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  1. thanks. i am using json_decode to solve already. thanks
  2. I wanna to preg match and get the value in the middle ( http://google.com/xx.JPG, http://google.com/yy.JPG) this is the string ,"large":"[http://google.com/xx.JPG, http://google.com/yy.JPG", Thanks
  3. waickw

    preg for td

    Wow, thanks alot. i am agree that the value is pretty generic. but lucky the site only has one <td style='font-weight:bold'>. really apperciate your help
  4. waickw

    preg for td

    Hi, i try to get the amount, but tried so many ways and research online. but failed to get it here is the raw data <td style='font-weight:bold'> $95.00 </td> here is my coding preg_match('/(<td style=\'font-weight\:bold\'>[\s]+)(\w.*)([\s]+<\/td>)/ismU', $file_string, $title); $price = $title[0]; echo $price; thanks
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