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  1. I am working on some test code to figure out how to control print layout if I need to print info from a db in a specific format. What I am trying to do is pull data and print it on business cards. I have the system pulling the data and inserting it in to the card layout. The problem I am running in to is how to advance it to the next "cell" and get the page to line up correctly. What I have tried is a for loop where it limits the output to 10 card per page and 2 cards per row. This works if I print just 10 cards. If I print more then 10 it seems to duplicate the data and after about page 5 the alignment/layout is messed up. echo "<table>"; for ($i=0;$i<10;$i++) { echo"<tr>"; for ($ii=0;$ii<2;$ii++) { for ($iii=0;$iii<2;$iii++) { echo "<td>"; echo"<div style='height:2in;width:3.5in;'> $id, $Dept<br> $type $name<br> $sdate - $edate </div>"; echo"</td>"; } echo"</tr>"; } } echo "</table>"; echo "<p style='page-break-before: always'>"; I am sure there is a better way to do this and any suggestions or advice is appreciated, Thanks
  2. hmmm i tried running the error check in the php but i get a blank page. Will try the view source and see if that shows me something. Thanks
  3. thanks.. tried that is i found the error.. now to figure out how to fix it.
  4. Hi, I have a db interface that passes variables as hidden data. The issue I am having is that fhis works with all of my code except one. When I click on the "button" it acts like it will process and then just take me to a blank page. I don't see any differences in the code compared to the other buttons. I even tried to change it to a Test page and see if it would atleast echop the variables but it still goes to a blank page. so a button that works <form action='home.php' method='POST'> <input type='hidden' name='action' value='df'> <input type='hidden' name='ID' value='$ID'> <input type='submit' value='(D)' name='esubmit'> The buttton that doesn't work <form action='home.php' method='POST'> <input type='hidden' name='action' value='testpage5'> <input type='hidden' name='Name' value='$Name'> <input type='submit' value='(D)' name='esubmit'> </form> The only differnece is one asks for a name variable and the other one asks for an id. I even tried changing up the malfunctioning one to an id and it still does the blank page. I have check the "home.php" to make sure the action is set correctly and the info was being passed correctly and it appears to be setup correctly so I am a bit confused on why this is happening. any help/suggestions would be appreciated.
  5. I am trying to write a secure login for my site using php and javascript to not send a password in plain text. I am trying to hide and hash the password prior to processing it and giving the user access to the system. The problem I am havng is only with IE. When i type in the username and password it acts like it will process the page but it just creates a text box on the screen and if i continue to try and "submit" the form it just adds a new text box. All other browsers i have tried (Firefox, Chrome, Opera and safari) work, IE just won't process the login correctly what I have for the php is <script type="text/javascript" src="mine.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="forms.js"></script> <?php if(isset($_GET['error'])) { echo 'Incorrect Username/Password'; } ?> <form action="login.php" method="post" name="login_form"> Username: <input type="text" name="username" /><br /> Password: <input type="password" name="password" id="password"/><br /> <input type="button" value="Login" onclick="formhash(this.form, this.form.password);" /> </form> The javascript is function formhash(form, password) { var p = document.createElement("input"); form.appendChild(p); p.name = "p"; p.type = "hidden" p.value = hex_mine(password.value); password.value = ""; form.submit(); } Any suggestions on what I can look at to try and get this to work with IE. thanks
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