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Posts posted by dgowrie

  1. Haha, sorry social. Lines 142 to 160 are below:



    // Compare display options between component and module

    $showName = ($fpssSlideTitle=='') ? $row->showtitle : $fpssSlideTitle;

    $showSectionTitle = ($fpssSlideSec=='') ? $row->showseccat : $fpssSlideSec;

    $showCategoryTitle = ($fpssSlideCat=='') ? $row->showseccat : $fpssSlideCat;

    $showText = ($fpssSlideText=='') ? $row->showcustomtext : $fpssSlideText;

    $showTagline = ($fpssSlideTagline=='') ? $row->showplaintext : $fpssSlideTagline;

    $showReadMore = ($fpssSlideReadMore=='') ? $row->showreadmore : $fpssSlideReadMore;


    // Get menu data

    if($row->menulink) $menuItem = $menu->getItem($row->menulink);


    // Slide name

    if($row->itemlink && $row->title){

    $output[$key]->name = $row->title; //$row->name

    } elseif($row->menulink && $menuItem){

    $output[$key]->name = $menuItem->name; //$row->name

    } else {

    $output[$key]->name = $row->name;


  2. You get this error because you're trying to assign properties to an object that hasn't been declared previously. Your best way to solve it is to create an empty object (stdClass) and then put as the value of its respective key.


    $slide_object = new stdClass;
    // Slide name
    if ($row->itemlink && $row->title)
    $slide_object->name = $row->title; //$row->name
    elseif ($row->menulink && $menuItem)
    $slide_object->name = $menuItem->name; //$row->name
    $slide_object->name = $row->name;
    if (!$showName)
    $slide_object->name = '';
    $output[$key] = $slide_object;


    Sorry Silk but I have no idea what you have suggested or how I do it. Is the code you have posted what I need to add to the php file? If so where does it need to go?


    Many Thanks


  3. Hi all,


    I have a website that is now showing an error message I have no clue about. I think I know the cause to be changing my web hosting php version from 5.2 to 5.4. I have now changed this back but i'm still getting the error:


    Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /homepages/32/d291630191/htdocs/RCON/modules/mod_fpss/mod_fpss.php on line 143


    I have attached the file it refers to, the website to see the error is www.renovoconstruction.co.uk


    If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated


    Many Thanks,




    <snip removed attached file>

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