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OleKh's Achievements


Newbie (1/5)



  1. I am ready to work on real Magento project for little money or even for free. I have 2-years experience at Magento at my test project with some delays. I can do setup/configure CMS, setup/edit themes and extensions, add products, create filters, create simple extensions. I use php, mysql, html, css, javascript, jquery, ajax, Ubuntu, LAMP, composer, git/svn, LESS, PhpStorm and others. I have understanding of oop and some practice on middle level. I try learn and practice ZendFramework, Yii, Bootstrap.
  2. $images = glob($dirname."*"); print_r($images); What will output?
  3. 1 - #^.{14, }$# // passwords with more than 14 characters 2 - #^[^\s]*\s{1}[^\s]*$# // ONLY and ONLY passwords that have blank space (\s) in them.
  4. Thank you!
  5. This is the part of example from http://ua2.php.net/manual/en/domxpath.query.php // our query is relative to the tbody node $query = 'row/entry[. = "en"]'; What does that dot mean in [. = "en"] ?
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