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  1. Hi trq There are two reasons why i am using an older version. 1. i am a newbie to Zend and therefore trying to learn how to use it: however, all the leading books on Zend focus entirly on Zend 1 i.e 'Zend in Action' by Rob Allen, 'Zend framework' by Vikram Vaswani and 'easy PHP Website with the Zend framework' by Jason Gilmore 2. many of the leading sites, that have already built with the Zend framework, are built using Zend 1; for example, i have just started work on some existing projects in zend and they were both built in Zend1. Accordingly, for the foreseeable future, i feel that its necessary to be able to work with both versions of the framework. warm regards Andreea
  2. Hello dungpt29 i followed your recommendation but it still does not work. i still get the following error message ******ZF Error ****** In order to run the zf command, you need to ensure that Zend Framework is inside your include_path. The easiet way.... include path via an environment viariavble ZEND_TOOL_INCLUDE_PATH Do you know why its still doing this. is there a way for me to check the exact path to the library folder? thanks for your kind help thus far warm regards Andreea
  3. hello dungpt29 thank you very much for your recommendation. Just a quick question before i try it: Did you mean that i should run a system variable as such: zend_tool_include_path=C:\wamp\bin\php\zendframwork1.12\library or $zend_tool_include_path=C:\wamp\bin\php\zendframwork1.12\library please tell me if this is the correct syntax. warm regards Andreea
  4. Hi everyone. i am having problems loading zend framework 1.12 to my windows 7 i keep getting this error message: "php.ex" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file". perhaps it will be easier if i tell you how i installed it and someone can please tell me where i have gone wrong. i installed Zend Librairies and bin in the following folders in my laptop ( windows 7) : C:\wamp\bin\php this bin folder is the same folder that my PHP5.43 is held in. The Zend is held in a folder called: zendframwork i then went to my php.ini folder ( includes path- ) and inserted the following: include_path = ".;C:\wamp\bin\php\zendframwork1.12\library" i then went to change my advanced windows settings: once there, i clicked onto Environment Variables , then to System variable where i double clicked on to paths line. in the paths line i include the path to the bin folder for the zend bin ie: Control Panel\System and Security\System ;C:\wamp\bin\php\zendframwork1.12\bin i then ok' ed everything and then went to my windows powershell interface. i.e "Administrator: Windows Powershall" once there i typed in zf ( i did this to test whether the system would recognize that zend has been install. ) however, i keep getting the following message: "php.ex" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file". Can someone please tell me what this message means and what i need to do to correctly configure Zend on my machine. warm regards Andreea
  5. Hi jazzman1 sorry for the delay in getting back to you, i was trying to get the code, u sent me, to work. i tried the code below but got no responce from the server. the data did enter into the database. i will now try the new thing you just gave me and get straight back here.
  6. Hi Jazzman1 this is the code for alert(dataStrings) name=testajax&[email protected]&cat=E&country_loc=3&honeypot=http://&humancheck= However when i tried to use: console.log(dataStrings); it did not produce any result. nothing occurred. Please note that the data actually submits correclty to the database . However, i am trying to get data back from the subbmitted page. i.e success or failure of the ajax post. i am not able to get the post back and i am unclear why it is not returning the data.
  7. hi everyone i am still fairly new to AJAX and am not clear how to get values to return from the sucess of my AJAX POST. i have enclosed my function below. it works. however the callback is not returning the values and i am not sure why. i would appriciate any adivice on this. $(".buttona").click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // validate and process form // first hide any error messages $('.error').hide(); //get the values from teh field var valid = ''; var required = ' is required.'; var name = $("form input#name_sec").val(); var email = $('form input#email_reg').val(); var cat = $('form #cat option:selected').val(); var location = $('form #country_loc option:selected').val(); var honeypot = $('form input#honeypot').val(); var humancheck = $('form input#humancheck').val(); // perform error checking if (name == '' || name.length <= 1 || name == 'name*' ) { valid = '<p>Your name' + required +'</p>'; } if (!email.match(/^([a-z0-9._-]+@[a-z0-9._-]+\.[a-z]{2,4}$)/i)) { valid += '<p>Your email' + required +'</p>'; } if (cat == '' || cat.length < 1) { valid += '<p>Please tell us whether you are; seeking work or looking for a careworker' + required + '</p>'; } if (location == '' || location.length < 1) { valid += '<p>Please tell us your current location' + required + '</p>'; } if (honeypot != 'http://') { valid += '<p>System error, unable to register you at this moment. </p>'; } if (humancheck != '') { valid += '<p>ystem error, unable to register you at this moment </p>'; } // let the user know if there are erros with the form if (valid != '') { e.preventDefault(); $('form #response').removeClass().addClass('error') .html('<strong>Please correct the errors below.</strong>' +valid).fadeIn('fast') } else {//start else cluase for where the form validates $('.homepage_reg_form').removeClass().addClass('processing').html('Processing...').fadeIn('fast'); // alert(name); alert(email); alert(cat); alert(location); alert(honeypot); alert(humancheck); var dataStrings = 'name=' + name + '&email=' + email + '&cat=' + cat + '&country_loc=' + location + '&honeypot=' + honeypot + '&humancheck=' + humancheck ; // alert(dataString) $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "cms/views/jobs/joint_reg_ajaxversion.php", data: dataStrings, success: function(data) { $('.processing').removeClass().html("<div id='message'></div>").fadeIn('slow'); $('#message').html("<h2>The Registration Form Has Been Submitted!</h2>") .append("<p>An email has been sent to you. To activate your membership, kindly click the link in the email.</p>") .append("<img id='checkmark' src='images/check.png' />") .fadeIn(1500, function() { $('#message').html(data.msg); }); // .append("<img id='checkmark' src='images/check.png' />") } }); }//end "else clause" for where the form validates and is sent to database //the return false below prevents the browser from sending the form via normal methods return false; }); //END THE FUNCTION FOR THE SUBMISSION OF "QUICK REGISTRATION" VIA AJAX Below is the code for the receiviing page. if (!empty($error_message)) { $return['error'] = true; $return['msg'] = "<h3>Oops! The form was not not filled out correctly.</h3>".$error_message; echo json_encode($return); } else { $return['error'] = false; $return['msg'] = "<p>Thanks for registering " .$name .".</p>"; $form_completedcorrectly ='its correct'; echo json_encode($return); }
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