnt admin the script wont bother to look for 7, 5 ect and if i would use elseif would that do the trick? like <?php if( $session->Logged_in){ // do something if( $session->isAdmin()){ // do something elseif($session->isUserlevel(7)){ // do something } } } thx
i dont need any1 to do it for me i only need a little puch in the right direction. ive been google-ing like hell on this subject and cant find anything thats why i posted here. i rlly dont get why the script stops at the first if session. thx
ok but how? thx
Well not rlly i only need to lvl the members of the club non members stay at low lvl. So i only need to make 1 a mod so he can help me with uploads of pics ect... and then the rest members ,so that the members cant mess around. I need to activate acounts so i might aswell asign a lvl while im busy its not that we got 100 members (yet).
in my admin cp i chose who get which lvl. i just modified last post
thats exactly what i want that the admin/lvl9 can see everyting and a user as good as nothing. i dont rlly understand this option check if user level is >= 5/7/9, which would return true for admin to see mod privs how do i approach this? or is it possible to redirect each lvl to another page? thanks
ok im having trouble with the session thing this is my include file for my side menu every lvl got other links to show but it only displays the if( $session->logged_in part it ignores the rest. So my question is what im i missing or doing wrong here? <? /** * Users can see logged_in * Members --> lvl5 * Mods --> lvl7 * Admin/lvl9 isAdmin */ if( $session->logged_in){ echo "<h3>Menu</h3>"; echo "<li><a href=\"userinfo.php?user=$session->username\">My Account</a></li>" ."<li><a href=\"useredit.php\">Edit Account</a></li>"; echo "<p> </p>"; if( $session->isUserlevel(5)){ echo "<li><a href=\"filmen_leden.php\">Filmen</a></li>"; if( $session->isUserlevel(7)){ echo "<li><a href=\"links.php\">links</a></li>" ."<li><a href=\"upload_kalender/upload.form.php\">upload kalender</a></li>"; if($session->isAdmin()){ echo "<li><a href=\"../livre d'or/admin/index.php\">livre d'or</a></li>" ."<li><a href=\"../gastenboek/admin/index.php\">Gastenboek</a></li>" ."<li><a href=\"admin/index.php?id=1\">Admin Center</a></li>"; } echo "<p> </p>" ."<li><a href=\"process.php\">Logout</a></li>"; }}} ?> thx
ive got a login script that works great only the update lvl of users doesnt work if i do it directly in myphp it works but not with the php script. constants.php define("ADMIN_NAME", "admin"); define("MOD_NAME", "Mod"); define("MEMBER_NAME", "Member"); define("USER_NAME", "User"); define("GUEST_NAME", "Guest"); define("ADMIN_LEVEL", 9); define("MOD_LEVEL", 7); define("MEMBER_LEVEL", 5); define("USER_LEVEL", 2); define("GUEST_LEVEL", 0); admin.php Username:<br> <input type="text" name="upduser" maxlength="30" value="<? echo $form->value("upduser"); ?>"> </td> <td> Level:<br> <select name="updlevel"> <option value="1">1 <option value="1">2 <option value="1">5 <option value="1">7 <option value="9">9 </select> </td> <td> <br> <input type="hidden" name="subupdlevel" value="1"> <input type="submit" value="Update Level"> </td></tr> </form> im struggling on this for 2 weeks now so any help would be great thx
ok ive added this if ($_SESSION[ 'member' ]==2) { echo 'some text'; } elseif ($_SESSION[ 'user' ]==5) { echo 'some text'; } but the problem i have is in my admin center when i change a userslvl it doesnt change i can only change it to 1or9 when i choose 2,5,7 it becomes 1. Any ideas what im doing wrong or forgetting? This is my DB var $connection; //The MySQL database connection var $num_active_users; //Number of active users viewing site var $num_active_guests; //Number of active guests viewing site var $num_members; //Number of signed-up users /* Note: call getNumMembers() to access $num_members! */ do i need to add something here? thx
Hi i was wondering how to add userlvls to an existing login script. this is what i alrdy did constant.php efine("ADMIN_NAME", "admin"); define("MOD_NAME", "Mod"); define("MEMBER_NAME", "Member"); define("USER_NAME", "User"); define("GUEST_NAME", "Guest"); define("ADMIN_LEVEL", 9); define("MOD_LEVEL", 7); define("MEMBER_LEVEL", 5); define("USER_LEVEL", 2); define("GUEST_LEVEL", 0); now i was wondering how to use this in this part index.php if($session->logged_in){ echo 'some text'; if($session->isAdmin()){ echo "some text"; } echo "<p> </p>" ."<center>[<a href=\"process.php\">Logout</a>]</center>"; } ?> and if i need to add/change more then this? thx
what do you mean with session[user_id] is not set? <?php <?php if( isset($_SESSION['user_id'] ): ?> <p><strong>My Account</strong></p> [<a href="myaccount.php">My Account</a>]<br> [<a href="mysettings.php">Settings</a>]<br> [<a href="../filmen_leden.php">Filmen</a>]<br> <p> </p> [<a href="logout.php">Logout </a>] <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <?php endif; ?> <?php if( checkAdmin ): ?> <p>[<a href="admin.php">Admin CP </a>]</p> [<a href="../links.php">links</a>]<br></li> [<a href="../gastenboek/admin/index.php">Gastenboek</a>]<br> [<a href="../livre d'or/admin/index.php">livre d'or</a>]<br> [<a href="../upload_kalender/upload.form.php">upload kalender</a>]<br> <?php endif; ?> is this what you mean with the conditionals and loops? thx
Hi im trying to get this into an include <?php /*********************** MYACCOUNT MENU **************************** This code shows my account menu only to logged in users. Copy this code till END and place it in a new html or php where you want to show myaccount options. This is only visible to logged in users *******************************************************************/ if (isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {?> <div class="myaccount"> <p><strong>My Account</strong></p> [<a href="myaccount.php">My Account</a>]<br> [<a href="mysettings.php">Settings</a>]<br> [<a href="../filmen_leden.php">Filmen</a>]<br> [<a href="logout.php">Logout </a>] <p></p></div> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <?php } if (checkAdmin()) { /*******************************END**************************/ ?> <p> [<a href="admin.php">Admin CP </a>]</p> <?php } ?> [<a href="../links.php">links</a>]<br> [<a href="../gastenboek/admin/index.php">Gastenboek</a>]<br> [<a href="../livre d'or/admin/index.php">livre d'or</a>]<br> [<a href="../upload_kalender/upload.form.php">upload kalender</a>]<br> </td> but it doesnt show in my side menu this is the original code <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" class="main"> <tr> <td colspan="3"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="160" valign="top"> <?php /*********************** MYACCOUNT MENU **************************** This code shows my account menu only to logged in users. Copy this code till END and place it in a new html or php where you want to show myaccount options. This is only visible to logged in users *******************************************************************/ if (isset($_SESSION['user_id'])) {?> <div class="myaccount"> <p><strong>My Account</strong></p> [<a href="myaccount.php">My Account</a>]<br> [<a href="mysettings.php">Settings</a>]<br> [<a href="../filmen_leden.php">Filmen</a>]<br> [<a href="logout.php">Logout </a>] <p></p></div> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <?php } if (checkAdmin()) { /*******************************END**************************/ ?> <p> [<a href="admin.php">Admin CP </a>]</p> <?php } ?> [<a href="../links.php">links</a>]<br> [<a href="../gastenboek/admin/index.php">Gastenboek</a>]<br> [<a href="../livre d'or/admin/index.php">livre d'or</a>]<br> [<a href="../upload_kalender/upload.form.php">upload kalender</a>]<br> </td> <td width="732" valign="top"><p> </p> <h3 class="titlehdr">Welcome <?php echo $_SESSION['user_name'];?></h3> <?php if (isset($_GET['msg'])) { echo "<div class=\"error\">$_GET[msg]</div>"; } ?> <p>This is the my account page</p> </td> <td width="196" valign="top"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="3"> </td> </tr> </table> any ideas? thx
ok cool but is that the only piece of code ill need? I had a quick look on google (now i know what to look for) and saw they use <head><script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script></head> will i need to put this in too? <script> $("section#content article").load("includes/article1_nl2.php"); </script> thx