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Everything posted by jmag
I actually just figured it out - wasn't the css that was the problem, problem was that IE didn't get any style properties... .setAttribute in JS is not supported neither by IE6 or 7. Thanx anyways!
Hello, I've got a problem in a project I'm working on. There's a this large table acting as a calendar with some text in some cells, the text is linked and takes you to another page. But on mouseover a div is shown with some extra info. Now, the main problem is that I want the div that pops up to be absolute positioned and "float" on top of everything. I can do this if I wrap the text in another div, but that seems like a bit bloated. I'd like to do it without the div if possible. Besides, that only works for firefox, not IE where the table cell extends with the new content when I hover over the text. Anyone got any tips or hints on how to make the table cell position relative or some other way to make a div float on top of the page and has it working in multiple browsers and plattforms? I'm happy with anything, been trying diffrent stuff out for the past 2 days now... Cheers
I'm actually just trying stuff out, but it would be cool to be able to do it. Lets say I've got 3 or 4 columns and I want them to float next to eachother, but one or two of them should take the leftover space and just divide it between them. If a site is supposed to be perhaps 900px wide, and then 2 columns are 150px each. Then I want the other columns to just take up what space is left over and fill it without getting on the next line. here's a sample of what I had in mind. CSS: [code] div { border: 1px #000000 solid; padding: 3px; margin: 3px; } #header, #footer { width: 900px; clear: both; } #content { width: 900px; } #menu, #somespace { float: left; width: 200px; background-color: #eeeeee; } #main, #fourth { float: left; width: 200px; background-color: #FF0000; }[/code] HTML: [code] <div name="header" id="header"> header </div> <div name="content" id="content"> <div name="menu" id="menu"> menu </div> <div name="main" id="main"> main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content main content </div> <div name="somespace" id="somespace"> bannerspace </div> <div name="fourth" id="fourth"> fourth column </div> </div> <div name="footer" id="footer"> footer </div>[/code]
sry for the late reply, been away for a couple of days... anyhoot, the files are just copied over via windowsexplorer or whatever other may be suitable. It isn't an upload script or anything, it just scans a folder for pictures and, if there are, it looks for the same filename with the prefix "tn_", if that doesn't exist it creates the thumbnail and write it to the disc. this is where there problem occurs, depending on the size of the pictures it may vary how many it can handle before it crashes. it's just a loop, and it seems like it chokes on all pictures being sent for resizing... just tell me if you want to take a look at the code, I'll post it again at nopaste... easier to read the code there and the post here won't be as long. cheers!
after what I've read up on you have to remove any extra whitespace you might have at the top or end of the file. That seems to be the things in common when other have had the same error. either [a href=\"http://www.google.com\" target=\"_blank\"]google[/a] for that error msg, or you could read a bit [a href=\"http://wordpress.org/support/topic/7713\" target=\"_blank\"]here[/a] about it. just scroll down, it takes awhile till they address the problem. but my tip is to look for whitespace, make sure it's all eliminated where possible at the start and end. HTH.
this is pretty much exactly the same as I do and same problem, although it never displays incorrectly after what I've noticed. The thing is I'm not exatly sure that my server is the problem, it's just a guess... but still, anyone? any more hints/tips?
Thanx for all tips and answers. However, the files are written to the disc, so a thumb is only created once and then just shown with <img src... /> My problem isn't when they are just supposed to be shown, the problem is that first time someone enters a directory and thums are created and written to the disc. I know my server isn't very powerful (amd1800+, 256mb ram), but being a development server it's just some old stuff put together. But even still there should be some way to make it que all thumbs to be created so it doesn't sort of choke. Or perhaps it's a server config I should make? I guess that depending on the size of the files, the limit is somewhere around 20-30 pics in one dir. More than that it crashes and reboots. Here's a new link to the code since the old one expired: [a href=\"http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/ah7NdK82.html\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/ah7NdK82.html[/a] thanx alot.
I think easiest way would be to have two pages. One page listing downloadable files, then when a user clicks a file they are redirected to another page which updates the database and serves them the file.
*bump* anyone?
It appears that the element size can't be equal to the window size, it has to be less. It makes atleast my IE crash for some reason. this works: [code]width: expression(document.body.clientWidth < 950? "920px": "auto" );[/code] while this doesn't: [code]width: expression(document.body.clientWidth < 950? "950px": "auto" );[/code]
Hello, I've got this wrapper-div I want to be atleast 950px. So I used the min-width, knowing it-don't work in IE, so I came here to find the fix for it. All good until I make the IE window less than 950px. I took a look at the link which is in AndyB's post further down where the fix seems to originate from, and even copied the code from that page and just changing the values to my specs. Even still it crashes IE. But the links page where I copied it from works perfectly. does anyone see anything wrong with this bit? Here are all the divs in my css. [code]#wrapper { min-width: 950px; width: expression(document.body.clientWidth < 950 ? "950px": "auto" ); } #logoholder { background-image: url(../img/logo2.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; height: 115px; width: 100%; float: left; } #mainrow { background-color: #ffffff; width: 100%; height: 385px; float: left; } #maincontainer { height: 385px; width: 500px; padding: 5px 140px 5px 10px; vertical-align: top; float: left; } #rightcontainer { float: right; height: 385px; width: auto; text-align: right; background-color: #ffffff; vertical-align: top; } #menu { padding-top: 6px; padding-left: 3px; float: left; }[/code]
you could use strpos() to check for it pretty easily. something like this might work: [code]if(isset($_POST["tool_icon"]) && strpos($_POST["tool_icon"], ".gif") != FALSE) { //enter stuff into database } else { //echo the form again }[/code] hope it helps.
Hello, I've got a small script that when a folder is entered it looks for thumbnails, if there aren't any they are created. so for each folder it's only being done once. However, sometimes a folder can contain up to a hundred highres photos, and my development can't quite handle that amount of data since the PHP engine seems to be sending a new pic for resizing and writing to the disc faster than the computer can do each image. Now my Q is this: is there any way to tell the phpscript to send an image, wait till it's done, then do next? just to make sure the server can handle everything without crashing/rebooting even if there are lots of images. I got a strong guess that this also would increase the perfomance of the script since it won't try to do everything and then choke. the script can be viewed here if necessary: [a href=\"http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/62AqLi91.html\" target=\"_blank\"]http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/62AqLi91.html[/a] Thanx in advance for any help!
Nvm the query, I got it :> SELECT * FROM pics AS pic LEFT JOIN pic_con AS conn ON pic.pic_id = conn.pic_id WHERE conn.page_id = '1';
Hello, I believe this should be fairly simple, but I'm not quite sure how to do it. I store some imagedata in a table and in another table I store which pages this image might be connected to. Lets see if I manage to put it on print: All pictures that have pic_type right should be selected from the pics table and are connected to the current page being viewed. the start of the query I came up with looks like this: SELECT pic.*, conn.* FROM pics AS pic, pic_con AS conn WHERE pic.pic_type = 'right' AND conn.page_id = '1'; But there aren't any connection in that so I fetch the right rows from the pic_con, is it? well, beats me... the table layouts look like this: pics: pic_id, pic_src, pic_alt, pic_caption, pic_link, pic_type and pic_id is the primary key pic_con: pic_id, page_id, page_sortorder where pic_id and page_id is a combined primary key Greatful for any help! [i]Edit:[/i] I actually made the query work... forgot the from clause. But it returns the data a bit wrong. I get one pic_id from the pics table and on the same row another pic_id is returned from the pic_con table. It would also be great if I in the same query get a random row from the result, so in the end only one row is returned.
excellent... I'm going with the second example since the key values might not be linear, they are id's pulled from a database table. But this should also mean that if the key exists the value would never be empty, so the if-statement doesn't do any good anymore? thanx heaps!
Hey, this might look stupid, but I need clarification that I got it all right... These three ways of checking for an array key should come to the same result, shouldn't it? [code] for($i = 0; $i <= $array_pageLength; $i++) { if(!empty($array_page[$i]) && $array_page[$i] != "" && $array_page[$i] != NULL) //do something clever } //end for[/code] [code] for($i = 0; $i <= $array_pageLength; $i++) { if(!empty($array_page[$i])) //do something clever } //end for[/code] [code] for($i = 0; $i <= $array_pageLength; $i++) { if(array_key_exists($i, $array_page)) //do something clever } //end for[/code] $array_pageLength is set using count($array_page); right, wrong, better way to do it other than these? thanx in advance.
The post by insrtsnhere13 isn't actually accurate, since if you name the radiobuttons diffrently they may all be selected. Then you may as well use checkboxes. Radios are supposed to have the same name, and then you can assign them a value like so: [code]<input type='radio' name='newstype' value='1'>Business</input> <input type='radio' name='newstype' value='2'>Student Union</input> <input type='radio' name='newstype' value='3'>Employer News</input> <input type='radio' name='newstype' value='4'>16-19 Years</input> <input type='radio' name='newstype' value='5'>Adult News</input>[/code] then I'd suggest you have a column in the database table called "newstype" for example with datatype Enum. Enumerated values are predefined when you create the table by yourself, which means you can say that this column in the database only accepts the values 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. ([a href=\"http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/enum.html\" target=\"_blank\"]read all about enum here[/a]) When pulling data from the table you know for instance that 1 is business etc. This also means you can take the values directly from the radiobutton and insert it into the database, no if-statement or nothing required...
Hey, as it states in the PHP manual the mail() function isn't suitable for looping and sending heaps of mail and isn't resource effective: [a href=\"http://se.php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php\" target=\"_blank\"]http://se.php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php[/a] [!--quoteo--][div class=\'quotetop\']QUOTE[/div][div class=\'quotemain\'][!--quotec--]Note: It is worth noting that the mail() function is not suitable for larger volumes of email in a loop. This function opens and closes an SMTP socket for each email, which is not very efficient.[/quote] so you might want to read up on sending mail with [a href=\"http://pear.php.net/package/Mail\" target=\"_blank\"]PEAR[/a] which would be more suitable for this.
excellent! works like a charm - thank you!
looks like it creates an array in the array, this is what it looked like earlier too. [code]Array ( [0] => Array ( [page_id] => 1 [page_name] => Startsidan ) [1] => Array ( [page_id] => 2 [page_name] => Guld ) [2] => Array ( [page_id] => 3 [page_name] => Ur ) [3] => Array ( [page_id] => 4 [page_name] => Bröllop ) [4] => Array ( [page_id] => 5 [page_name] => Om oss ) [5] => Array ( [page_id] => 6 [page_name] => Kontakt ) )[/code]
Hello, I have a result I want to use on several places, not just one, so I figured I read it all into an array. For some reason though it won't take my keys I want to use, so I get the error undefined index bla bla.. this is what it looks like now: [code] $q_page = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pages"); if(!$q_page) $message = "<p><span class=\"error\"><b>An error has occured, couldn't fetch pagenames:</b></span> " . mysql_error() . "</p>"; else { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($q_page)) { $array_page[] = array( "page_id" => $row["page_id"], "page_name" => $row["page_name"] ); } //end while } //end else[/code] I should mention though that I first tried it another way which I would prefer, but I don't really know how to extend the array dynamically for the number of keys that my exist. In this case I knew there would only be two dimensions in the array, but I still don't think I got it right...: [code] $q_page = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pages"); if(!$q_page) $message = "<p><span class=\"error\"><b>An error has occured, couldn't fetch pagenames:</b></span> " . mysql_error() . "</p>"; else { while($row = mysql_fetch_array($q_page)) { foreach($row as $key => $val) { echo $key . " => " . $val . "<br />"; $array_page[] = array( $key => $val, $key => $val ); } //end foreach } //end while } //end else[/code] any help is appreciated! And I'd be glad if I just got the top version to work, the other one would be a bonus ;>