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Posts posted by mahogan

  1. I have a php script that saves both an svg and a png to my server.


    Currently it saves the SVG file to this folder: '/..saved-customer-files'


    It ALSO currently saves both the SVG and PNG file to this location: '../../customer-design-proofs/'


    The Problem: I need it to work opposite, save the SVG and PNG to: '/..saved-customer-files'

    And save Only the PNG to: '../../customer-design-proofs/'

    require_once '../session.inc.php';
    if(!isset($_POST['output_svg']) && !isset($_POST['output_png'])) {
        die('post fail');
    $file = '';
    $suffix = isset($_POST['output_svg'])?'.svg':'.png';
    if(isset($_POST['filename']) && strlen($_POST['filename']) > 0) {
        //$file = $_POST['filename'] . $suffix;
        $un = UniqueName();
        $_SESSION['name'] = $un;
        $file =  $un . $suffix;
    } else {
        //$file = 'image' . $suffix;
        $un = UniqueName();
        $_SESSION['name'] = $un;
        $file =  $un . $suffix;
    if($suffix == '.svg') {
        $mime = 'image/svg+xml';
        $contents = rawurldecode($_POST['output_svg']);
    } else {
        $mime = 'image/png';
        $contents = $_POST['output_png'];
        $pos = (strpos($contents, 'base64,') + 7);
        $contents = base64_decode(substr($contents, $pos));
    /* Sets Path for SVG file */
    define('DIR_PATH_SVG', '../saved-customer-files/');
    $fp = fopen(DIR_PATH_SVG.$file, 'w+');
    $temp=fwrite($fp, $contents);
    /* Sets Path for PNG file */
    define('DIR_PATH_PNG', '../../customer-design-proofs/');
    $fp = fopen(DIR_PATH_PNG.$file, 'w+');
    $temp=fwrite($fp, $contents);
    if (isset($_POST['output_svg'])) {
        $svg_contents = $_POST['svg'];
        $pos = (strpos($svg_contents, 'base64,') + 7);
        $svg_contents = base64_decode(substr($svg_contents, $pos));
        file_put_contents(DIR_PATH_SVG . $_SESSION['name'] . '.svg', $svg_contents);
    if (isset($_POST['output_png'])) {
        $png_contents = $_POST['output_png'];
        $pos = (strpos($png_contents, 'base64,') + 7);
        $png_contents = base64_decode(substr($png_contents, $pos));
        file_put_contents(DIR_PATH_PNG . $_SESSION['name'] . '.png', $png_contents);
    function UniqueName() {
        $random_id_length = 10; 
        $rnd_id = crypt(uniqid(rand(),1)); 
        $rnd_id = strip_tags(stripslashes($rnd_id)); 
        $rnd_id = str_replace(".","",$rnd_id); 
        $rnd_id = strrev(str_replace("/","",$rnd_id)); 
        $rnd_id = substr($rnd_id,0,$random_id_length);
        return $rnd_id;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    window.parent.svgEditor.savedFileName = '<?php echo $_SESSION['name']; ?>';
  2. I am very new to php and I have seen many posts on how to write to a csv file and several on how to fgetcsv data from a file, but none of it really makes sense and I cannot find a relevant example of what I am attempting to do.  I know that most will say, use mySQL, but for this example, I really want to know how to use a csv as a data source.  


    I have a php script that creates an image gallery from the folder that it is placed.  It also gets and displays the embedded image attributes, filename, file dimensions, file size.  


    Rather than display the file dimensions and file size, I want a corresponding csv file to display an image Category and other details from the csv.



    The full original php script can be viewed here: http://www.mahogan.com/gallery.txt

    The modified working model of this gallery can be viewed here: http://www.mahogan.com/sandbox/thumbs/gallery.php

    Here is a php script that gets the data from the csv: http://www.mahogan.com/sandbox/thumbs/gallery-fgetcsv.php

    echo "<html><body><table>\n\n";
    $f = fopen("gallery-data.csv", "r");
    while (($line = fgetcsv($f)) !== false) {
            echo "<tr>";
            foreach ($line as $cell) {
                    echo "<td>" . htmlspecialchars($cell) . "</td>";
            echo "<tr>\n";
    echo "\n</table></body></html>";

    In my examples of the csv, this just prints the entire csv in an html table as in the file.  


    What I do not understand is this:

    1) How to Match the Filename with the thumbnail filename in the folder so that all the data in that row will stay with that filename.

    2) How to assign/replace this csv data to print these in place of the image attributes.


    Any advice with using this CSV as a data source would be very appreciated as I really want to learn how to do this!  Thanks!

  3. Ok, I was looking up online why the var_dump() function might be failing and I found this, not exactly sure if it is relevant:



    So, I see with their issue, it was something to do with thier Ajax script. So I got to looking at my files, and wonder if this is helpful?


    Here is the my script that deals with Ajax getting the pricing data, this is located within a javascript section of my index page:


     function sizeOptions(materialid)
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
     {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
     xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
     {// code for IE6, IE5
     xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
     if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
     function additionalOptions(materialid)
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
     {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
     xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
     {// code for IE6, IE5
     xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
     if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
    //////////////////// GET PRICES VIA AJAX  
     function getPrices(materialid, sizeid, quantity, numcolors)
    //alert("Materal ID: "+materialid+" Size ID: "+sizeid+" Quantity: "+quantity+" # of colors: "+numcolors);
    if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
     {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
     xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
     {// code for IE6, IE5
     xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
     if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
    document.getElementById('price').innerHTML="<p/ ><b>Getting price. Please wait....</b>";


    Not sure if this is helpful, if so please let me know. Thanks again!

  4. It still hangs at: Getting price.


    Here is the exact code that I have:


    // Request parameters
    $materialid = $_GET['materialid'];
    $sizeid = $_GET['sizeid'];
    $quantity = $_GET['quantity'];
    $numcolors = $_GET['numcolors'];
    // form URL for request
    //$url = "http://www.suppliersite.com/pricing?materialid=104&sizeid=37&quantity=1&numcolors=1";
    $url = "http://www.suppliersite.com/pricing?materialid=".$materialid."&sizeid=".$sizeid."&quantity=".$quantity."&numcolors=".$numcolors;
    // Create DOM from URL or file
    $html = file_get_html($url);
    // Echo page
    //echo $html->plaintext;
    //Code that creates $html
    echo "<pre>";var_dump ($html);die();
    $price_per_item = $html->find('#price-per-item');
    var_dump ($price_per_item);
    // $price_per_item = $html->find('#price-per-item');
    $total_price = $html->find('#total-price');
    $description = $html->find('.description');
    $name = $html->find('h3');
    //echo $price_per_item[0]."<br />";
    //echo $total_price[0]."<br />";
    //echo $description[0]."<br />";
    //echo $name[1]."<br />";
    // Iterate through all combinations:
    echo "<table id=\"products\">";
    echo "<tr>";
    //echo "<th>Price per item</th><th>Total Price</th><th>Product</th><th>Description</th><th>Size</th><th>Quantity</th>";
    echo "<th width=\"25%\">Price per item</th><th width=\"15%\">Total Price</th><th width=\"30%\">Product</th><th width=\"10%\">Size</th><th width=\"10%\">Colors</th>";
    echo "<tr>";
    $price_per_item = $html->find('#price-per-item');
    $total_price = $html->find('#total-price');
    $description = $html->find('.description');
    $size = $html->find('select[id='.'top-sizes-select'.'] option[value='.$sizeid.']');	
    echo "<td>".$price_per_item[0]."</td>".
    // "<td>".$description[0]."</td>".
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<br />";
    echo "<div style=\"width:40%\">";
    echo $description[0];
    echo "</div>";



    Is it possible that there is a security protocol from my supplier site that is preventing this from working?

  5. Maybe I misunderstood?


    To reiterate, I first started with my original code, then added this to line 2:




    Then added what you suggested:

    //Code that creates $html
    $price_per_item = $html->find('#price-per-item');
    var_dump ($price_per_item);


    The result is it will just hang at: Getting price. Please wait....


    It does not show me any errors at this stage. So that is why I thought I would try something else, hence the errors shown in a previous post, but now that I know that is completly wrong, I won't go there again.


    So, I am not sure why it just hangs, I am at a loss. So am I misunderstanding something else?

  6. In the above post I did not have the error reporting in line 2, so I added it and here is the result:


    Notice: Use of undefined constant per - assumed 'per' in /homepages/mysite/price.php on line 26


    Notice: Undefined variable: price in /homepages/mysite/price.php on line 26


    Notice: Use of undefined constant item - assumed 'item' in /homepages/mysite/price.php on line 26



    Line 26 is this: var_dump ($price-per-item);

  7. Ok, so I started fresh with my original file, added the var_dump

    // Create DOM from URL or file
    $html = file_get_html($url);
    // Echo page
    //echo $html->plaintext;
    //Code that creates $html
    $price_per_item = $html->find('#price-per-item');
    var_dump ($price_per_item);
    $total_price = $html->find('#total-price');
    $description = $html->find('.description');
    $name = $html->find('h3');


    It still hangs. So I thought I would see if I get a something if I change the variable to this (what the supplier id is:

    var_dump ($price-per-item);


    and it returns this:




    At this point, I'm really feeling kinda brain dead about this and am on the verge of hoping someone here does some affordable freelancing, but I really need to know how to make this happen.

  8. Perhaps I must be misunderstanding this as well, but I added this to the top of the code just under <?php




    I still do not get any results, just hangs as before. I checked my server settings in my phpinfo report they are as follows:


    disable_functions        no value    no value
    display_errors            On        On
    display_startup_errors    Off    Off
    error_append_string        no value    no value
    error_log            no value    no value
    error_prepend_string        no value    no value
    error_reporting            no value    no value
    html_errors            On        On
    ignore_repeated_errors        Off        Off
    log_errors            Off        Off
    log_errors_max_len        1024        1024
    track_errors            Off        Off
    xmlrpc_error_number        0        0
    xmlrpc_errors            Off        Off



    Do I need to adjust some of these to get the error reporting working? If, so I need to call my host to adjust these settings.


    Or is it something else?


    On another note, not sure if this is relevant, but the php script in question does work along side another parser file: include('simple_html_dom.php'); However, I searched in this file for any relevant strings, etc and see nothing.

  9. Sorry for my confusion with this, and again, thank you for your patience and response.


    Unfortunately it does not seem to matter where I put the var_dump that you listed above, it seems to crash, where it just hangs with the message: "Getting price. Please wait...."


    Here is the code and where I added it:


    // Echo page
    //echo $html->plaintext;
    $price_per_item = $html->find('#price-per-item');
    var_dump ($html->find('#price-per-item'));
    $total_price = $html->find('#total-price');
    $description = $html->find('.description');
    $name = $html->find('h3');


    After that did not work, I removed it and added it here:


    echo "<tr>";
    $price_per_item = $html->find('#price-per-item');
    var_dump ($html->find('#price-per-item'));
    $total_price = $html->find('#total-price');
    $description = $html->find('.description');
    $size = $html->find('select[id='.'top-sizes-select'.'] option[value='.$sizeid.']');	


    It still does the same thing, just hangs.


    When I view the source of my supplier site, it looks like this:

       <ul class="clear pricing-summary">
     <li>Price per Item <strong><span id="price-per-item">$11.55</span> each</strong></li>
     <li>Your total price<strong><span id="total-price">$11.55</span> total</strong></li>


    If it is a number or a string? I would say a string.

  10. So I have tried a few things for the math but keep getting this error: Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in Line 43

    42   // Attempt to define Markup Value of retail_per_item
    43	 $retail_per_item=$price_per_item*1.2;


    Here is all my modified code from where I changed it to the end:


    // ORIGINAL CODE $price_per_item = $html->find('#price-per-item');
    // ORIGINAL CODE $total_price = $html->find('#total-price');
    // ALTERED CODE next two lines only
    $price_per_item = preg_replace("#[^\d\.]#", '', $html->find('#price-per-item'));
    $total_price = preg_replace("#[^\d\.]#", '', $html->find('#total-price'));
    $description = $html->find('.description');
    $size = $html->find('select[id='.'top-sizes-select'.'] option[value='.$sizeid.']');
    // Attempt to define Markup Value of retail_per_item
    var_dump ('$retail_per_item');
    echo $retail_per_item;
    // (Original Line, Altered 1 line below)  echo "<td>".$price_per_item[0]."</td>".
    echo "<td>".$retail_per_item[0]."</td>".
     // "<td>".$description[0]."</td>".
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<br />";
    echo "<div style=\"width:40%\">";
    echo $description[0];
    echo "</div>";

  11. Thank you so much for your patience and help!


    Okay, I think that must work, as I now see in the table just the number 11.55 with no $. So that must mean that it is a value.


    So where would I put the markup calculation, as no matter where I try to define it, it gives me an unexpected operand error?


    Then how do I get the $ sign back after the math?

  12. Could this be partially why this doesn't work? I found this similar situation: located here: http://php.net/manua...reg-replace.php



    If there's a chance your replacement text contains any strings such as "$0.95", you'll need to escape those $n backreferences:

    function escape_backreference($x)
    return preg_replace('/\$(\d)/', '\\\$$1', $x);


    If so, I would not know where to incorporate these either. I tried a few places, but without success.

  13. Honestly, I am very confused where to place the preg_replace() code exactly. Then I am not sure where to do the math markup. Here is what I have, with the preg_replace() in the existing code:


    // Request parameters
    $materialid = $_GET['materialid'];
    $sizeid = $_GET['sizeid'];
    $quantity = $_GET['quantity'];
    $numcolors = $_GET['numcolors'];
    // form URL for request
    //$url = "http://www.suppliersite.com/pricing?materialid=104&sizeid=37&quantity=1&numcolors=1";
    $url = "http://www.suppliersite.com/pricing?materialid=".$materialid."&sizeid=".$sizeid."&quantity=".$quantity."&numcolors=".$numcolors;
    // Create DOM from URL or file
    $html = file_get_html($url);
    // Echo page
    //echo $html->plaintext;
    $price_per_item = $html->find('#price-per-item');
    $total_price = $html->find('#total-price');
    $description = $html->find('.description');
    $name = $html->find('h3');
    //echo $price_per_item[0]."<br />";
    //echo $total_price[0]."<br />";
    //echo $description[0]."<br />";
    //echo $name[1]."<br />";
    // Iterate through all combinations:
    echo "<table id=\"products\">";
    echo "<tr>";
    //echo "<th>Price per item</th><th>Total Price</th><th>Product</th><th>Description</th><th>Size</th><th>Quantity</th>";
    echo "<th width=\"25%\">Price per item</th><th width=\"15%\">Total Price</th><th width=\"30%\">Product</th><th width=\"10%\">Size</th><th width=\"10%\">Colors</th>";
    echo "<tr>";
    // ORIGINAL CODE $price_per_item = $html->find('#price-per-item');
    // ORIGINAL CODE $total_price = $html->find('#total-price');
    // ALTERED CODE next two lines only
    $price_per_item = preg_replace("#[^\d\.]#",$html->find('#price-per-item'));
    $total_price = preg_replace("#[^\d\.]#",$html->find('#total-price'));
    $description = $html->find('.description');
    $size = $html->find('select[id='.'top-sizes-select'.'] option[value='.$sizeid.']');
    echo "<td>".$price_per_item[0]."</td>".
    // "<td>".$description[0]."</td>".
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<br />";
    echo "<div style=\"width:40%\">";
    echo $description[0];
    echo "</div>";

  14. Sorry for my ignorance, I realize I do not have a clue what I am doing, I tried to find the details on the function, but since I am prettly clueless, I feel like a brain surgeon with a soldering iron, not goona work too well. But a person has to learn somewhere and this is a big project for a newbie, I admit. So thank you for your patience.


    I have tried other variations that do not (I think) define it as a string but I get a errors. for example:

    $price_per_item = $html->find('#price-per-item');
    $retail_per_item = $price_per_item * 1.2;
    echo "<td>".retail_per_item[0]."</td>".


    I am also unsure where to place the var_dump function in the code?

  15. Well, I have tried just about every variation that I can think of and keep getting errors, here is what I tried, everything fails:


    $price_per_item = ("$html->find('#price-per-item')" * "1.2");

    This was an attempt to define the markup as a string, did not work.


    $price_per_item = $html->find('#price-per-item');
    $retail_per_item = "$price_per_item" * "1.2";
    echo "<td>".$retail_per_item[0]."</td>".


    This is where I tried to define the Retail variable with the Price * 1.2 - - still did not work.


    $price_per_item = preg_replace("#[^\d\.]#", $html->find('#price-per-item'), * '1.5');


    Another fail.



    I have tried many more, but am at a total loss. It seems like every time I try to us a * it give me an unexpected operand, so I am not sure how to get this to work.


    Any advice what I am doing wrong?

  16. Does anyone have a clue where to start?


    What I do know is that with these two lines of code that it gets the price from the supplier and Displays in the table (see screenprint) as a string:


    $price_per_item = $html->find('#price-per-item');

    $total_price = $html->find('#total-price');



    What I need is instead of displaying it right away in the table, but be able to calculate the markup on that string as a value, then display it in the table.


    Does that make sense? It seems like it should be pretty simple?


    Please help.

  17. I have a php script that looks at a supplier website and queries from a pricing calculator, the script displays the result in a table. The result is my actual cost from my supplier and the price is displayed as a string.


    I need to convert my wholesale cost from a string to a value and then add my retail markup cost then display the Retail Cost as a string in my table.


    Unfortunately, I am a complete newbie and have been searching various methods, but no matter what I try, it fails.


    Here is the script:


    // Request parameters
    $materialid = $_GET['materialid'];
    $sizeid = $_GET['sizeid'];
    $quantity = $_GET['quantity'];
    $numcolors = $_GET['numcolors'];
    // form URL for request
    //$url = "http://www.suppliersite.com/pricing?materialid=104&sizeid=37&quantity=1&numcolors=1";
    $url = "http://www.suppliersite.com/pricing?materialid=".$materialid."&sizeid=".$sizeid."&quantity=".$quantity."&numcolors=".$numcolors;
    // Create DOM from URL or file
    $html = file_get_html($url);
    // Echo page
    //echo $html->plaintext;
    $price_per_item = $html->find('#price-per-item');
    $total_price = $html->find('#total-price');
    $description = $html->find('.description');
    $name = $html->find('h3');
    //echo $price_per_item[0]."<br />";
    //echo $total_price[0]."<br />";
    //echo $description[0]."<br />";
    //echo $name[1]."<br />";
    // Iterate through all combinations:
    echo "<table id=\"products\">";
    echo "<tr>";
    //echo "<th>Price per item</th><th>Total Price</th><th>Product</th><th>Description</th><th>Size</th><th>Quantity</th>";
    echo "<th width=\"25%\">Price per item</th><th width=\"15%\">Total Price</th><th width=\"30%\">Product</th><th width=\"10%\">Size</th><th width=\"10%\">Colors</th>";
    echo "<tr>";
    $price_per_item = $html->find('#price-per-item');
    $total_price = $html->find('#total-price');
    $description = $html->find('.description');
      $size = $html->find('select[id='.'top-sizes-select'.'] option[value='.$sizeid.']');	  
     echo "<td>".$price_per_item[0]."</td>".
    //   "<td>".$description[0]."</td>".  
    echo "</table>";
    echo "<br />";
    echo "<div style=\"width:40%\">";
    echo $description[0];
    echo "</div>";
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en-GB">
    <style media="screen" type="text/css">
    font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    #products td, #products th
    border:1px solid #777777;
    padding:3px 7px 2px 7px;
    #products th


    Attached is a screenprint of the results, you will see the cost per item is $11.55 and I simply want to add 20% or as in the code: = price-per-item*1.2 -----so the price should show $13.86 per item


    I have tried to define a value such as:


    $RETAIL_price_per_item = $html->find(int('#price-per-item')*1.2);


    but that does not work


    I have tried many other versions and in different areas of the code but nothing works.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


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