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Everything posted by questsword

  1. I finally figured it out. My php.ini file was really named php.ini-development, which meant it was not being found by the development server. I was really nice of the php developers to intentionally screw up the php configuration file. Oh well. You all have been very helpful with your suggestions. Thank you.
  2. Thanks for your help. Unfortunately, my loaded configuration file in phpinfo() says none even though I have the php.ini file in the same folder as php.exe. However, the configuration file path points toward c:\windows. I have thrown a copy of the .ini file in there as well, but nothing happened. Still getting none for the loaded configuration file.
  3. What I think I need to ask is how to configure php extensions to work properly. None of my extensions are loading. PHP is not loading them when the development server is starting. I think my first step is to figure out why they are not loading and fix that first. BTW, thank you for your help so far. I appreciate it.
  4. Also, should I be editing both php.ini files that come with the php installation? I have both a development and production php.ini file.
  5. That snippet of code came back false.
  6. Here is the issue I seem to be having: I cannot seem to enablemy extensions so that php can access the sql libraries. I am running this code to show my extensions: <?php // extensions_list.php $list = get_loaded_extensions(); $list2 = array_map('strtolower',$list); sort($list2); echo '<pre>'.print_r($list2,true).'</pre>'; ?> and this is what I get: Array( [0] => bcmath [1] => calendar [2] => cli_server [3] => core [4] => ctype [5] => date [6] => dom [7] => ereg [8] => filter [9] => ftp [10] => hash [11] => iconv [12] => json [13] => libxml [14] => mcrypt [15] => mhash [16] => mysqlnd [17] => odbc [18] => pcre [19] => pdo [20] => phar [21] => reflection [22] => session [23] => simplexml [24] => spl [25] => standard [26] => tokenizer [27] => wddx [28] => xml [29] => xmlreader [30] => xmlwriter [31] => zip [32] => zlib) In the php.ini file, I have removed the semicolons for both the mysql and mysqli extensions to enable them, just like many guides online have said to do, but I can't seem to get the php libraries to load. Do you have any suggestions you could give me?
  7. @ gristoi: thank you for the correction, however, that was me typing out the error message I recieved, not copying it. Spelling error. My bad. @DaveyK: What is mysqli? Is it any different from mysql? How do I configure php to use it?
  8. I have a bit of an interesting problem concerning the configuration of php and mysql. I cannot configure them to work together. Whenever try to connect to a mysql database, I get the following error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function mysql connect( ) . I am currently using the latest version of mysql and php and am using a Windows 7 box as the server. Due to certain restrictions, I cannot use a preconfigured web server or package (no xampp, apache or easyphp). Therefore, I am pretty much restricted to using the built-in development server that comes with php. So far, I have done the editing to the php.ini file, removed the semicolon from php_mysql.dll to remove the ; and changed extension_dir = "C:\PHP\ext" to reflect my extension folder. I guess the two questions I have are: A) can the php 5.4 included development server even connect to a mysql database B) if so, can anyone provide me with some possible fixes to this configuration problem? Any help given is appreciated.
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