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  1. hay all i have simple question about varible type in php i have two values in my array $row['DS'] // type :float (with one decimal like 12.2) $row['TC'] // type :float (with one decimal like 24.2) what im exctaly try to do in the make the above calcualtion $row['TC'] / $row['DS'] ( $row['DS'] need to be as intenger (without point,like 12) and the resulte should be with two decimal like (2.32) i tried to do it in that way //////// $DSF = number_format($row['DS'],0); $ConF = $row['TC'] / $DSF ; echo number_format($conF,2); /////// but it return me a worng cllculation . for example : ($row['DS'] = 59,009.3---> (after change the format is change to 59,009 $row['TC'] = 190.0 $ConF = 190.0 / 59,009 = it sohuld be 000.223 (something around this number ) and i expect the get 0 (after i change the format using number_format($conF,2) but instead of this the program return me the number 3.22 someone has idea how to get ride out of this ?
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