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Posts posted by SharkEye

  1. hey people... you know you lot dont half work hard helping all these people out! its amazing!


    anyway... i have eddited the \'httpd.conf\' file


    ErrorDocument 404 http://jamesmills.homeip.net/error/404.php


    ok so when i type in


    it goes to error page


    when i type in

    http://jamesmills.homeip.net/nopage.htm or .html

    it make the default error page!!


    any help please


    thanks very much

  2. thanks very much for your help but that has not made it work! i added that bit of code to the script on the page that you told me to and it still does not work?


    anything else? i really dont know what i am doing wrong

  3. I have just set up serve on my pc and got php and mysql and stuff


    I am trying to get started by using a very simple script to gather data from a form and add it to the database and then read all teh data into a table. I am using a book and i have all the code right i am sure but it is not working. What i do not understand is that it worked the first tiem i did it but not anymore :S


    Can anyone maybe help me by testign the files on there server or somthing? or shall i post code on this site?


    OR does anyone know of anything (any settings) that i might have to change? Thanks veyr much James


    I know i have the db and table set up ok!


    <form name="form1" method="post" action="handle_form.php">
     <p>First Name 
       <input name="Array[firstName]" type="text" id="sadfsdf">
     <p>Last Name 
       <input name="Array[lastName]" type="text" id="Array[firstName]">
     <p>EMail Address 
       <input type="text" name="Array[email]">
       <input type="text" name="Array[DOB]">
       <textarea name="Array[info]"></textarea>
       <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">


    //Database Info
    $host = "localhost";
    $user = "";
    $password = "";
    $dbName = "jmusers";
    $tableName = "userInfo";
    //Connect to the database
    $link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $password);
    $query = "INSERT into $tableName values 
    (\'0\', \'$Array[firstName]\',\'$Array[lastName]\',\'$Array[email]\',\'$Array[DOB]\',\'$Array[info]\')";
    print "The query is:<BR>$query<P>n";
    if (mysql_db_query($dbName, $query, $link)) {
    print "The query was successfully executed<br><br>";
    else {
    print "The query could not be executed";
    //close the link to the database


    //Database Info
    $host = "localhost";
    $user = "";
    $password = "";
    $dbName = "jmusers";
    $tableName = "userInfo";
    //Connect to the database
    $link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $password);
    $query = "SELECT * from $tableName";
    $result = mysql_db_query ($dbName, $query, $link);
    //creat a table to show the table results in
    print "<table border=1 width ="100%" cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2 align=center>n";
    print "<tr align=center valign=top>n";
    print "<td align=center valigntop>Name</td>n";
    print "<td align=center valigntop>EMail</td>n";
    print "<td align=center valigntop>DOB</td>n";
    print "<td align=center valigntop>Comments/Info</td>n";
    print "</tr>n";
    //fetch the results from the database
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    print "<tr align=center valign=top>n";
    print "<td align=center valign=top>$row[firstName] $row[firstName]</td>n";
    print "<td align=center valign=top>$row[email]</td>n";
    print "<td align=center valign=top>$row[DOB]</td>n";
    print "<td align=center valign=top>$row[info]</td>n";
    print "</tr>n";
    //close the link to the database
    print "</table>n";

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