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  1. how to raed an xml file in cakephp i tried this in controller http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/fahad19/2008/08/26/parsing-xml-files-with-cakephp but i am getting error Fatal error: Class 'XML' not found in site.com/app/Controller/UsersController.php on line 79 at line 79 : $parsed_xml =& new XML($file); i am using cakephp 2.0. Any suggestions?
  2. Hi All , How can i block web browser from downloading videos even after user has download video plugin installed. Any suggestions would be great. Can i do it using php code?
  3. Has any one imported contacts from hotmail and yahoo using cakephp/php?Please suggest some useful links. ‪#‎Thanks‬ I found that php sdk for yahoo has been depicated and the php5 sdk is still experimental. Any thoughts?
  4. Hey coders, Hope you doing good! has anyone integrated quickbooks api(https://developer.intuit.com/) with php /cakephp??? Could not find much help on intuit's website for integration with php/cakephp. Looking forward for some suggestions / tutorials /experiences .. Thanks ,
  5. Hi, how to get thumbnail image from mp3 / audio files? i am using html with php. Thanks
  6. i download netbeans for windows 7 64 bit free giving jdk error while i have already istalled jdk , i need to work only on cakephp/php not java
  7. Hi All , i am using http://astrogrep.sourceforge.net/ and want the following funtionalities: 1. Must be able to search for complete strings in all files of project (say X) along with line numbers. 2.Need to display the search results as well. I am able to pass in the path , string , file extension but by line number i/p field in astro grep UI is coming disabled plus i am just getting the file names as search results i want line numbers to , plz sugget the setttings needed to be done , Thanks
  8. Hey all ,i started using/learning cake two days back need an editor which meets this: when i was using core php on netbeans (do not remember the settings i did with this), a click on the called function took me to the place/file where function was actually created, want the same kind of functionalities with cake too plz suggest what settings to change.Which version of netbeans should i use?And what are the relevent changes needed to be done. Thanks
  9. Hey , i am wondering how to interpret an "explain select sql" in mysql i found this over net but could not understand much can anyone help me .I want to know when we use explain command followed by some output how we interpret that o/p and make indexes? thanks
  10. Hi All, I am facing Delayed page loads due to heavy sqls. I am using a temp table and show processlist shows me that delay in page load is due to sending data to Insert into tmpTodayOrderPerHour (Select coalesce(Count(distinct tblOM.OrderID),'0') as 'NoOforder' ,'".$StartTime."' as 'NoOfHour' from tblOrderMaster tblOM Join tblOrderDetail tblOD ON tblOD.OrderID = tblOM.OrderID where tblOD.Quantity > 0 and tblOD.Status!='' and tblOD.Status!='12' and tblOD.Status IS NOT NULL and date_format(tblOM.CreatedOn,'%H') >= '".$StartTime."' " . " and date_format(tblOM.CreatedOn,'%H') < '".$dateDiff."'". "and tblOD.CompanyID='".$this->iCompanyID."' and date_format(tblOM.CreatedOn,'%Y-%m-%d')=curdate()) ; Where my tblOrderMaster has 654078 records and tblOrderDeatil has 963808 records. what i beleive is that prob is not due to temp table but due to heavy data being traversed in the sql select. Due to some other optimization i created the following indexes /*Index Information*/ --------------------- Table Non_unique Key_name Seq_in_index Column_name Collation Cardinality Sub_part Packed Null Index_type Comment -------------- ---------- ---------------- ------------ ----------- --------- ----------- -------- ------ ------ ---------- --------- tblOrderMaster 0 PRIMARY 1 OrderID A 658011 (NULL) (NULL) BTREE tblOrderMaster 1 idx_SearchOrder1 1 CustomerID A 131602 (NULL) (NULL) BTREE tblOrderMaster 1 idx_Om1 1 OrderID A 658011 (NULL) (NULL) BTREE tblOrderMaster 1 idx_Om1 2 CreatedOn A 658011 (NULL) (NULL) YES BTREE tblOrderMaster 1 idx_Om2 1 OrderID A 658011 (NULL) (NULL) BTREE tblOrderMaster 1 idx_Om2 2 CreatedOn A 658011 (NULL) (NULL) YES BTREE tblOrderMaster 1 idx_Om2 3 CompanyID A 658011 (NULL) (NULL) BTREE /*Index Information*/ --------------------- Table Non_unique Key_name Seq_in_index Column_name Collation Cardinality Sub_part Packed Null Index_type Comment -------------- ---------- ------------------------ ------------ ---------------- --------- ----------- -------- ------ ------ ---------- --------- tblOrderDetail 0 PRIMARY 1 OrderDetailID A 979589 (NULL) (NULL) BTREE tblOrderDetail 1 idx_RecurrenceOrderToday 1 RecurrenceNumber A 18 (NULL) (NULL) YES BTREE tblOrderDetail 1 idx_CaptureOrderStat 1 Status A 18 (NULL) (NULL) YES BTREE tblOrderDetail 1 idx_tblOrderDetail_Batch 1 Status A 18 (NULL) (NULL) YES BTREE tblOrderDetail 1 idx_tblOrderDetail_Batch 2 OrderID A 979589 (NULL) (NULL) BTREE tblOrderDetail 1 idx_OrderDetailException 1 OrderID A 979589 (NULL) (NULL) BTREE tblOrderDetail 1 idx_OrderDetailException 2 Status A 979589 (NULL) (NULL) YES BTREE tblOrderDetail 1 idx_Od1 1 Quantity A 18 (NULL) (NULL) YES BTREE tblOrderDetail 1 idx_Od1 2 Status A 18 (NULL) (NULL) YES BTREE Now i have two thoughts 1. Make new indexes for the select sql , if this is the right direction in which m thinking then what should be my criteria of choosing them? i am unable to comprehend Describe Possible keys for TblOrderDetrail idx_CaptureOrderStat,idx_tblOrderDetail_Batch,idx_OrderDetailException,idx_Od1 possible keys for tblOrderMAster PRIMARY,idx_Om1,idx_Om2 2.the other idea is making views insted of temp table but would it help??? Please suggest.
  11. PHP Web service
  12. Hi All, i want to create and consume webservices from scratch , (could be either xml /json) anyone who has worked on them please assist to get good tutorials over the net. Also let me know json/xml which one is commonly used?I do not have any specific requirements. Thanks
  13. Hi am using facebbok login API my ini has following settings "allow_url_include" is "On"; "allow_url_fopen" is On too i have to do $url = urlencode($url); if i do not use urlencode i get Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: Unable to find the wrapper "https" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? so after all this i have these warnings Warning:file_get_contents("$url") [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory and Warning: file_get_contents(urlencode($url2)) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: File name too long any fixeses for this would be of great help.Thanks.
  14. Is this issue solved?? i am facing the same problem.
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