Would anyone please be able to let me know if there are any frameworks that are suitable for a data reporting tool based on a MySQL database? In particular, something that would be suitable for a total novice would be preferable.
I have a single table in a MySQL database that I would like to act as data provider for a series of web pages in which the user can make selections in search boxes, submit the page, and get the result returned to the browser. The requests to the database would only be selections, no creation, deletion or updating of records, however, some of the requests would involve aggregation and grouping of the selected records using conditions.
My level of experience with php and html is pretty much nil, however, I am OK with the MySQL side of things and can create the database and table OK. If it is beyond the capabilities of a total novice then I will try to find a developer who can configure something for me. I would prefer to try to do it myself as the need is only for a small enthusiast hobby group with limited funds.
Any advice most appreciated.