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  1. Jessica, Thanks for the help. Yet I'm still... at a loss. Maybe I haven't expressed how much of a n00b I am at this. Any links you might suggest I go read? In your example, how could I store $a in a text file? Or... do I want to save it to a text file? I'm still checking out the HTML DOM Parser documentation. Tonight when I get home I will try and do some examples, to see if I am successful. I will update on how it goes. Thanks!
  2. Thanks... I guess my next question is "what" happens to that data. Does it go into a file (.txt?)... can it go into a .txt if I want it to? Or does it stay "in memory"? Thanks for the reply! The cronjob I can do fine (thankfully!). Both schedule them, as well as directing it to run a script at x time interval (or hour). Question, the $file = file_get_contents("page.php?p1&section=whatever"); example... is that with PHP? Or with the HTML DOM Parser? I already checked for RSS from the website, yet they don't have any running. Thanks everyone! I will work on this today, and keep you posted.
  3. Thanks for the reply! I'm reading the documentation right now (and trying to make sense of it). Question: With the Simple HTML DOM Parser... will the data be scraped, and saved to my website's webserver? Or does the programming do the "scraping" every time a visitor requests a page on my site? Thank you
  4. Hello everyone, Would like some direction, as I want to start a project and I'm not even sure if I'm headed the right way. I have a local news site, which I would like to "scrape" various of the news items off it. I already talked with their webmaster, and he said it's good to go. Ok, so I believe (please correct) that a good tool for the job would be PHP and cURL. What about using PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser? I ask because I'm just not sure of where to head. I'm a n00b at this, so diving into this project is various hours... before I even realize if what I'm doing will work or not. So, that's the general direction. Should I use PHP and cURL? (a reference doc I found here) Also, I don't know how this works, yet I would like to "scrape" the page 4-5 times per day (at pre-set times), and then save the info over in my server. So when a user to my website visits, I server the scraped information from my site (as opposed to re-scraping from the original site?). Any thoughts on this project? Thank you very much everyone!
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