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  1. Could you give me an example of what you mean?
  2. Hey thanks Mahngiel for that last example. That is pretty much what I need. But is it possible to load another php that contains a form instead of a form on the same page via a div tag? If so, how would you do that and also pass it some variables, for instance $userid, $session, etc.?
  3. OK, thanks! I was just asking because the server I am using isn't my own personal machine, and I didn't have permissions to upload new files, just edit pre-existing ones. So I talked to the guy and he put the files on there for me so I am good to go. Now I just need to get it to work...
  4. No, I was talking about the actual files needed to use modal box, like the prototype.js, scriptaculous.js, and modalbox.js. Can you use modal box without physically having these files on your server, such as including a web library like you can do with jquery with the 'src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.2/jquery.min.js"' code? Is that possible do you know?
  5. Is it possible to use a modal box without physically having the files on your server like with jquery?
  6. Is there a way to do that with jquery? I have head that jquery makes ajax calls much more simple which would be great for someone like me. What I would like is when the 'edit' button is clicked on the main page, it sends a request to the popup window, opens the popup window, and waits for a response. Then the popup window gets the call and waits for the user to finish editing their content. When they click 'save', the request is sent back to the main page and the window closes. The main page receives the request and knows to reload the table data. Would that be possible with jquery? Could someone point me in the right direction? I have looked at a couple ajax tutorials as well as jquery tutorials, all basic and none sending calls to different pages so I am not sure how to start. Thanks again!!!
  7. Ok, this is my first post and it's kind of long, so bear with me... I have these php pages. One is the user info page which loads tables of the user's info. The table data is generated by functions located in another file. The user has the option of editing their info which brings up a popup window that contains the editing page. Once the editing is done, the window closes. I would like the user info page to then automatically refresh the table that has just been edited. Currently I have a test button on the user info page that calls a jquery script and refreshes the appropriate table. This works fine, but it is manual, and I would like it to be done automatically. I tired including the user info page on the editing popup page and then calling the script when the user clicks the save button, but it says the function is undefined. If I put the script code on the popup page, then the tables and divs are undefined. So I need help getting this to work. I'm not sure how to do this. I'm pretty new to all of this. I think maybe an ajax call from the popup page telling the user info page to update the table would work, but I'm not sure how to do that. Any ideas or thoughts on how to fix this problem supported with sample code would be extremely helpful!!! Let me know if this is confusing or if I need to add more details. Thanks in advance!!!
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