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  1. Thanks for the link.. is there any other example that will answer my question? its been 4 days im searching for the answer..
  2. Im sorry.. i dont know how to translate into php language
  3. Thanks @guru.. but is this php?
  4. This is example of my record: year quanitity name 2012 10 john 2012 20 mark 2013 30 david 2013 40 alex 2014 50 stacy while (!$report->EOF){ if(is_null($year) || $year <> $report->fields['year']) { $year = $report->fields['year']; ?> <tr><td align="center" colspan="2" >Year : </td><td><?=$year ?></td></tr> <? } ?> <tr><td align="center" colspan="2" >Quantity : </td><td><?=$report->fields['quanitity'] ?></td></tr> <? $report->MoveNext(); } How to do so the result goes like this 1) group by years 2) total quantity for each year year : 2012 name : john quantity : 10 name : mark quantity : 20 Total : 30 year : 2013 name : david quantity : 30 name : alex quantity : 40 Total : 70
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