I'm working on a project that for whatever reason I cannot get the UserName and Password from one page to post to another. It has to be something fairly easy that I'm missing
Here is the page with the submit button
Here is a snip it of the other page where the submit button is
<?php if($_SESSION['CustomerID'] == 0) {
echo '<form method="post" action="index.php?menukey=4">
<span>UserName:</span><input type="text" class="text" maxlength="32" name="UserName" />
<span>Password:</span><input type="Password" class="text" maxlength="32" name="Password" />
<input type="submit" class="button" value="Login" /><br>
<span>New customer? </span><a href="index.php?menukey=2">Start here...</a>
} else {
echo 'Customer ID = ' . $_SESSION['CustomerID'] . '<br>';
echo 'Welcome ' . $_SESSION['FirstName'] . '<br>';
echo 'Security ID: ' . $_SESSION['SecurityID'] . '<br>';
echo '<a href="index.php?menukey=44">Logoff</a>';
Here is the log in page
$a = session_id();
if(empty($a)) session_start();
$CustomerID = 0;
$FirstName = "";
include "MySQLConnector.txt";
// Get the data from the form:
$UserName = (isset($_POST['UserName'])) ? $_POST['UserName'] : FALSE;
$Password = (isset($_POST['Password'])) ? $_POST['Password'] : FALSE;
//echo "Customer ID : $CustomerID <br>";
//echo "FirstName : $FirstName <br>";
//echo "UserName : $UserName <br>";
//echo "Password : $Password <br>";
$query="SELECT CustomerID, FirstName, SecurityID FROM Customers
WHERE UserName= '" . $UserName . "' AND Password= '" . $Password . "' "; // Build the query
$rs = @mysqli_query ($dbc, $query); // Return the Result Set
WHILE ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($rs, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { // Fetch the data
$CustomerID = $row['CustomerID'];
$FirstName = $row['FirstName'];
$SecurityID = $row['SecurityID'];
//echo "Here's the Query: $query <br>";
if ($CustomerID!=0) {
$_SESSION['CustomerID'] = $CustomerID;
$_SESSION['FirstName'] = $FirstName;
$_SESSION['SecurityID'] = $SecurityID;
echo "FirstName: " . $_SESSION['FirstName'];
} else {
echo "Student Not Found";
//header("Location: index.php"); //Comment This Line to Debug
I have just about everything working. I'm just not sure why my password when I hit submit isnt finding it.