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OLD James

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Posts posted by OLD James

  1. hanks fro the quick feed back.
    As I said I can't really change the pre-existing code for the authentication class. Thats not really my job nor do i have permission to. I do have to secure my portion of code to the best of my ability.
    I agree that mysql_real_escape_string() should be used, but just as a best practice. In order to get the developer to change the current implementation of the authentication class. I need to expalin why URLEncode isn't sufficient, but alas I'm not really sure why its not....? I tried passing in the few general SQL commands i know of and it seems to stop them. so what else is there?
  2. I'm writing a small bulletin board system for a pre-existing code base. Im to use a pre-existing uthentication class. this class uses URLEncode() on the user name to avoid any malicious code being injected. Is URLEncode sufficient in this case? Is there a way that a malicious user could still perform an exploit in the user field to gain un-authenticated access?
    I know that an addition SQL query has spaces so that thats not a problem. but I'm sure i read somewhere that you can encode special characters to bypass url encoding. IE. to pass in a single quote or something similar.

    Any ideas and sugestions would be appreciated. I dont think i can modify the existing code without good cause.

    Thanks boys and girls.
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