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Posts posted by carlosp

  1. Wel... it's odd, and i don't know how to ask, so i'll just explain what i need to find out...

    there is a technique to convert your entire webpage into small chunks of gijf's / jpeg's (images only) and everything is then put together by an xml file...

    basically your webpage become a picture which is formed by small pictures. all your text, background, etc are splited in small images, then arranged to form your webpage.

    i am sure there is a software or something which helps you to obtain this kind of webpages, but i don't know which one, and tried to google all evening, but without luck.... If there isn't software for this at least someone could tell me how this technique is named...



  2. hi there,

    i need help to fix my problem...

    here's the problem:

    i have a 3rd party script for my website... i have bought hosting from enom.com (i hope this doesn't offend anyone)

    i installed the script and works great, except when i try to import rss feeds from other websites.

    it's importing the xml file, except the image. The url path is correct, the image exists....

    trying to figure out what is wrong, i installed "wamp" on my computer, installed the script and on localhost from my computer the import xml is working perfect, it downloads and add the picture into database + folder

    i assume this is a hosting issue, and i want to fix it, can anyone point me where to look?


    thank you!


  3. i need to create a script which update the mysql records


    i have this table

    ID                   CODE
    1000                 abcd
    1001                 abcd
    1002                 abcd
    1003                 abcd
    1004                 abcd
    1049                 abcd
    1050                 qwer
    1051                 qwer
    1052                 qwer
    1053                 qwer
    1098                 qwer
    1099                 qwer
    1100                 38xs
    17037                djaso
    17038                djaso

    i need to update only the IDs. There are like 25.000 rows in this table, the IDs are not all sequential (1,2,3,6...49,80,81...129,283,284...24800,24801...24810,25000) then the ID's will start from last ID+1 (25001)


    each CODE is present in this table 50 times and the IDs corresponding to each code are sequential


    How can i do that?


    Thank you!

  4. mysql, i managed to make some fixes, now i'm stuck with xml output file

    the problem was the query which overloads the server allocated memory

    changed to this:


    print "<users>\n";
    my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id ,name, email, phone, etc, etc, etc,  FROM my_table  ORDER BY id DESC");
       while (my ($id ,$name, $email, $phone, $etc, $etc, $etc,) = $sth->fetchrow_array ()) {
           print " <user>\n";
           print "  <user_id>$id</user_id>\n";
           print "  <name><![CDATA[$name]]></name>\n";
           print "  <email>$email</email>\n";
           print "  <phone>$phone</phone>\n"; 
           $etc ....
    print "</users>\n";

    now i don't know how to write the output to an xml file, tried some scripts from google but without success...

  5. i need to generate an xml file from database records, and i get the error out of memory...
    here's the script i am using, it's found on google, and it's not suitable for me...
    and it's also killing the server allocated memory... (but it's a beginning)


        use warnings;
        use strict;
        use XML::Simple;
        use DBI;
        my $dbh = DBI->connect('DBI:mysql:db_name;host=host_address','db_user','db_pass')
          or die DBI->errstr;
        # Get an array of hashes
        my $recs = $dbh->selectall_arrayref('SELECT * FROM my_table',{ Columns => {} });
        # Convert to XML where each hash element becomes an XML element
        my $xml = XMLout( {record => $recs}, NoAttr => 1 );
        print $xml;


    this script only print the records, because i tested with an where clause for a single row id...

    first of all i couldn't manage to make it to save the output to a file.xml (i have no idea how to do it)
    second, i need somehow to split the "job" in multiple jobs and then put together the xml file all in one piece. (i have no idea, and couldn't find any info on google)

    thanks for all your answers in advance!
    PS: i don't have access to change server settings :(

  6. here's what i want to do:

    i have a table which has id's and i want to select them in one query, then put them in an array...


    table example:

    id                  name          surname

    1                  john              doe

    2                 johnny          tacev



    19384          travis          malega


    i tried this:

    $query = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id) AS id_coll FROM table ORDER BY id DESC";

    $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("no query");

    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
    {    $cs = implode(", ", $row);



    it works but only for the first 256 rows... i can't change server settings...


    please help me with this, it doesn't matter if i need to change the query in any other way. i just need to have the id's in an array (1,2,3,......,19384)




    PS: i hope i posted in the right section

  7. here's what i want to do:

    i have a table which has id's and i want to select them in one query, then put them in an array...


    table example:

    id                  name          surname

    1                  john              doe

    2                 johnny          tacev



    19384          travis          malega


    i tried this:

    $query = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id) AS id_coll FROM table ORDER BY id DESC";

    $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("no query");

    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
    {    $cs = implode(", ", $row);



    it works but only for the first 256 rows... i can't change server settings...


    please help me with this




    PS: i hope i posted in the right section

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