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Posts posted by richs2k6

  1. I'm actually looking to create it myself on my own time to impress my bosses and to make it financially feasable. I enjoy doing it so it doesn't bother me that I'm not getting paid for it. I designed our own site on my own time and I am happy with it. I looked briefly tonight for non-free programs. If you have one you suggest I would be happy to take a look. I wouldn't mind entertaining the option of a non-free program but we do have budget constraints that we must stay within. I was thinking that we would have to buy at least 5 ipod's which would cost at least $400, used, which I can probably swing. If we were to spend $400 plus another few hundred dollars on software I may not be able to convince them it's worth it.

  2. I work at a hotel and we seem to have issues using work orders (i.e. room 325 has a broken television). I have some experience using mySql and PHP but it's been a while since I've done any coding. The basic database would include date, time, location, assigned to, description of problem, etc. Creating a database shouldn't be an issue but I need advice on how to store date/time when insterting entries as well as other more complex issues. Querying the database should also be pretty easy because I am familiair with the basic queriies such as "Select ALL from database where room equals" etc. In addition I would like to eventually add a login/username feature. If I purchase a book I can probably figure out how to do it all myself since it is a pretty simple database. Does anyone have any advice for a novice on which book may be most beneficial? Like I said, I did coding in the past but it was more to the tune of finding tutorials online and catering them to my needs. Thanks for your advice!

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