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Posts posted by khess

  1. Here's another interesting problem with running a powershell command inside system():


    This command works at the PS command line:


    PS> Get-wmiobject win32_service | Where-object { $_.StartMode -eq "Auto" }


    But this command in a php script doesn't work:


    system("powershell -command Get-wmiobject win32_service | Where-object { $_.StartMode -eq "Auto" }");


    Even this doesn't work:


    system("powershell -command Get-wmiobject win32_service | Where-object { $_.StartMode -eq \\\"Auto\\\" }");


    I think it has to do with piping a command into another command. But it could be something else.


    I still can't get the command that PHP sees to print out to screen so that I can see what's being parsed.


    I think if I could see that, then I might not have to ask.

  2. Perfect!!! the three \'s made it work! Thank you very much.


    Finally got it working from cmd.exe.

    powershell -command get-wmiobject win32_service -computername SERVER1 -filter \"startmode='auto'\"

    So then you have to escape the backslashes and the quotes if you do it from PHP.

    "powershell -command get-wmiobject win32_service -computername SERVER1 -filter \\\"startmode='auto'\\\""

  3. Yes, this is PowerShell 3.0. The PowerShell command works, as does yours at the PS command line but yours doesn't work in my php script.


    Is there a way that I can get the command to print out to screen to see how it's being parsed?


    This hasn't worked:


    $query = system (" command stuff");

    echo $query;



    And you've verified that the command itself works?


    You're using "s around the entire command which means you [a] don't use them inside the string, if you even need them in the first place, or escape them.

    system("powershell -command get-wmiobject win32_service -computername SERVER1 -filter startmode=auto");


    [edit] Tried it, your command doesn't work. I can't figure out how to get it to accept quotes in the SQL it generates.


    This does work:

    Get-WmiObject win32_service -ComputerName SERVER1 | Where { $_.StartMode -eq "Auto" }

  4. I am trying to solve the following problem in a php script.


    This works:


    system("powershell -command get-wmiobject win32_service -computername SERVER1");


    It returns the expected results.


    However, this returns nothing:


    system("powershell -command get-wmiobject win32_service -computername SERVER1 -filter "startmode='auto'"");


    I've tried escaping the single and double quotes in almost every possible combination. For example:


    ...SERVER1 -filter \"startmode=\'auto\'\"




    ...SERVER1 -filter \"startmode='auto'\"


    And nothing seems to work past the SERVER1.


    Anyone have any ideas?

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