i done php code for download mp3 file and its working perfectly. but the issues is when i download the mp3 file the tags (artist, album,...) are not copied from sourcefile.
my code is:
header('Content-type: audio/mpeg');
header('Content-length: ' . filesize($songlistpath[$ival]));
header('Content-Disposition: filename="'.$songlistpath[$ival].'"');
header('X-Pad: avoid browser bug');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
print file_get_contents($songlistpath[$ival]);
i set tags (Title , subtitle, rating,comments,album,artist, genre, length, name, type) in source mp3 file. but after download that file, these tags are not available in the new mp3 file (downloaded file) .
how can i solve it.
thank you