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Everything posted by phprick

  1. i have one more question how can i make a folder under oder folder in php
  2. ok
  3. this is what i get Unknown column 'rick' in 'where clause'
  4. i dit the this mysql_query("UPDATE tz_members SET pass=$pass WHERE usr=$usr")or die(mysql_error()); but it stil say that old password is incorrect
  5. no error it say that the password change but in my database it isnt
  6. than he has to change in the normal tekst right??
  7. yes but he do not change in anything and de Original password is incorrect with md5 without md5 i can type anyting
  8. i changed that md5 but now it say Your password is incorrect
  9. ok yes but than he shoot change ??
  10. yes i know i forget sorry but it is stil not changing
  11. i made a script to change the password if i file in the form i get a message that my password is changed but it doesnt :'( please help me thanks in advanced if($_POST['submit']=='Set') { // If the change form has been submitted $err = array(); $usr = $_SESSION['usr']; $newpass = $_POST['newpass']; $passorig = mysql_query("SELECT pass FROM tz_mebers WHERE usr=$usr"); $email = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM tz_mebers WHERE usr=$usr"); if(!$_POST['oldpassword'] == $passorig) { $err[]='Your password is incorrect!'; } if(!$_POST['newpass'] == $_POST['vnewpass']) { $err[]='Your passwords do not match!'; } if(!count($err)) { // If there are no errors $pass = md5($_POST['newpassword']); // Generate a random password $_POST['newpassword'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['newpassword']); // Escape the input data mysql_query("UPDATE tz_members SET pass=$newpass WHERE usr=$usr"); send_mail( '[email protected]', $email, 'ClephasWebdesign member registration - Your New Password', 'Your password is: '.$pass); $_SESSION['msg']['cha-success']='Your password is set succesfull!'; } if(count($err)) { $_SESSION['msg']['cha-err'] = implode('<br />',$err); } header("Location: home.php"); exit; } <form action="" method="post"> <h1>Change Your Password</h1> <?php if($_SESSION['msg']['cha-err']) { echo '<div class="err">'.$_SESSION['msg']['cha-err'].'</div>'; unset($_SESSION['msg']['cha-err']); } if($_SESSION['msg']['cha-success']) { echo '<div class="success">'.$_SESSION['msg']['cha-success'].'</div>'; unset($_SESSION['msg']['cha-success']); } ?> <label class="grey" >Old Password:</label> <input class="field" type="password" name="oldpass" id="oldpass" value="" size="23" /> <label class="grey" >New Password:</label> <input class="field" type="password" name="newpass" id="newpass" value="" size="23" /> <label class="grey" >Verify New Password:</label> <input class="field" type="password" name="vnewpass" id="vnewpass" value="" size="23" /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Set" class="bt_register"/> </form>
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