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  1. Hi, I am not very good at PHP however I am trying to edit a php function for Magento. $categoryID = $this->getCategoryId(); //the value is like 7,3,6,9 $cats = explode(',', $categoryID); $collection = Mage::getModel('catalog/product') ->getCollection() ->joinField('category_id', 'catalog/category_product', 'category_id', 'product_id = entity_id', null, 'left') ->addAttributeToSelect('*') ->addAttributeToFilter('category_id', array( array('finset' => '7'), array('finset' => '3'), array('finset' => '6'), array('finset' => '9') ) ); I want to generate the below part automatically based on the value(s) of $cats array('finset' => '7'), array('finset' => '3'), array('finset' => '6'), array('finset' => '9') How can I do it, urgent help will be extremely appreciated. Thanks in advance
  2. Hi Christian I have the CMS system, I just want to convert the old static content into CMS system, I am trying to find a way otherwise I have to do it one by one (which I don't want to prefer)
  3. Ok, then how can I do it?
  4. I have 305 html files and i want to save them into a mysql database. The values which I want to save are: Filename title Meta description Meta keywords H1 in a div container Html part in a div container Is it something which i can do using PHP and jQuery ? Thanks in advance.
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