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Posts posted by icode919

  1. Yes they use cookies mate, They store the sites you visit and searches you do and then the google ads show ads that are related to what your looking for, Not sure where you can learn more though I'm afraid

    Thanks buddy atleast you guided me a bit.. :)  if you find anything useful for me.. please link me...


    waiting for some more guide..

  2. Hello guys,

                i am surprised and a lot confused with this tihng always..


    Hope you guys can guide me best !


    Well, i have seen that ad networks and such media companies always uses the user data from browser to show them ads , and rest responses based on their activities.


    So, my questions goes here:


    1)  How do they watch user activites ?


    - Do they store cookies / sessions or they uses public information using various API's and save those data to DB ? and then show ads based on it ???


    2) What is the best option to receive user browser activity like his age, gender, public data and save them to database when user visit the site ??


    3) At what level those previledges are available ?


    4) Is there any site where i can find something that can guide me way up !



    Well thanks in advance..


    looking forward for some guide.. :)

  3. data will be in format like:



      "id": "100000028881959",   "name": "username",   "first_name": "name",   "last_name": "last",   "link": "https://www.facebook.com/uid",   "username": "uid",   "gender": "male",   "locale": "en_US"

    then similar for Twitter / Google+


    that is the cookie data i am talking about..

    never had experienced with storing cookie data to database.. :(

  4. ok.. let me describe more..


    i have read nearly lot how to get details from social network sites using there API's.


    but i don't understand how to save them to db.. got me ? i can get data if i only wanna see... but i wanna store them to db once my cookie fetch any data on the device.


    now is that better explanation ? :)

  5. hello guys,

                 i am not an expert to PHP, but still..


    Well, i want to know how to fetch public available data from social network sites like: facebook, twitter, google+ etc.


    with help of cookies and then save them same time to database.....


    is it possible ?


    and if YES ! Then please guide me up.


    Thanks a lot..    :)

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