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  1. thanks @Mahngiel, How about the ideal weight for a package? I guess i need to make a call for UPS personnel or our company shipper, they might surely know something about this matter. I will be back here to get post any updates.
  2. Im just getting confused something about UPS and php Integration [1] http://www.theupsstore.com/ctc/Pages/estimate-shipping-cost.aspx, as my parameters [see image ups-shipping-calculation.png] - maximum weight on those parameters is 150 lbs only. [2] using http://www.phpmoot.com/php-ups-shipping-rate/ implementation [see image ups-api-calculation.png ] Question(s): 1. What does it mean 150 lbs max. weight on implementation [1]? 2. is there really what we call "max weight" for this one? if there is.. what is the purpose of using this one http://www.ups.com/content/us/en/resources/ship/packaging/exceed_weight.html? 3. upon the delivery. they the receiver received 3 separate at-max-weight 70 lbs? or the UPS already will be handling this matter? Im sorry for so many questions i put in, but this is getting into my nerve already. XD
  3. try navigating your $_POST on your UpdateLink.php file, see if the variables array index "order" is present. and also i guess you gonna have this data formation: data : {order: toPost},
  4. try using $_FILES , this array handled the uploaded file information.
  5. what line on your code is this?
  6. do you mean when a button is clicked ( click event ), this button will manipulate dropdown values?
  7. It would be faster and better if you gonna use jquery. When it comes to event delegations and bubblings, jquery is already enough.
  8. thanks for the clarification sir.
  9. I just wondering what are this functions names? using this code <table class="content-table" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <th> Index </th> <th> Name </th> </tr> <?php $arr_list = get_defined_functions(); foreach($arr_list['internal'] as $key => $val) { ?> <tr> <td> <?php echo $key ?> </td> <td> <?php echo $val ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> These are weird functions.
  10. why need of confirm.php? by default we got the uploadify.php already handling the scripts for uploading-mechanics, but you can customized that to fit your needs.
  11. php code $tax_technology = (planet_tax_id <> id) ? tax_technology + ceil(laboratories * $laboratories_technology * efficiency * .05) : $tax_technology; mysql code "UPDATE planets SET tax_technology = $tax_techology WHERE id <>'' ";
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