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Posts posted by DHood

  1. I'm attempting to take a string and find/replace all the hashtags into links. This works except it messes up the html in the string, I want to ignore all html entirely.



    #testing <span style="color: #bbbbbb">#asdfasd</span> #test


    Right now using this:



    $string = preg_replace_callback('/#([a-zA-Z_]+)/', array($this, 'renderHashTag'), $string);


    #testing, #bbbbbb, #asdfasd, and #test all get picked up and I don't want #bbbbbb or #asdfasd to. I've tried several different things before posting here, I just can't seem to figure out how to ignore the html tags, someone recommended removing them but I don't want to do that as some of it may be important to the styling.

  2. I take it I have to do this as two separate queries since I want both?


    I want the results of the query, but then I want to count how many would be results if I added "and field='Yes'"

  3. That's nearly what I want, however since I'm also displaying a list of results it's just making the counts 1 for each row. I want the sum of all rows with that match.

  4. Sorry, I probably could have been more clear.

    I'm not looking to return the results. I just want the count as if that were the query.


    I want to display the results of SELECT * FROM table WHERE name LIKE '%test%' and on the side bar show the number of row for SELECT * FROM table WHERE name LIKE '%test%' and sms = 'Yes' next to "SMS" and then SELECT * FROM table WHERE name LIKE '%test%' and email = 'Yes' number of results next to email.


    Is it possible to do this with one query or do I need to run 3 different ones? I was looking for a way to do one query because there's actually like 8 of these that I want to run.

  5. I'm attempting to make a table of mine searchable. I have 4 fields, name, web, email, sms.

    I intend to have a sidebar with links to filter the results with like web=Yes, email=Yes, sms=Yes. I want to next to the links show the amount of results that would be returned if the current query had that parameter added.


    So lets say I'm at q=Test it'd be searching "SELECT * FROM table WHERE name LIKE '%test%'" I want to be able to return a count of results for "SELECT * FROM table WHERE name LIKE '%test%' and sms = 'Yes'" and "SELECT * FROM table WHERE name LIKE '%test%' and email = 'Yes'" without running two new queries.

  6. class MyClass {
    public $variable;
     public function setVariable($value) {
      $this->variable = $value;
    public function getVariable($variable) {
    $test = new MyClass;


    Using setVariable like Psycho suggested, you'll see why you need to assign it to $this.

  7. The point of returning true and false is for checks. Basically you can do things like



    function isLogged($var)
     if ($var == 'foo')
      return true;
      return false;


    and then you can do:



    if (isLogged('foo'))
     echo 'Was logged.';
     echo 'Not logged';


    If you change the foo in the if statement to something else (outside the function), it'll say not logged because the if statement is getting a false return. As they said, you may see similar functionality between returning false and returning nothing due to how php is done.

  8. Thanks. If it's supposed to be an empty array, how am I suppose to populate the fields?


    [EDIT] Nevermind, I thought you were talking about the required field not the optional, Read it too quickly.

  9. I'm attempting to work with an api that uses soap connections. I keep getting 

    SoapFault Object   (   [message:protected] => Server was unable to process request. --> Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    This error.


    My code is 



            $ns = "http://www.fastcash4homes.com/WS/LeadSubmission.asmx?WSDL";
            $soapClient = new SoapClient("http://www.fastcash4homes.com/WS/LeadSubmission.asmx?WSDL"); 
            $headers = array();
            $headers[] = new SoapHeader('NAMESPACE', 'Content-Type', 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'); 
            $headers[] = new SoapHeader('NAMESPACE', 'SOAPAction', 'http://www.fastcash4homes.com/WS/LeadSubmission.asmx/SubmitMinimalFullSellerLead');
            // Prepare Soap Client 
            $array = array(
                'FirstName' => 'firstname',
                'LastName' => 'lastname',
                'PrimaryPhone' => '9995554444',
                'Email' => 'Email@ext.com',
                'Address' => '123 Address St',
                'Zip' => '12345',
                'Bedrooms' => '2',
                'Bathrooms' => '2',
                'AskingPrice' => '50000',
                'IsCurrentlyListed' => 'No'
            // Call RemoteFunction () 
            $error = 0; 
            try { 
                $info = $soapClient->__call("SubmitMinimalFullSellerLead", array('UserID' => 'UserID', 'Password' => 'Password', 'LeadData_Required' => $array, 'LeadData_Optional' => '')); 
            } catch (SoapFault $fault) {
                print_r($fault); die;


    I've tried a variety of different arrays in $soapClient->__call (which is the line erroring by the way). Any help is appreciated.

  10. I'm attempting to email a newsletter that is html based. I have the code working 100% when accessing it directly via the .html file but when I email it, there's a bunch of random spacing. I tried adding style='display:block;margin:0;padding:0;' to all the images, which improved it some, but not too much.

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