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Posts posted by rjmcintyre7

  1. Can you also include your script or html that is using the css...this will be difficult for anyone with just the css if we don't see how it is being used. Thanks. It would also be helpful to know where files exist in relation to one another on your server.

  2. When you run into issues like this, try going to: http://validator.w3.org/check to see if your code is valid before posting here. I placed your code into the validator (with the doctype reference and full html tags) and received a few errors that may or may not be causing your issue. Here is the snippet that passed validation:


    <form action="event.php" method="post" name="event" id="event">
    <table width="100%" border="1">
    <td width="%20">Crime</td>
    <td width="%20">Money</td>
    <td width="%20">Chance</td>
    <td width="%20">Burglar men</td>
    <td width="%20"><input type="submit" value="submit" /></td>


    Your form tag should be outside of your table AND you should have a closing "/" on your input. See if that takes care of your layout issue. And while it isn't a validation issue, you should choose to put the "%" consistently before or after the number to make it easier to view for others - after the number is most widely accepted, but either way, try not to go back and forth like in this example (i.e. 100% and %20).

  3. I have always used what I call "faux menus" to do what you are talking about. Here is how I do it:

    1. Set up a new menu called "faux data" or something of this nature. I always use the word faux so I know it's not a real menu.
    2. Add a menu item to the menu that matches what you are trying to do (article, script, whatever you are using).
    3. The menu items ARE PUBLISHED, but you will not create a module to place the menu anywhere on the site.
    4. If you have your SEO URLs turned on in your Global Settings, you can now use the SEO friendly version of the URL.


    This is the only way I know to do this, but it has always worked...let me know if you have questions.




  4. I'm assuming you mean that you are storing the "paths" to the image files in the database. Your images are stored in your file structure and you want to utilize the database to store and recall the path to those images? If that is the case, the $result will get EVERYTHING from that table. You may want to replace the "*" with the field holding the flower or herb name unless you are trying to really pull all of the data from the table.


    I would then check your array after you run the above and


    to see what is coming out of $result. I assume WP is returning the actual data that was queried, but it's good to be sure. After you var_dump() the data, you should be able to see how to access each element and how each is referenced.


    Then, it's time to run through a loop like this (this next example assumes that your array has elements [0][1]...[n] and isn't multi-dimensional:


    $output = '
    //setup foreach loop where $k is the key of each array element of $result and $v is the value it contains (the herb or flower name). This table will ONLY output the name of the flower or herb...no other data. This assumes that your first array element is $result[0] as mentioned above.
    foreach($result as $k => $v){
    $output .='</table>';
    echo $output;


    Let me know if you have questions.




  5. Hi all, my name is Ryan and I'm a web application developer from Chicago just checking in. I'm always looking to help people with issues and utilize the forum to find new snippits for issues I may be facing. I have experience in php MVC frameworks like YII and Seagull as well as proficiency in lighter weight frameworks like Joomla and Wordpress. Looking forward to contributing to the community.

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