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Posts posted by peipst9lker

  1. You can use mktime() and date() to get the last monday and then convert it into datetime format.


    Here's a little snippet for datetime conversion, the rest is for you because I don't have much time right now.


    function strToDateTime($input)
    return preg_replace('/^(\d{2}).(\d{2}).(\d{4}) (\d{2})\d{2})\d{2})$/', '$3-$2-$1 $4:$5:$6', $input);


    Edit: Forgot to mention, you can use > and < operators in datetime where-clauses.

  2. Replace $fruits with your array.


    $totals = array();
    foreach ($fruits as $fruit)
    foreach ($fruit as $type => $val) {
    	if (isset($totals[$type]))
    		$totals[$type] += (int)$val;
    		$totals[$type] = (int)$val;

  3. $row['DS'] // type :float (with one decimal like 12.2)

    $row['TC'] // type :float (with one decimal like 24.2)

    what im exctaly try to do in the make the above calcualtion

    $row['TC'] / $row['DS'] ( $row['DS'] need to be as intenger (without point,like 12)

    and the resulte should be with two decimal like (2.32)


    Use typecasting


    $var = ($row['TC'] / (int)$row['DS']);


    For the future please put code in

     tags! (remove the spaces in the brackets)
  4. Table resources: id, name, amount

    Table bookings: id, resource_id, amount_booked, booking_date, etc.



    You have a resource with id 1, name is Camera XY, amount is 30.

    Someone already created a booking of resource_id = 1 and amount_booked = 10.

    Execute a query which sums up amount_booked from table bookings where resource_id = 1 and you're done

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