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  1. I'm working on a project that for whatever reason I cannot get the UserName and Password from one page to post to another. It has to be something fairly easy that I'm missing __________________________________ Here is the page with the submit button __________ Here is a snip it of the other page where the submit button is <?php if($_SESSION['CustomerID'] == 0) { echo '<form method="post" action="index.php?menukey=4"> <div> <span>UserName:</span><input type="text" class="text" maxlength="32" name="UserName" /> <span>Password:</span><input type="Password" class="text" maxlength="32" name="Password" /> <input type="submit" class="button" value="Login" /><br> <span>New customer? </span><a href="index.php?menukey=2">Start here...</a> </div> </form>'; } else { echo 'Customer ID = ' . $_SESSION['CustomerID'] . '<br>'; echo 'Welcome ' . $_SESSION['FirstName'] . '<br>'; echo 'Security ID: ' . $_SESSION['SecurityID'] . '<br>'; echo '<a href="index.php?menukey=44">Logoff</a>'; } ?> ______________________________________________________________________________ Here is the log in page <?php $a = session_id(); if(empty($a)) session_start(); $CustomerID = 0; $FirstName = ""; include "MySQLConnector.txt"; // Get the data from the form: $UserName = (isset($_POST['UserName'])) ? $_POST['UserName'] : FALSE; $Password = (isset($_POST['Password'])) ? $_POST['Password'] : FALSE; //echo "Customer ID : $CustomerID <br>"; //echo "FirstName : $FirstName <br>"; //echo "UserName : $UserName <br>"; //echo "Password : $Password <br>"; $query="SELECT CustomerID, FirstName, SecurityID FROM Customers WHERE UserName= '" . $UserName . "' AND Password= '" . $Password . "' "; // Build the query $rs = @mysqli_query ($dbc, $query); // Return the Result Set WHILE ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($rs, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { // Fetch the data $CustomerID = $row['CustomerID']; $FirstName = $row['FirstName']; $SecurityID = $row['SecurityID']; } //echo "Here's the Query: $query <br>"; mysqli_query($dbc,$query); if ($CustomerID!=0) { $_SESSION['CustomerID'] = $CustomerID; $_SESSION['FirstName'] = $FirstName; $_SESSION['SecurityID'] = $SecurityID; echo "FirstName: " . $_SESSION['FirstName']; } else { echo "Student Not Found"; } mysqli_close($dbc); //header("Location: index.php"); //Comment This Line to Debug ______________________________________________________________________________________ I have just about everything working. I'm just not sure why my password when I hit submit isnt finding it.
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