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Posts posted by scotty68

  1. A second problem i have is when viewing an image i get this


    Warning: imagesx() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /home/broshare/public_html/show-image.php on line 210

    Warning: imagesy() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /home/broshare/public_html/show-image.php on line 211


    i presume its to do with the image resize as they go off the screen?

  2. Ok as i said in my intro im more of a desiner lol.

    Any way i brought and image hosting script, and spent hors getting to look the way i wanted.

    but have found two problems.

    the first is when a user first logs in the create a name and pw, but also they have to create a user pass.

    this is for protecting private images. anyway theres no way to change this pass unless they change there main pass as well.

    in my acount they have old pass new pass user pass.

    im playing with the code but cant figure it out. basically id like the user pass to chabge on its own.


    heres the code some one might understand it



    $link = mysql_connect($server, $user, $pass);
    if(!mysql_select_db($database)) die(mysql_error());




    <title><? echo $webtitle; ?> - Free Image Hosting</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" />

    <meta name="description" content="<? echo $description; ?>" />
    <meta name="keywords" content="<? echo $keywords; ?>" />


    <body link="#336699" vlink="#336699" alink="#336699">
    <?php include("header.php"); ?>

    <div class="content-container">

    <!-- ######################################################################################### -->


    if ($session == true)
       if (isset($_GET["act"])) {
          $act = $_GET["act"];

           if ($act == "logout") {
              echo "You are signed out completely.";
              echo "<br /><br /><a href='index.php'>Click here</a> to goto the main page";
              echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"2; url='index.php'\" />";
       else {

          echo "<center><h1>Members Area</h1></center>";
          echo "<font color=#233c9b size=3><center><b>";   

          if (isset($_POST["newpass"])) {
              $oldpass = trim($_POST["oldpass"]);
              $newpass = trim($_POST["newpass"]);
              $userpass = trim($_POST["userpass"]);
              echo "<br />";
              if (($oldpass != "") and ($newpass != "") and ($userpass != "")) {
                  if (strlen($newpass) > 5) {
                      $r = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `members` WHERE (id = '$userid') AND (password = '$oldpass')");
                      $n = mysql_num_rows($r);
                      if ($n) {
                         if (mysql_query("UPDATE `members` SET password = '$newpass', userpass = '$userpass' WHERE id = '$userid'"))
                             echo "Your password was changed successfully !";
                             $_SESSION["imagehost-pass"] = $newpass;
                            echo "Sorry ! The password could not be changed due to some reason.";                 

                         echo "Sorry ! Your old password is wrong.";
                      echo "Sorry ! Your new password is smaller than 6 characters.";
                  echo "Please fill in all the fields first !";

          echo "</font></center></b>";
          echo "<br /><center><a href='#'
                   <img src='images/view_private.png' border=0></a><br>";

          echo "<div class='PrivatePassBox' id='privatepass'>
                   <img src='images/help.gif' border=0>  
                   Your password to view private images is \"$userpass\"<br><br>
                   <a href='#' onclick=\"getElementById('privatepass').style.display='none'\">Hide Window</a>

          echo "<br><br><table align=center style=\"BORDER: #535353 2px solid; BACKGROUND: #333333\" width=400>
                <tr align=center>
                  <td width=100><a href='myimages.php'></a></td>
                   <table width=250><tr>
                      <td valign=top style=\"BORDER-BOTTOM: #FFF 1px dashed; PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px\">
                         <a href='myimages.php'>My Images</a>
                   </tr><tr height=50>
                      <td><LABEL id='text'>Manage your public and private images</LABEL></td>
          echo "<br><br><table align=center style=\"BORDER: #535353 2px solid; BACKGROUND: #333333\" width=400>
                <tr align=center>
                  <td width=100><a href='mygalleries.php'></a></td>
                   <table width=250><tr>
                      <td valign=top style=\"BORDER-BOTTOM: #FFF 1px dashed; PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px\">
                         <a href='mygalleries.php'>My galleries</a>
                   </tr><tr height=50>
                      <td><LABEL id='text'>Create, edit and delete public and private galleries</LABEL></td>

          echo "<br><br><table align=center style=\"BORDER: #535353 2px solid; BACKGROUND: #333333\" width=400>
                <tr align=center>
                  <td width=100><a href='myfavourites.php'></a></td>
                   <table width=250><tr>
                      <td valign=top style=\"BORDER-BOTTOM: #FFF 1px dashed; PADDING-BOTTOM: 5px\">
                         <a href='myfavourites.php'>My Favourite Images</a>
                   </tr><tr height=50>
                      <td><LABEL id='text'>View and manage your favourite images.</LABEL></td>

          echo "<br><br><a href='index.php'><img src='images/upload.png' border=0></a></center>";

          echo "<br><br><hr color=#FFF><br><table align=center style=background-color:transparent;><tr><td height=30 valign=top><h2>Change Password:</h2></td></tr>";
          echo "<tr><td><form method=POST action='account.php' name='myForm'><font size=2>Old Password:</td>
                <td><input type=password name='oldpass' size=28></td></tr>
                <tr><td><font size=2>New Password:</td><td><input type=password name='newpass' size=28></td></tr>
                <tr><td><font size=2>User Password:</td><td><input type=password name='userpass' size=28></td></tr>
                <tr><td> </td><td> <a href=#><img src='images/save_changes.png' border=0 onclick='myForm.submit();'></a>
                <tr><td>     </td></tr></form></table>";


      echo "You must sign-in first in order to view your account.<br><a href=\"login.php\">Click here</a> to login.";


    <!-- ######################################################################################### -->         

    <?php  include("footer.php"); ?>


  3. Hi guys im scotty68 huge web geek own a few sites etc. im a designer not much of a coder but learning as i go.

    Glad to of found this forum. hope i can help and learn at the same time. Look forward to meeting you all. ::)

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