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Posts posted by wotw

  1. Hi,


    I have this array which contaisn a php function. When I call upon the array value I would like to use the function (The array value) as normal php.


       [item1] => $GLOBALS["class"]->function(1),
    [item2] => $GLOBALS["class"]->function(4)

  2. Problem with using is the array is built like this:


    function files(){
    $file_array = $this->files;
    $files = array();
    foreach($file_array as $value){
    $files[] = $value['files'];
    return $files;


    That funcxtion is from a class file. That functiopn returns the array posted above. How can I make all the valueas into one array mate?

  3. Hey,


    Could someone help me move these arrays into one array please? i.e move them up one level.


       [0] => Array
    	    [0] => content_first
       [1] => Array
    	    [0] => content_again
    	    [1] => content



  4. I know all this. I used a switch because I normnally use a switch to do a password forgotten case and register.


    Here is a quick secure class I wrote which you can use to secure your password:


    class secure{
    function secure_random_salt(){
    $randtext = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890';
    $varlen = rand(5, 20);
    $randtextlen = strlen($randtext);
    $salt = '';
    for($i = 0; $i < $varlen; $i++){
    $salt .= substr($randtext,rand(1,$randtextlen),1);
    return $salt;
    function secure_encode_password($password, $salt = ''){
    if($salt == ''){
    $salt = $this->secure_random_salt();
     return md5($password.$salt).':'.$salt;
    function secure_check_password($password, $db_password){
    $explode = explode(':', $db_password);
    if($this->secure_encode_password($password, $explode[1]) == $db_password){
    return true;
    return false;
    return false;
    $secure = new secure;


    Simply including the class file and do this to create your password string.


    // There is more to this class but I have cut it down. You could create a new function which will secure the posted values like the guys mention above.
    $insert_password = $secure->secure_encode_password($password); // Password to insert into the db.
    // And to check if the password is the same when they post it:
    // $db_password is the actual password from the database.
    // $password is the password posted from the login form.
    if($secure->secure_check_password($password, $db_password)){
    // Log the user in. $_SESSION etc..

  5. Hey,


    I have written you something that you could incorporate into your script. I basically wrote this with my eyes closed and I haven't tested it. If you get issues let me know and I can help.


    You need to add a hidden input into your login form and call it: login & give it a value of 1.

    You would also need to implement your password encoding where it says: Do your password encoding.


    $case = isset($_POST['login']) ? 'login' : false;
    $error = false;
     $username = isset($_POST['username']) ? mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $_POST['username']) : false;
     $password = isset($_POST['password']) ? mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $_POST['password']) : false;
     if($username && $password){
      // Do your password encoding here. $password = ?
      $query = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE Username = '$username' AND password = '$password'");
      $numrows = mysqli_num_rows($query);
      if($numrows > 0){
       $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query);
       // Set sessions
       $_SESSION['login'] = true;
       $_SESSION['ID'] = $row['PlayerID'];
       $_SESSION['username'] = $row['Username'];
       $_SESSION['email'] = $row['Email'];
       // Redirect
       header("Location: loggedin.php");
       $error = true;
      $error = true;
    echo '<font color=red>Authentication failed</font>';
    echo 'Display login form here';

  6. Hey guys,


    I registered on another forum hot.... they never activated my account or help me so here it goes. I hope you guys are friendly :)


    I am basically trying to return an array with all the versions that the current software hasn't updated too. (I am making a software update script)

    I have built everything else including an API etc.. I have 12 years php knowlegde but this is bugging me and I have never come across this before.


    So I have an array:


    private $current_versions = array(


    This array is all of the versions for the software.


    I have two other variables:


    $current_version = '1.0.2';
    $new_version = '1.1.2';


    I am basically trying to get the difference. The current version the software is running is: 1.0.2 and the current actual version of the software is: 1.1.2. I need to return an array with just the versions the software is missing, so that I can run the update based on them versions only; in order.


    Thanks for your help and I will be taking part in this forum full time :)

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