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Posts posted by AFreeBreather

  1. Hey all I'm new here - this is my first post.


    I've been tasked by my boss' boss to design a dashboard for our company. The development is coming along reasonably well so far, considering I've got minimal PHP and mysql experience, but I've hit a road block this rainy afternoon and request the help of the php freaks community. Here's a look at the data I've got: (it's all in csv format)


    19-Dec,5:12 AM,EW SCRIPPS ,561-718-5959,200,0:02:00,Incoming call forward

    19-Dec,4:54 AM,EW SCRIPPS ,561-718-5959,200,0:14:57,Incoming call forward

    15-Dec,3:37 PM,CHANNEL 9 AUSTR ,213-709-4290,200,0:02:34,Incoming call forward

    15-Dec,8:02 AM,Unavailable ,97440158274,200,0:01:14,Incoming call forward


    I want to pull the dates from the database, trim off the day, stick the months that exist into an array, array_unique() that array, and foreach the new array so that it spits out a nice html check box for every month that exists in the database. I've got no code for this, yet, and I'm not even sure of where to begin. What's the best way to trim off the day from the dates? Is putting it in an array the best method?


    I know I'm guilty of the #1 forum sin (I didn't use the search function) so if anyone knows of a previous forum post like this point it my way.


    Thanks so much for your help!

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